The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 142: Leaked secret

Military training ends at 3:30 in the afternoon.

After the military training, Luo Ziling ignored the call of the three guys in the dormitory, and quickly ran back to the room to take a shower.

After taking a shower, I took the bag with the treatment equipment and went out.

When he ran out of the bedroom door, Cao Jianhui, Li Fuming and Wu Longjiang just walked to the door of the bedroom.

"Boss, why are you going?" Cao Jianhui stopped Luo Ziling and asked in surprise: "You won't go to treat people again?"

"Yes, someone is waiting, I want to go right away," Luo Ziling said, shaking off Cao Jianhui's hand, ran to the direction of the stairs quickly, and shouted as he ran, "I won't be back for dinner, so I will leave the door for me at night. ."

While talking, Luo Ziling's trace was gone, leaving only three roommates with dumbfounded faces.

"This guy, there must be a lot of things hidden from us," Cao Jianhui said meaningfully, looking at the direction of Luo Ziling's disappearance, "I have to investigate it carefully and save big things."

After returning to the dormitory, Cao Jianhui called his brother Cao Jianguang and asked him to check Luo Ziling's information.

Cao Jianguang works in the Ministry of Education and is in a relatively important position. Cao Jianhui feels that his brother can help find all the news about Luo Ziling.

About half an hour later, Cao Jianguang called back and told him that Luo Ziling's information was nothing special. This was just a special enrollment from the northwest. And Luo Ziling's parents and other details are not recorded.

This made Cao Jianhui quite disappointed, but from the information that Cao Jianguang gave back, he also felt that Luo Ziling's identity was not simple, otherwise the information could not be unrecorded. He was even more curious about Luo Ziling's situation. Cao Jianhui thought for a while and felt that he should find an opportunity to have a good chat with Luo Ziling alone, and get something useful from Luo Ziling's mouth.

Cao Jianhui didn't think that Luo Ziling was just an ordinary student. He was so handsome and had a temperament that was not comparable to ordinary people. He was also specially recruited. Moreover, his whereabouts were secretive after coming to school. No matter which one shows his roommate is not a simple character.

Cao Jianhui was not reconciled if he did not clarify Luo Ziling's identity information.

Luo Ziling naturally didn't know that after he ran out of the apartment building, Cao Jianhui would call his brother to investigate his situation. What he thinks now is to go with Ouyang Feifei as soon as possible to treat her, and then go to Yang Qingyin's appointment and have dinner together after the treatment.

When Luo Ziling ran to the gate of the school, it was already 4:01. He had seen Ouyang Feifei’s motorcade parked in a slightly wider place waiting. Several bodyguards and Ouyang Feifei's assistant Wang Qing stood beside the car.

When Luo Ziling, wearing big-frame glasses and a hat, ran quickly, Wang Qing recognized it quickly and stopped the bodyguard's stress response. Luo Ziling ran to the Rolls Royce, pulled the door and sat in.

On the back seat, naturally sat Ouyang Feifei, who was naturally dressed and very noble.

Ouyang Feifei dresses differently every day, but the style is similar.

Today he is still in a black suit with a small lapel, and a white shirt with a straight collar inside, with his hair tied high above his head, looking noble and intellectual, indescribably beautiful. With the right curvature of her chest, she proudly declared her good figure to the world. The exquisite facial features can lock the eyes of any man, Luo Ziling admits at any time, this is a beautiful měinǚ that makes all men's heart touch.

But after thinking of the things that cannot be told to others between the two people, the only thing Luo Ziling can do is shake his head and sigh.

"I was so embarrassed yesterday," Luo Ziling took the initiative to apologize after getting in the car, "I also hope that you will get a lot of money and don't be angry."

"How dare I be angry with you? Am I qualified to be angry with you?" Ouyang Feifei turned her face and looked at Luo Ziling calmly, "I am just a divorced woman. Why should I be angry with you?"

Luo Ziling's head was big, he could only smile in a jealousy, not daring to say anything.

Unexpectedly, Ouyang Feifei actually cares so much about retiring.

The two came to Ouyang Feifei's residence in silence all the way. After the car stopped, Wang Qing, who was dressed like Ouyang Feifei, came over to open the door blankly. Luo Ziling opened the door and jumped out of the car. After Ouyang Feifei stepped out of the car gracefully and walked into the villa, he followed behind.

After entering the house, Ouyang Feifei still took a shower and changed her clothes. After changing to her pajamas, she lay down on the bed and received Luo Ziling's treatment.

Luo Ziling still uses acupuncture, but the acupoints are different from yesterday.

In addition to some acupuncture points on the back, shoulders, and legs, there are also a few acupuncture points on the arms.

The speed of needle sticking is still very fast, and the needle is transported by air, but the two needle types of "burning mountain fire" and "toxinliang" used yesterday have not been used. He didn't want to take too much physical effort today. Yesterday he was too devoted to the treatment, and he made a joke. Today he doesn't want to make the same mistake again, and will go to dinner with Yang Qingyin in a while. It would be too shameful to be physically exhausted and yawn for a while while dating Yang Qingyin.

Although he didn't exhaust all his energy to treat Ouyang Feifei like yesterday, Luo Ziling was still sweating profusely and consumed a lot of energy.

After all the needles were báchūlái, Luo Ziling sighed.

After carefully inspecting the needle sticking place, after confirming that there is nothing unusual ~ Luo Ziling prepared Ouyang Feifei's clothes.

Then he took out a few applicators from the bag and handed them to Wang Qing: "When I go to bed today, apply them to the acupuncture points for her."

Luo Ziling talked about which acupuncture points to apply, and how to apply it. He was afraid that Ouyang Feifei and Wang Qing could not remember clearly, so he took a piece of paper and wrote it down.

"I'll go back first," Luo Ziling immediately said goodbye after finishing this, "I will have dinner with my classmates in the evening, and I will come back tomorrow to continue the treatment for you. After the treatment tomorrow, I will pause for a few days to see the effect. According to the results, I Make further adjustments. The medicine you are taking is the same as yesterday, and you must take the medicine on time. After the treatment for this period of time is effective, the final desensitization treatment can be carried out. If all the treatments are effective, it should be completely cut off. After a few more years of recuperation, everything will be fine."

"Okay, thank you!" After Ouyang Feifei thanked him, she told Wang Qing to send Luo Ziling back, without saying anything else.

Luo Ziling followed Wang Qing down the stairs and came to the door of the villa. When he was about to get on the bus, Wang Qing suddenly said: "Yesterday was the first time Xiaojie took the initiative to invite someone to dinner!"

"Huh?!" Luo Ziling was dumbfounded, and suddenly didn't react.

"Xiaojie is angry!" After Wang Qing said another sentence, he walked into the villa with his head high.

When he got in the car, Luo Ziling was still recalling what Wang Qing said.

He knew how angry Ouyang Feifei was yesterday.

But he was also a little bit happy in his heart, he was actually the first man Ouyang Feifei took the initiative to invite dinner.

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