The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 164: Another beautiful woman

The next day, Luo Ziling still participated in military training with a few other students.

During military training, the mobile phone must be turned off.

After the military training was over, when the phone was turned on again, Luo Ziling saw several missed calls.

There was a call from Ouyang Feifei, a fixed phone and an unrecorded mobile phone Hào code.

It was not the hào code in the address book, Luo Ziling ignored it, and he replied to Ouyang Feifei.

The phone rang for a long time before being picked up, but it was not Ouyang Feifei who answered the phone, but her assistant Wang Qing.

"President Ouyang is meeting with guests," Wang Qing said to Luo Ziling in an unsentimental tone: "I will contact you later."

Wang Qing's cold voice made the excitement in Luo Ziling's heart disappear in an instant. He made a polite sentence and hung up the phone.

"Boss, go to dinner," Cao Jianhui came from behind and asked curiously: "Which měinǚ to call again?"

"Several missed calls," Luo Ziling said a little depressed: "Leave him alone, go to dinner!"

He guessed that some of the other calls might have been made by someone from the police station, but he didn't want to reply and was not interested in paying attention to them.

After half a day of military training, the training intensity was quite strong. Luo Ziling's already hungry chest was attached to his back. After cleaning up, he immediately went to the cafeteria to eat with Cao Jianhui, Li Fuming, and Wu Longjiang.

Just after I finished the meal, I took two bites and the phone rang again.

I picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar Hào code, hesitated for a moment, and didn't answer it.

When I continued to eat, the phone rang again, and I saw the original Hào code.

After thinking about it, he took a few bites of food, then stood up and answered the phone.

After a "hello", a woman's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Ziling, are you at school?" The woman's voice was gentle, and it sounded very comfortable.

"I'm eating at school and in the cafeteria," the other party's voice was so nice, and Luo Ziling immediately got a good impression. He immediately answered honestly, and then asked: "Who are you?"

The other party did not answer Luo Ziling's question, but said directly: "I am waiting for you at the east gate of Yan University."

These words made Luo Ziling stunned for a moment, and couldn't help feeling angry, and wanted to refuse.

But the refusal had not been said yet, and the other party had hung up the phone, which made him even more angry.

After thinking about it, instead of going to the east gate as ordered by the calling woman, she sat down and continued to eat.

Because I was hungry, I ate quickly, as did the other guys.

After only a few moments, the four of them all finished their meal and left the canteen together, ready to go back to the bedroom.

After returning to the dormitory, Luo Ziling lay on the bed and thought about it, and finally said to the three companions: "I'm going out for a while. Someone just called and said they were looking for me outside the east gate."

"Is it from the police station?" Cao Jianhui suddenly looked nervous, "We will accompany you!"

"No," Luo Ziling shook his head, "You can go back to the dormitory and rest, I can go alone."

"Okay!" Seeing Luo Ziling's eyes were a bit weird, Cao Jianhui didn't insist.

Luo Ziling didn't change clothes, but put on those big-frame glasses.

I ran to the east gate of the school at a very fast speed and took out my mobile phone to check the time. It has been fifteen minutes since the woman called.

He didn't know who the woman who called him was, or where she was standing, so he ran to the east gate and looked around for a while.

There are many cars parked at the school gate, some of them are expensive luxury cars, and many luxury cars have women standing beside them. They are still pretty women. I don't know whether they are school students or people outside.

Luo Ziling looked around for a while, and finally found a very special woman standing by the east gate.

The tall and beautiful woman was carrying a few bags and stood arrogantly there. Her aura was so big that no one dared to talk to each other. Students or other passers-by would only dare to stand far away. Take a look.

When Luo Ziling paid attention to her anyway, no one came close.

After hesitating, he still walked towards the woman.

When Luo Ziling walked over, the woman's eyes kept staring at him, but she didn't say hello.

When the beautiful woman was near, Luo Ziling hesitated a bit, feeling a little afraid to walk over.

Because this woman had a cold and arrogant face, and she was indifferent from thousands of miles away, no wonder no one dared to come over.

But seeing the other person's eyes keep watching him, he finally walked over.

"Are you looking for me?" After approaching the beautiful woman, he asked in a low voice, and introduced himself: "I am Luo Ziling!"

When Luo Ziling said this, the woman's signature coldness faded suddenly, and her face softened: "Yes, I am looking for you."

"Who are you?" Luo Ziling looked at this beautiful woman with a good body, no matter where she went, her return rate exceeded 100%, "Do we know each other?"

"Someone asked me to see you," the woman smiled at Luo and explained: "It is not convenient for her to see you, so let me come. These are the gifts she bought for you. , You accept it."

If the woman's voice was soft, it was like a heavy thunder strike on Luo Ziling's heart, making him breathless.

Luo Ziling instantly understood that what the woman said must be "she".

He knew who this "she" represented immediately.

For an instant, he was a little dizzy, and he stayed there, looking at the smiling beautiful woman like a fool, unable to say a word, and did not reach out to pick up the bags she handed over.

Eye rims are a little hot, and there is a feeling in my heart that I can't describe---he can't describe his current mood at all.

Seeing Luo Ziling stunned there, the beautiful woman continued: "She was on the plane last night and only knew what had happened after she got off the plane. Originally, she wanted to come back right away, but it was too late, even if she was back on the nearest flight. It was late in the night. She personally called He Jianmiao and asked him to find out the case before this afternoon. She came back early this morning and asked about it in person."

Luo Ziling stared at the beautiful woman in front of her, unable to say a word, as if her throat was blocked by something.

"She can't come to see you yet, so she asks you to forgive me. She has unspeakable difficulties, and I hope you can understand." The beautiful woman said again: "She can rest assured, everything will be fine, you will soon Meet."

After hearing what the beautiful woman said, Luo Ziling finally couldn't help it, two lines of tears rolled from his eyes.

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