The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 203: purpose

After lunch, Lin Lan asked Luo Ziling to rest again, and she would be back in a while.

Luo Ziling didn't refuse either, and naturally ran to Lin Lan's bed and fell asleep indiscriminately.

In less than a minute, he fell asleep again until Lin Lan came back.

When Lin Lan came back, it was already half past one in the afternoon, more than an hour had passed since they finished their lunch.

"Eat enough and sleep well, I can do my best for you again," Luo Ziling couldn't help but joked as Lin Lan came in.

"Don't talk nonsense," Lin Lan said with an indifferent expression again, "Come with me, and help my comrades in arms first."

"Okay," Luo Ziling agreed, then got up and walked with Lin Lan.

After leaving the small building where Lin Lan lived, he came to another place.

The mountain eagle who had fought last time greeted him and stretched out his hand to Luo Ziling. "Mr. Luo, I'm sorry to trouble you again today."

Luo Ziling actually wanted to say that as long as you don't ask me to fight, you won't find it bothersome. But I am embarrassed to say such words, so I can only nodded and said modestly: "It's no trouble, you fight for your country and help you treat, I feel very honored."

Shanying smiled, did not say anything, motioned Luo Ziling to go in with him.

Shanying was in front, Lin Lan and Luo Ziling were behind, and the three of them walked into another small building with a different style.

After walking into the small building, Luo Ziling knew that this was the dormitory area for the Longteng team members, but the style of this dormitory area was different from the house where Lin Lan lived. There are several people in each room, and the facilities in the room are simpler.

It seems that Lin Lan's identity is not simple, the type of person who enjoys the treatment of an officer.

The wounded to be treated was in the medical room. When Luo Ziling entered, a soldier in a white coat was treating the wound for the wounded.

Shanying ordered the military doctor: "Let him come,"

"Yes," after the military doctor agreed, he stepped aside and handed the **** scene to Luo Ziling.

A young black-faced soldier suffered a leg injury. It was a gunshot wound. The injury was not minor. However, the wound has been debrided. Under normal circumstances, you only need to sew up, tie a bandage, and treat it with antibiotics for a few days. It's all right.

After checking the injury, Luo Ziling was surprised to ask Shanying: "This is a very ordinary gunshot wound. It did not damage the large blood vessels and bones. Your military doctor can handle it. Why should I help?"

After speaking, Luo Ziling was a little angry, feeling the smell of being tricked. He originally thought it was a difficult case, but he didn't expect it to be just an ordinary trauma. Ordinary surgeons would deal with this kind of injury. Luo Ziling suddenly became a little angry.

Lin Lan answered, "We want to see the effects of the treatment in your way."

Luo Ziling was unclear, so he looked at Lin Lan suspiciously.

Shan Ying motioned a look at Lin Lan, Lin Lan knew, and asked Luo Ziling to speak with her a few words alone.

"Take care of the wound first," the treatment is the first one. No matter what purpose they have, Luo Ziling will not let the wounded soldier interrupt the treatment.

If the treatment is interrupted, it will not only increase the risk of infection, but also the suffering of the soldiers.

Without waiting for Shanying and Lin Lan to say anything, Luo Ziling took out a few needles from his pocket. After disinfecting them with alcohol, they stuck them into the injured soldier’s leg without hesitation. After the bleeding was stopped, he carefully cleaned them up. Take a look at the wound, and take out the secret Jinchuang medicinal powder made at home to apply it to the wounded soldier.

After Luo Ziling's needle pierced the wound that was constantly bleeding, the bleeding rate became much slower. After his powder was poured in, the blood immediately stopped. After the bleeding stopped, Luo Ziling carefully applied the powder and asked the military doctor to help wrap the wound tightly with a bandage.

"No need for stitches?" The military doctor looked surprised.

The soldier's wound is quite big, so it is reasonable to have stitches to help heal.

Otherwise, there must be a very big scar, and it may not recover well.

"It's okay, you can see the result tomorrow." Luo Ziling waved his hand indifferently.

The military doctor wanted to say something, but Lin Lan stopped it. "My injury was treated by him, there is no scar at all."

Lin Lan's words left the military doctors speechless.

After dealing with the little soldier's injury, Luo Ziling stood up, packed his own things, and motioned Lin Lan to talk to him outside.

"Go ahead, what do you mean?" Luo Ziling said to Lin Lan a little unfriendly.

"We are interested in your powder," Lin Lan did not hide, "We have seen the miraculous effect of your self-prepared medicine, but many people still don't believe it. Our leaders also want to see the effect."

"That's your business, believe it or not, it has nothing to do with me," Luo Ziling became even more upset, doubting the efficacy of his medicine.

"If the drug is really effective, we will ask for it," Lin Lan stared at Luo Ziling very seriously. "You should know the benefits that the military can bring to you if you want to purchase this drug."

These words made Luo Ziling stunned for a moment, and then shook his head: "You don't have a chance to purchase it. The medicines my grandfather and I personally made according to the secret recipe are very small and impossible to mass produce."

Now Lin Lan was stunned. After thinking about it, she said, "Sell us the secret military will definitely pay a high price."

"Impossible." Luo Ziling shook his head and refused without hesitation. "That is our Luo family's secret recipe, which is used to treat diseases and save people. It is impossible to sell."

"Cooperating with us can bring you a lot of benefits." After thinking about it, Lin Lan decided to change her statement. "Also, this medicine can save the lives of many soldiers. Last time I was because of your medicine. And took a life back."

Luo Ziling has no interest in making money, so Lin Lan regards profit as his yòuhuò, he refused without hesitation.

But Lin Lan used to save the lives of soldiers as a pretext, and he was moved.

"I'll go back and consider it." In the end, he didn't refuse Lin Lan.

"Okay," Lin Lan agreed, with a rare smile, "I think shǒucháng will tell you about this tomorrow, and he will personally check the appearance of the miracle."

"Well, I'll talk about it at that time, and this matter requires my grandfather's approval. If he does not agree, I can't help it." Luo Ziling moved out of his grandfather.

"I will report what you said to the superior," Lin Lan said, and then gestured to Luo Ziling, "Follow me."

"Where to go?" Looking at the time, it is already more than two o'clock in the afternoon, and Luo Ziling wants to go back. Yang Qingyin will invite him to have a big meal tonight.

"Our captain wants to try martial arts with you."

"Captain?" Luo Ziling looked surprised, "Didn't you say it was a woman?"



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