The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 235: Sister, you look so beautiful

Both Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin had a good dream this evening.

Sleeping until you wake up naturally is a great pleasure in life.

Luo Ziling woke up at 7:30 in the morning, and went to bed at 10 o'clock last night. After sleeping for more than nine hours, he felt energetic. Just turned over, the WeChat message rang, and it was Yang Qingyin who sent it, and immediately opened it and read it.

"School boy, have you gotten up?" A few smirk expressions followed the message.

Luo Ziling replied a message with a smile on his face: "Senior sister, big friend, I just woke up and saw the news of senior sister as soon as I opened my eyes."

"Are you just waking up?" After two shy expressions, he added another sentence, "I just woke up too."

"It looks like Senior Sister had a good dream."

"Have you not had a dream?"


"What did you dream about?"

Seeing this news from Yang Qingyin, Luo Ziling couldn't help but get mischievous, and immediately replied: "Dreaming about Senior Sister."

As a result, Yang Qingyin returned two expressions with white eyes.

"Really, I also dreamed of taking my senior sister to ride a horse." Luo Ziling replied solemnly, without adding the emoticon hào.

"Then get up quickly and take the senior sister to ride a horse," Yang Qingyin's news came soon.

When Yang Qingyin received his news, a flowery smile appeared on his face.

Luo Ziling still didn't know that he was lucky to see Yang Qingyin so many smiles.

The classmates who get along with her day and night, and even her parents and family, rarely see her smile so brilliantly.

It's just that Luo Ziling continued to be "stubborn" and didn't regard this as his supreme glory.

Yang Qingyin is not like other women, it takes a long time to freshen up and dress up. She who never puts on powder, wakes up quickly in the morning. In less than twenty minutes, he dressed up and appeared in front of Luo Ziling.

From getting up in bed to dressing up, it took only twenty minutes for a beautiful girl in youth, which was very fast.

Hearing the knock on the door and opening the door to see Yang Qingyin who was about to knock on the door, Luo Ziling smiled unexpectedly: "I was going to go down and buy some breakfast. I didn't expect you to move so fast."

"Let's go to the restaurant to eat together," Yang Qingyin returned to Luo Ziling with a bright smile.

"Senior sister, you are so beautifully dressed. The rate of turning your head back must be 100%. Beware that the horses on the grassland are also attracted by your beautiful appearance." After seeing Yang Qingyin's dress up today, Luo Ziling couldn't help it. He joked, "If I lose my mind in front of you, don't mind."

Today's Yang Qingyin is still yesterday's underwear, but the hair is not combed into a ponytail, but scattered randomly.

In fact, Yang Qingyin didn't deliberately dress up, but her face was shy, which made people look very charming and charming.

Yang Qingyin was immediately blushed by Luo Ziling's words, but she was extremely happy in her heart.

After going to the restaurant below the hotel for breakfast, Luo Ziling took Yang Qingyin to a nearby horse farm.

There are many places to ride horses near the scenic spots on the grassland, but Luo Ziling couldn't help being a little depressed when he didn't see the horses he liked.

When he reached the fifth horse farm, Luo Ziling finally saw a good horse, but after choosing the horse, the horse farm owner poured cold water on him.

"Young man, this horse is very temperamental. I haven't fully tamed it since I was growing up on horseback, so don't think about it." The owner of the racecourse suggested that Luo Ziling choose other gentle horses to ride.

But Luo Ziling insisted on the horse and said he could tame it.

"Then let him try," Yang Qingyin said on the side.

With such a beautiful girl talking to him, the forty-something horse farm owner was suddenly excited, but in the end he did not refuse.

But he also told Luo Ziling Qian to be careful, and if the horse doesn't cooperate, don't force it to ride.

Luo Ziling looked deaf and slowly approached the horse.

The black horse that was grazing leisurely felt danger when Luo Ziling approached. After a long hiss, he raised his hoof and kicked, then ran away a few steps, facing Luo Ziling with his head.

Luo Ziling grew up in the northwest. The small mountain village is far from the town. The most important means of transportation is horses.

Grandpa is very good at riding, and Luo Ziling, who often accompanies horses, is also very proficient.

He once tamed a wild horse, but then the tamed wild horse fell off a cliff and fell to death.

Later, Luo Ziling and his grandfather did not specialize in raising horses, but Luo Liansheng contributed money to run a small horse farm in the name of the village collective, with many horses. He often rides horses, his martial arts are strong, and Luo Ziling's equestrian skills are very good.

Under the concerned attention of Yang Qingyin, Ye Xiaoli and the owner of the racecourse, Luo Ziling, who was approaching the dark horse again, suddenly jumped out of her body and jumped onto the horse with a volley.

Suddenly a person fell on his back, and the black horse was frightened, and immediately raised his hoof and jumped, trying to push Luo Ziling down.

But Luo Ziling's legs were clamped tightly between his horse's belly, and he pulled the reins, and fell down.

After the dark horse crashed for a few times, he didn't stop Luo Ziling down, and finally ran away angrily.

"Ziling, be Yang Qingyin, worried that Luo Ziling might have an accident, couldn't help but yelled.

Ye Xiaoli also looked nervous, but the horse farm owner who was worried just now is no longer nervous. He believes that Luo Ziling's equestrian skills are very good. Although this horse has a strong temperament, it is not difficult to surrender. It is only for ordinary people.

Sure enough, the madness of the dark horse did not cause any harm to Luo Ziling. He still sat firmly on the horse's back and drove the horse wildly across the grassland. After running for about ten minutes, the dark horse knew that there was no way to get Luo Ziling down, and eventually became honest, letting Luo Ziling drive him.

After a long lap, Luo Ziling rode his horse back to where Yang Qingyin stood.

"Senior sister, should you believe that I am not bragging?" Luo Ziling sat on the horseback and looked at Yang Qingyin condescendingly, "Do you want to ride?"

"Of course," Yang Qingyin looked at Luo Ziling with a smile, "You teach me."

"Let you ride a circle first," Luo Ziling stretched out his hand to Yang Qingyin.

Without any hesitation, Yang Qingyin handed his hand to Luo Ziling.

In an exclamation of "Yah", Yang Qingyin's body was lifted by Luo Ziling.

Luo Ziling grabbed Yang Qingyin with both hands, and then placed her firmly on the saddle in front of him.

When Luo Ziling lifted it up, Yang Qingyin was taken aback. After falling onto the saddle, she was a little flustered under a burst of tension.

Luo Ziling's hand wrapped around her waist, and with a slight pull, Yang Qingyin was leaning on his arms.

When Luo Ziling was in his arms in public, Yang Qingyin's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

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