The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 254: Underground worker

Because of Ling Ruonan's news, Luo Ziling felt much less depressed after getting up the next day.

After the morning exercise, while eating in the cafeteria, he received a message from Yang Qingyin.

"My dad won't let me go back to school today. I can't see you at school. But I will go shopping. We will find a place to meet again and wait for my news." Crying face.

"Okay," Luo Ziling's mood suddenly became depressed, but in order not to make Yang Qingyin more sad, he replied a joke, "Senior sister, then I will pretend to be an underground worker and meet you later. Or else , Let's make an appointment, how about it?"

Later, he added a string of smiles covering his mouth.

After Yang Qingyin returned two embarrassing expressions, he followed a message: "Well, I can't recognize you if you don't know how to dress up?"

"It's really possible!" Luo Ziling added a few triumphant smiles.

"Then what are you going to do with you?"

"Or, I say sheep, you say wolf, hey, it's a little homophonic with our last name." After sending this news, Luo Ziling couldn't help but laugh.

"You big bad wolf, are you going to eat my little sheep?" Seeing Luo Ziling's ridiculous text message, Yang Qingyin's mood a little better, and the text message content is not so heavy.

After Yang Qingyin told Luo Ziling the approximate meeting place, he sent another sentence, saying that he would contact again later, but no more news came.

Luo Ziling hurriedly finished breakfast, ignoring the female classmates who came to greet him, and ran back to the bedroom quickly.

After returning to the dormitory, he thought about it seriously, and finally changed into a set of casual clothes that Ling Ruonan gave him, put on the watch, combed his hair, and fixed it with Cao Jianhui's hair gel.

Seeing that his appearance was very different from usual, after turning into a very handsome young man, Luo Ziling put on sunglasses again.

But after seeing sunglasses on, he looked a bit nondescript, and finally changed his clothes.

A very ordinary sportswear, jeans and sneakers, a hat on the head and a pair of big glasses on the nose. After looking left and right in the mirror and looking up and down, I think no one can recognize his true face. Finish dressing up with satisfaction.

In order to try the effect of this outfit, Luo Ziling stood at the gate of the school for a while, only to find that no one noticed him, and only then satisfactorily went to the place Yang Qingyin said.

The place Yang Qingyin said was near the front door.

Luo Ziling took the subway directly and got off at Qianmen Station.

After getting out of the car, he wandered around the front door boredly, looking at his mobile phone while shopping.

When he arrived at Qianmen Station by car, it was exactly nine o'clock, but after walking past ten o'clock, he couldn't help but feel very depressed before he waited for Yang Qingyin's message. But he didn't take the initiative to send messages or call for inquiries. He believed Yang Qingyin would definitely contact him.

It was five minutes after eleven, and finally waited for Yang Qingyin's news.

"School brother, I'm so sorry, it's convenient for me now."

After Yang Qingyin's first message, he immediately followed another: "Fifteen minutes later, I will wait for you at the front store of Blue Mountain Coffee. When I get there, I will send you a box hào."

Later, another location sharing was sent over.

"I must be there on time." After Luo Ziling returned a message, he immediately walked in the direction of the location sharing.

When he struggled and finally found the Blue Mountain Coffee, news from Yang Qingyin arrived in time.

"On the second floor, Box 206. When you come up, don't bother with anyone you meet."

Luo Ziling responded with an OK gesture.

Putting the phone in his pocket, he walked directly into the coffee shop.

Going upstairs, he saw Xiaoli wearing sunglasses standing in the corridor, and another tall man.

When she saw him coming up, Xiaoli glanced, and immediately turned her eyes, but then quickly turned back.

I don't know what Xiaoli said, the man standing with her nodded and went downstairs.

When the man walked over, Luo Ziling walked in the other direction without facing the man.

After the man went downstairs, Luo Ziling turned his head and walked directly to Box 206.

Xiaoli didn't seem to see him, she looked away, neither said hello nor aimed at him.

When Luo Ziling opened the box door and stepped in, she still didn't respond.

"I am a sheep," Luo Ziling said softly when he walked into the box and saw Yang Qingyin sitting inside looking over.

"Big Bad Wolf," Yang Qingyin said with a smile, "Sit down and eat something first."

After Luo Ziling took off his hat and glasses, he sat down across from Yang Qingyin: "It's really like an underground worker. I will date you a few more times. I guess I can be an agent."

"Scared?" Yang Qingyin put away the smile on his face and looked straight at Luo Ziling, "If you are afraid, then I won't ask you next time."

She wants to go to school today, but her father Yang Yunlin doesn't allow it.

In her anger, Yang Yunlin gave in and said that it was okay to go to school, but she would take two more people.

Yang Qingyin didn't agree. She changed her mind about not going to school and going shopping for Yunlin agreed, still asking her to take a few people to the street, saying that there were too many tourists during the National Day holiday, and she was afraid of accidents.

Yang Qingyin didn't tear his face with his father, but after thinking about it, he agreed. This situation made Yang Qingyin very angry, so after hearing Luo Ziling said that dating was like an underground worker joint, she couldn't help but feel a bit resentful.

"Why?" Luo Ziling shook his head quickly, "knowing that you will take a few people with you when you go out, so I thought of an hào."

"Hey!" Yang Qingyin sighed, her expression depressed.

When she came out, she gave Ye Xiaoli some instructions and asked Ye Xiaoli to cooperate with her to open the other two bodyguards.

Ye Xiaoli agreed without hesitation.

In addition to Xiaoli who followed Yang Qingyin, there were two other male bodyguards.

One person was guarded by Xiaoli's ambassador to the door, and the other guarded at the door of the box with Xiaoli.

However, Xiaoli Yitai was too high-profile and would cause trouble to Yang Qingyin's trip, so she asked the other bodyguard to wait.

Xiaoli's status is higher than the other two bodyguards. After the two bodyguards finally agreed, they went out to the store door to guard.

They have all seen Luo Ziling's photos, so they have been staring at people coming in and out nearby, and if Luo Ziling comes, they will stop him and prevent him from meeting Yang Qingyin. Fortunately, Luo Ziling was clever and didn't let the bodyguards discover his whereabouts.

"Tell me about what happened when you went home last night," Luo Ziling whispered to Yang Qingyin, "Tell me everything, okay? Let's discuss the countermeasures."

(End of this chapter)

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