The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 311: 1 must come back alive

Thanks to the book friends who committed the disorder.

A new day of update begins again, brothers and sisters, drop a few more recommendation tickets, post a few more book reviews, and give more tips.

This month, there will definitely be more violence.


After Ouyang Huihui returned to the dormitory very depressed, she finally remembered to call her sister.

The call was quickly connected, and Ouyang Feifei's unfriendly voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hui Hui, something?"

"Sister," Ouyang Huihui said aggrievedly, "I just came back from home today and met Luo Ziling and his roommates at the door to go out for supper. Under their strong invitation, I also followed. Later, I came again. A person really maddens me. Guess who it is!"

"Who?" Ouyang Feifei had actually guessed who it was, but did not say it.

"Yang Qingyin!" Ouyang Huihui gritted her teeth and said the name, "She actually came over for supper too. She seems to know Luo Ziling's roommate very well, and they treat her very respectfully. Sister, it looks like the Yang family's Stop it, and it didn't make them scruples. If you have an idea, you can't just let it go, otherwise things will be troublesome."

Ouyang Feifei, who was on the other end of the phone, suddenly felt ups and downs.

"Sister, why are you indifferent!" Without hearing what Ouyang Feifei said, Ouyang Huihui couldn't help being very anxious, "Why do you have to press Yang Qingyin, what is good about her? Humph, you are better than her in every aspect Excellent, you must not lose to her. Sister, you have to move faster, first grab Luo Ziling and then you should compete with Yang Qingyin. Sister, I strongly support you to **** Luo Ziling over. As for revenge, that is In the future, everyone can't be robbed by Yang Qingyin. You are still thinking about revenge."

"I see," Ouyang Feifei answered without emotion, and hung up the phone.

When Ouyang Huihui called, Ouyang Feifei had just finished socializing and was on the way back to her residence.

Participating in a high-end commercial cocktail party today, and reaching several cooperation intentions, Ouyang Feifei is still in a good mood, but after receiving a call from Ouyang Huihui, her mood is much worse.

On the way back, she looked at the street scene outside without knowing what she was thinking.

It started to rain, Ouyang Feifei's heart was like a rain curtain outside, feeling melancholy.

For so many years, she had never felt this way before, and she herself was surprised, how could she suddenly feel sad.

"Do I really like him?" Ouyang Feifei immediately gave a negative answer when he thought of this question.

Although Luo Ziling said that he was handsome and his family background was not bad, he did not perform very well.

Moreover, young and two years younger than her, if judging from her own mate selection point of view, she would not consider such a young boy.

However, how could she feel depressed after hearing about Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin?

It should be afraid of failure.

She immediately made a decision to continue to make changes, otherwise, her reputation and self-confidence would all be planted on Luo Ziling.

Of course Luo Ziling didn't know, Ouyang Huihui would call Ouyang Feifei to report the matter.

After breaking up with Yang Qingyin, he ran back to the bedroom in the rain.

When I ran back to the bedroom, my tuōyī clothes were all wet and looked very embarrassed.

When he returned to the dormitory, the other three guys were discussing something hotly there. When he saw him coming back, they stopped talking and looked at him weirdly.

"Boss, why did you come back so soon?" Cao Jianhui hurriedly greeted him, "Hehe, walking in the rain is romantic, right?"

Luo Ziling ignored him and went into the bathroom to wash his face and wipe his hair, and then put the wet clothes on the hanger.

"Don't ask me anything." When he walked back to the room, seeing the three guys looking at him gossiping, Luo Ziling threatened him: "If anyone dares to chew his tongue, I will beat him. "

When he said this, Luo Ziling became a little bit irritated.

The three guys who wanted to inquire about the specific situation had to shut up.

However, when lying down to sleep, Cao Jianhui still whispered: "Boss, Yang Qingyin is indeed better than Ouyang Huihui, at least in terms of temper. However, it seems that the body is not as good as Ouyang Huihui. Hehe, I'm talking nonsense, don't mind."

Luo Ziling ignored them, and Cao Jianhui felt a bit boring, and said nothing.

The next day is still a rest, the last day of the National Day holiday.

Cao Jianhui, Li Fuming, and Wu Longjiang were all sleeping late, but Luo Ziling still got up early.

After going out for exercise, he came back to take a shower and saw that it was half past seven, so he went out to wait for Lin Lan.

It was raining, and Luo Ziling got wet again when he went out for morning exercises.

But he still didn't bring an umbrella, but hid through the corridor or other places that could shelter from the rain.

Surprisingly, Lin Lan came ten minutes early. When she stopped the car, Luo Ziling was having breakfast.

Lin Lan didn't say hello, but just sat next to Luo Ziling.

Luo Ziling ordered three more steamed buns and a bowl of wontons.

Lin Lan ate without hesitation.

"I'll pick you up in the morning, but I won't have time to see you off in the afternoon. After the event, you can directly take the subway back." Lin Lan muttered.

"Went out this afternoon?" Luo Ziling asked curiously.

Lin Lan didn't answer So Luo Ziling didn't ask any more, and the two finished their breakfast in silence.

After getting in the car, Lin Lan took the initiative to speak: "In the next treatment, another person will come to pick you up and will contact you directly. If... I can't come back, someone will still come to pick you up. Also. Someone will teach you shooting, as well as martial arts."

Lin Lan's words made Luo Ziling feel a little bit.

"Are you going to perform a very dangerous task?" He asked naturally, full of concern.

Lin Lan didn't answer, and focused on driving. However, under Luo Ziling's gaze, she finally turned her head and shook her head at Luo Ziling: "Don't ask!"

Luo Ziling sighed and didn't ask much.

When approaching the Longteng base, Luo Ziling suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

After Lin Lan was surprised, she slammed on the brakes.

After the car slid out a distance of several tens of meters, it stopped twice.

Lin Lan looked at Luo Ziling with a puzzled expression, not understanding what he meant by calling to stop at this time.

In Lin Lan’s astonishment, Luo Ziling stretched out his hand and hugged Lin Lan in a very fast motion. Before Lin Lan could react, he said softly: "Be careful with everything, you must live. come back."

After speaking, he immediately let go of the hand holding Lin Lan.

Lin Lan was stunned again, a touch that had never been seen before, instantly rushing to her heart, and her eyes felt hot.

However, she still did not say a word, stepped on the accelerator again, and the car continued to move forward.

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