The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 324: died

(Tenth more)

In the past few days, Yang Shubao's mood is not very good.

He originally thought that Yang Yunlin had finally reused him, and his status in the Yang family could be improved because of Yang Yunlin's different looks.

But what was unexpected was that the task Yang Yunlin gave him was messed up the first time it was executed.

Yang Yunlin wanted to teach Luo Ziling a lesson. After clarifying Luo Ziling's situation and knowing that this wild boy was just a student, he felt that it was easy to teach Luo Ziling.

Therefore, I didn't pay much attention to it. I just asked people to find **** near the school and gave them some money, so that they could find a way to teach Luo Ziling. It didn't matter if he was injured or disabled.

Unexpectedly, what Yang Shubao thought went well, but it was messed up, and it was a mess.

Suddenly, a female officer driving a Hummer appeared, and she fought hard if she didn't agree.

After hitting the bully leader's car with the car, he rushed out of the car and beat the group of people violently, and was finally taken away by the police.

Unexpectedly, that violent female officer was actually a member of a mysterious special force.

Moreover, the female officer was unwilling to give up, and went to the police station in person to interrogate this matter.

He didn't know how the final thing was going to be cleaned up, anyway, a lot of gangsters hadn't released it yet.

He only hoped that the things he had dealt with would not involve him.

To this end, he changed his cell phone and other contact methods.

Then another thing that made him vomit blood happened.

When Luo Ziling was shopping with Yang Qingyin, he was assassinated.

He didn't plan this, and he didn't know if anyone else in the Yang family planned this.

However, the police came to him, suspecting that he had something to do with this matter.

He was forced to go to the police station for investigation and recorded a statement.

Although the police did not embarrass him in the end, his heart was always unreliable.

Now he knew that Luo Ziling, a wild boy, was not a simple character.

Regardless of other things, judging from the reaction of this guy to the sudden attack of two gangsters holding daggers, this kid's reaction ability and fighting skills are very good.

A gangster suddenly stabbed Luo Ziling with a knife from behind, but the penetration of the dagger did not make Luo Ziling lose the ability to resist, instead, he maimed the gangster. The gangster in front of the attack was still subdued by Luo Ziling and was beaten to death.

The conclusion drawn from the analysis of the situation he understood is: This is a master of the bit type soldier who is even more powerful. He actually hired a group of punks to solve the problem, which really put him half ashamed.

What made him difficult to understand was that when Luo Ziling was attacked, he was with the eldest lady of the Yang family. In the end, it was the special guard next to Yang Qingyin who took Luo Ziling away from the police station.

Yang Shubao is not very clear about the complexity of the situation.

But one thing he knew was that the kid Yang Yunlin wanted him to deal with had a difficult relationship with the eldest lady. He might be in a relationship with the eldest lady.

He got a headache when he thought of this possibility. The thing he did for Yang Yunlin was really troublesome.

If Yang Qingyin came to trouble him, then he was really in trouble.

No one in the Yang family knows how strong tempered this beautiful and gentle-looking eldest lady is.

If you annoy her, no one will end well.

Yang Shubao is going to talk to Yang Yunlin about this matter, and then explain everything clearly.

Therefore, after being passed to the police station and recording his confession, he was going to wait for Yang Yunlin.

In order to avoid trouble, he didn't bring other entourages, and drove to Yang Yunlin's place to work by himself. He wanted to wait for this cousin to follow him home after get off work and talk about it.

Because I was thinking about things, I was absent while driving, and I never noticed a car following.

There was a traffic light ahead, and the green light just turned into a red light. Yang Shubao stepped on the brakes, slowed down, and stopped in front of the parking line.

In the afternoon, Yanjing's street vehicles were much scarce, and there was a traffic accident on a certain section of the road.

In this not very serious traffic accident, the two scraping cars crossed the lane, blocking most of the cars behind.

When Yang Shubao's car stopped, there were no other cars in the left and right lanes.

This situation is actually quite abnormal, because there are many cars on the opposite and adjacent lanes, but Yang Shubao, who was thinking about it, didn't care.

A black Toyota car followed behind and headed to another street with the right turn signal.

A few seconds later, a cement mixer drove out of the construction site behind.

After the cement mixer drove onto the city road, it immediately increased its speed. Looking at the traffic lights ahead, I didn't slow down, and rushed forward at a speed of at least 50 or 60 kilometers per hour.

Yang Shubao, who stepped on the brakes and stopped in front of the parking line, did not notice the strangeness behind him. He was thinking about things and was waiting for the green light to let him go.

When it was discovered that the situation was not right, it was too late, and the cement mixer with huge kinetic energy slammed into the **** of the Nissan he was driving. He only felt that the whole person rushed forward with the car, and his body was pressed tightly on the driver's seat.

In the end, I felt that the entire car was pressed down, pressing his body tightly, and soon lost consciousness.

At the moment he lost his life, he was depressed to death, and he would run into a traffic accident while waiting for the traffic light while driving.

After the cement mixer with huge kinetic energy hit the Nissan car parked in front of the parking, it continued to drive forward for about tens of meters before stopping. In the next time, he hit the guardrail and street light pole on the side of the road.

The Nissan car was crushed into a discus, three of the four tires flew far away, and one was crushed to pieces.

The blood and oil stains pulled a long trace of liquid, which looked so shocking.

The driver who caused the accident was shocked after the accident and sat in the cab without responding for a while.

After hearing the sound of a police siren in the distance, he jumped out of the driver's seat as if he was waking up from a dream.

After seeing the horror at the scene, he was shocked again.

In the end, he recklessly threw his legs away to escape, and quickly fled to a nearby construction site, and disappeared.

The police quickly came to the scene, and after blocking the intersection, the cordon was pulled up.

After inspecting the situation at the scene, the policeman who handled the police reported the accident on the road to his superiors. "A cement mixer truck was speeding and did not take correct braking measures. It ran into a Nissan vehicle waiting for a traffic light, causing the Nissan driver to die on the spot. The cement mixer truck driver abandoned the vehicle and ran away. No signs of braking were found on the scene. It is initially suspected that this is a serious traffic accident escape case caused by speeding and brake failure, and the Criminal Investigation Brigade is requested to help track down the driver of the escaped vehicle."

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