The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 3294: Surprised

Chapter 3294

Knowing that Luo Ziling is going to go abroad for a period of time, and his purpose is to go to Europe, Chen Xiaoyi exchanged many things with him.

Chen Xiaoyi told Luo Ziling that, depending on the current situation, she would not go back to Europe for the time being. Therefore, please help Luo Ziling to deal with matters in Europe. Her residence, her investment in Europe, and some personal relationships, I hope Luo Ziling can take care of it.

Of course Luo Ziling would not refuse, and agreed without hesitation.

Chen Xiaoyi told Luo Ziling that when Luo Chenyang was in school, she was still planning to take her to live abroad and let her receive education abroad.

She feels that foreign education is indeed better than domestic education, at least not so much for children. In the teaching process, more attention is paid to the development of children's intelligence, rather than the point-only theory.

She told Luo Ziling not to worry. She would definitely find a way to make up for Guoxue. In any case, she would let the children know that she was from China and that Chinese culture was something flowing in her bones.

"You can figure it out by yourself, as long as you feel good, just do it, I have no opinion." Luo Ziling knew that Chen Xiaoyi's child, he could not participate in raising too much.

Chen Xiaoyi has to worry about everything herself.

In fact, Luo Ziling is very worried about the future of this child.

He didn't know how to accept He Chenyang, how to make everyone accept his illegitimate daughter.

Chen Xiaoyi saw Luo Ziling's depression and said sorry to him again, saying that because of her waywardness, Luo Ziling was embarrassed.

She told Luo Ziling that she would train Luo Chenyang well in any case. Even if Luo Chenyang could not be accepted by Luo's family in the future, she would give the children the best training and let her have a bright future.

After talking about He Chenyang, Chen Xiaoyi talked about Chen Ruchang's legacy.

"Grandpa wants us to have another son. I don’t know how you think about this. Today, my dad also told me about this. He hopes that I can get pregnant again as soon as possible. After having a son, then we father and daughter When the two do things, they think more about it." When Luo Ziling's face changed slightly when she said these words, Chen Xiaoyi immediately changed her words, "Of course, I won't have any reluctance, everything is up to you. Anyway, mine. Children, will not let other men be fathers."

After saying these words, she lowered her head a little sadly.

Such a love life was something she had never expected before.

This is certainly not what she expected. She definitely hopes that she will have a happy family, a husband who loves her, a family and a beautiful life. But now it seems that everything is just a dream, almost impossible to realize.

For this reason, when she couldn't sleep many nights, she was very sad and felt that her life had completely lost her future.

"Wait for a while to discuss this matter!" Luo Ziling couldn't directly refuse Chen Xiaoyi, after all, he agreed to this matter in front of Chen Ruchang.

This is a major factor for him and Chen Ruchang to reach an agreement, no matter what aspect he considers, he will not take the initiative to break the agreement.

Listening to Luo Ziling's words, Chen Xiaoyi sighed, "Well, I'll listen to you. If you don't have this plan, even if we are together, I will take contraceptive measures."

Without waiting for Luo Ziling to reply, Chen Xiaoyi led the topic to other aspects.

She exchanged some information with Luo Ziling during this period, and she also asked Luo Ziling something.

In the past few days, rumors about Luo Ziling and several female celebrities, and several female celebrities tearing each other up, have made a lot of trouble on the Internet. It is impossible for Chen Xiaoyi to know the situation. She was more concerned than anyone else, and she cared very much about anything related to Luo Ziling.

When Chen Xiaoyi asked, Luo Ziling also spoke about it.

After listening to Luo Ziling, this was the prelude of the Luo family and Fang family tearing each other, Chen Xiaoyi said worriedly: "Ziling, you have to be careful. There are so many people who want to attack you. You can't be numb. "

"Don't worry, I will be fine." Luo Ziling assured Chen Xiaoyi, and then told her that if there is something difficult to resolve, she must take the initiative to contact him.

"I will find a way to solve the matter of Chen Jiahu myself. If I can't solve it myself, or if he pushes it too hard, then I can only ask you to do it." Chen Xiaoyi said her own thoughts directly, "If there is no Chen Yang, I’m not so worried. I’m very afraid, if I have an accident, how can she... survive."

"I understand. You have to be careful yourself. When you go out, bring a few more bodyguards. If there are not enough security personnel, I will make arrangements for you."

"It's enough for now, let's talk about it if the situation becomes more complicated in the future!"

When Luo Ziling left Chen Xiaoyi's residence, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening.

He could feel that Chen Yining and Chen Xiaoyi wanted to see him tonight, and the father and daughter must have met him together after some discussions.

They saw him together to make things clear.

Because of his unpredictable attitude, Chen Yining dared not say something.

Luo Ziling felt the deliberately hidden disappointment from Chen Xiaoyi, and Chen Xiaoyi was still not satisfied with his performance.

In this regard, Luo Ziling is also a little helpless.

Even if he intervenes in the affairs of the Chen family, even if he wants to kill Chen Jiahu or others, it is impossible for Chen Yining and Chen Xiaoyi to come forward. What he wants to do, it is impossible to discuss with them, it is done in secret, and will not leave any handle.

Some things, even if he wanted to do, but Chen Yining or Chen Xiaoyi asked, he couldn't do it instead.

This is a contradiction that cannot be reconciled.

However, coming over to see Chen Xiaoyi and Chen Yining today, I have gained a lot.

After returning to the villa, Luo Ziling summoned Lin Lan and gave instructions carefully.

He asked Lin Lan to arrange several people to closely monitor the movements of Chen Jiahu.

"Do you want to clean him up?" Lin Lan asked Luo Ziling in a low voice.

"Unless there is a very, very good opportunity, don't do it on him."

"Understand!" Lin Lan nodded.

During this period of time Lin Lan was busy becoming a top.

Luo Ziling is going to Europe, Lin Lan will be responsible for arranging his security work in Europe. She will arrange some personnel to arrive in Europe in advance, and also arrange the security work for Luo Ziling in Yanjing these few days. In addition to these, she must also pay attention to the actions that are already in progress, and do some very secret things, so she hardly has any idle time.

When Luo Ziling returned to the villa at more than eleven o'clock, when she was summoned to come over to talk, she had just finished dealing with the matter on her hands.

"The Fang family should not be tossing things in the near future. You can relax first." Luo Ziling said: "After we leave Yanjing, you will arrange some people with my mother. I think Jiangnan will It became lively. Fang Dongxun didn't dare to fight with me. He couldn't pull the direction and directly attacked me. It could only be a fight between my mother and Fang Zhonghua."

"I understand!" Lin Lan nodded and agreed, then reminded Luo Ziling: "You have to beware of Fang Dongxun and Prince Danman doing things together."

When Luo Ziling heard this, he was shocked: "Why, have you found the trace?"

(End of this chapter)

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