The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 3337: Acting in uneasy rules

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When they came in, Lin Lan had already handed the PPT prepared by Luo Ziling to the staff.

When Luo Ziling greeted the applause and walked toward the podium, his information and the PPT cover he was preparing to give a speech were already printed on the electronic screen.

Many people have seen Luo Ziling's information on the Internet and know that the head of the Chinese traditional medicine delegation is very young. The young people make them think that the Chinese people are coming to make fun. But there are still many people who don't know who Luo Ziling is or what he looks like.

When they saw Luo Ziling walking towards the podium, many people followed him curiously.

Lin Lan followed Luo Ziling to the podium. Although the conference room of the Economic Committee is equipped with simultaneous interpretation, who knows if these proud Gallic roosters would refuse to use simultaneous interpretation.

Lin Lan was planning to repeat Luo Ziling's point of view in French while the simultaneous translation was in progress.

Like Luo Ziling, she knows exactly how important this speech is.

Therefore, Lin Lan doesn't want any mistakes, and must try to achieve zero errors.

When Luo Ziling stepped onto the podium, Lin Lan took a microphone and stood behind him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon everyone. I am embarrassed to walk up to this podium, which, for many Chinese people, will never have a chance to walk on in a lifetime. No matter what, I still have to tell everyone, I It's really exciting. Everyone thinks, should I be a little gaffey to start this podium?"

During Luo Ziling's pause, Lin Lan translated his words to everyone.

Lin Lan's expectation is indeed correct. Some people don't want to wear headphones and don't want to hear what Luo Ziling said.

Lin Lan's translation made them understand what Luo Ziling was talking about.

Most people didn't expect Luo Ziling to be so calm and still joking in front of so many heavyweights.

Luo Ziling continued: "Perhaps many people will say that a delegation leader as young as me has never seen it. Indeed, I feel so myself. I am so young and led a large delegation to visit Europe. People can’t think of it. But please rest assured that the average age of our delegation is not young, surpassing most delegations. Our members are all experienced medical universities. They have practiced medicine for decades and have very rich medical skills and experience. A medical master at the level of Chinese medicine."

"In order to avoid making everyone look down on me, I have to show it to everyone what I think is the best thing, so that everyone can understand me."

Luo Ziling said, clicked on the PPT, and showed the introduction of him in the first few paragraphs for everyone to see.

The first paragraph introduces Luo Ziling's fame battle, fighting doctors with Ishihara Taro and Xu Chongzhi, and eventually won them and gained their respect. The two Chinese doctors finally came into their door.

The second paragraph introduces the state-level laboratory and achievements he presided over, as well as the introduction of the traditional medicine major of Yan University.

After releasing these two pieces of information, Luo Ziling smiled and said to everyone: "All the honors I have won are not based on the glory of my ancestors, but based on my own true materials. I learned from my own medical skills. I am very confident. There are countless patients who have been treated by hand. Most of them have recovered after my treatment. Among these people, there are national leaders and ordinary people. The reason why I have such a magical medical skill is all because of my grandfather."

The screen showed Luo Liansheng's information and photos, as well as an introduction to his deeds.

"I started studying medicine at the age of three, and in the past ten or so years, I have devoted all my energy to studying traditional medicine." Luo Ziling then introduced his medical career, as well as some difficult cases that he had dealt with.

Yesterday Luo Ziling had asked Ling Jinhua whether he could use his situation as propaganda to persuade the Europeans.

Ling Jinhua agreed without thinking.

Because he felt that Luo Ziling had such an idea, even if he disagreed, it was useless.

Luo Ziling will definitely use his affairs as publicity!

In fact, this is why Ling Jinhua told Ling Mingrui that Luo Ziling has no scruples in doing things and does whatever he wants.

Luo Ziling used to publicize the treatment of Ling Jinhua, but did not publicize Yang Yuanshan's affairs.

One example of this kind of thing is very convincing.

Many Europeans know Ling Jinhua's name.

Although he is no longer in politics, his legend is still circulated in politics all over the world.

Europeans are still very impressed with Ling Jinhua. This stubborn old man treats Europeans very hard.

Many European prohibitions against China are cancelled because of Ling Jinhua's toughness.

People like Bob, Reid and Lafadan know Ling Jinhua's name and many of his deeds.

They looked at Luo Ziling differently, largely because Luo Ziling was a descendant of Ling Jinhua.

But they did not expect that Luo Ziling would actually use Ling Jinhua as a case to explain.

Luo Ziling ignored everyone's surprised reaction, and talked about Ling Jinhua's illness some time ago and his treatment.

After saying that, he embarrassedly said again: "I believe everyone knows who this highly respected Chinese hero is, and he has a great reputation in Europe. No matter how bold I am, I dare not talk about him indiscriminately. The fact is that I cured his illness with my own medical skills, and can extend his life for at least ten years. It is not a dream to live a hundred years old. I can guarantee that only the people present will always come to me for treatment and recuperation. It will allow you to live over a hundred years, of course, provided that there are no accidents, such as car accidents, plane crashes, wars, etc.

Luo Ziling's words immediately caused an uproar in the audience.

Ling Jinhua's illness was cured by Luo Ziling, which surprised them.

What surprised them even more was that Luo Ziling actually dared to guarantee that they would live a hundred years old.

Is this too arrogant? Who dares to guarantee this?

You know, the average life expectancy of Europeans is only 70 or 80 years old. Many people feel that they can live to 80 years old and they are very satisfied.

Luo Ziling ignored the uproar of the audience and continued to tell according to the content on the PPT.

He explained the new theories of traditional medicine and the methods of acupuncture to everyone in an easy-to-understand way.

I have to say that those animations produced by Dong Xiaowan and Wang Feiyang still intuitively express the meaning of Luo Among the people present, several friends have experienced the magic of acupuncture. Today I I brought the needles. If anyone wants to experience the magic of acupuncture in person, I can demonstrate on the spot. You should know that many feelings are difficult to describe clearly in words. Only through personal feelings can you truly perceive specific feelings. "

Luo Ziling's words once again caused a commotion in the audience.

Bob did not stop Luo Ziling's proposal, but took the initiative to suggest that everyone who is interested can try it out on stage.

There are really a few people who are curious or dissatisfied with Luo Ziling on stage.

After checking their pulse status, Luo Ziling also drew the needle for them, and while ditching them, he whispered to them about their physical problems. Lin Lan translated Luo Ziling's words to them, which surprised a few people who came on the stage to test.

Soon, they felt the magic of acupuncture and moxibustion, that very strange and very comfortable feeling, which surprised them.

They did not hide their feelings, but they doubted the effect of this treatment.

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