The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 3340: Oilfield and military purchase

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At the beginning, Luo Ziling hadn't thought about so much. After listening to what Jin Yongming and Wang Jian said, he also understood a little bit.

"It seems that this possibility cannot be ruled out." He nodded solemnly, "I will ask Mr. Bob to confirm this matter as soon as possible so that we can make follow-up countermeasures."

Wang Jian and Jin Yongming also approved Luo Ziling's proposal, and they all nodded in agreement.

They didn't stay too much, and left first because there were still things to be done.

After Wang Jian and others left, Luo Liansheng came to find Luo Ziling.

After he asked Luo Ziling some information, he smiled and said he was optimistic about this kind of thing.

"As long as things are related to interests, they will definitely not cause you death or life. These things we do may allow the Gaolu roosters who have long been thinking about this to change the rules and borrow the donkey." Luo Liansheng smiled.

"I hope so!" Luo Ziling nodded.

While talking to Luo Liansheng, his subordinates came and said that Prince Danman would ask for him.

Luo Liansheng didn't say anything to Luo Ziling, and asked Luo Ziling to receive Prince Danman alone. He went to chat with those old guys in chess.

"I heard that you gave a speech in the chamber of the Senate Economics Committee today." As soon as he saw Luo Ziling, Prince Danman asked directly about the matter, "They acted really quickly!"

"Prince Danman is not like a student who came to Europe to study, but like a politician who went to Europe to lobby various countries." Luo Ziling looked at Danman with a playful look, "Is that right?"

"You are my friend, of course I have to care about your affairs." Prince Danman said seriously: "Yesterday afternoon, I met Mr. Laning Dang and talked with him about you by the way. I told him that you French people are really inspiring, and such powerful medical skills are regarded as pseudo-science. People can save many lives with only a silver needle, but you regard this skill as a trick of monkey play. The annual output value of Chinese medicine is tens of billions, which can feed many people and save many lives. Without the treatment of Doctor Hua Xia, Mr. Bob’s mother would not be able to recover. Mr. Bob and Mr. Deman’s It is impossible for the body to undergo a complete change in such a short period of time. The mental changes of Bob and Mr. Deman during this period can be felt by anyone who is familiar with him. I told Mr. Laningdown that it was inappropriate A short-sighted person, as a visionary leader, will certainly gain the support of many people and gain more political capital."

"How dare you preach to others like this?" Luo Ziling was surprised.

"I'm just helping you, my friend!" Danman shook his head. "In this case, as an outsider, talking about things is easy, right?"

Luo Ziling smiled and did not answer.

He did not expect that Danman would actually say such a thing to Laning, which was really unexpected for him.

What happened today seems to have something to do with the prince in front of him.

"If the purpose of your visit this time can really be achieved, you have to thank me!" Danman said, approaching Luo Ziling, and whispered: "In a while, our military delegation will be ready to leave for China. This time they want to buy a lot of things, some high-tech things, hoping to become our standard preparation."

"Anyway, if you have money, you can buy a lot of things you want to buy!" Luo Ziling smiled, "If you have such a small place, you will certainly not need many standard weapons. I think your goals should be achieved. !"

"Mr. Luo, I think there is a misunderstanding between us. I admit that because of jealousy, I had thoughts of wanting to retaliate against you, but I regretted it immediately. No matter what happened before, I have to say that the past Let them pass, we have to face a new future." Danman said sincerely, "I can guarantee that we will have very good cooperation next, and the friendship between us will be further strengthened. We need By helping each other, we can help each other well, don’t you think?"

Luo Ziling smiled and shook his head again: "I know more than you expected, and there are people who want us to help you deal with it, so your help is far from eliminating the regrets you agree with. I hope you can have Show more sincerity. Perhaps, after feeling your sincerity, we will become very good friends."

"I don't say anything, just watch my performance!" Danman showed a charming smile, "I have already negotiated further cooperation with Miss Ouyang. I think we should also have more cooperation. By the way, I recently wanted to sell an oil field with a good output. Is Mr. Luo interested in acquiring it?"

"I'm a poor man, I can't afford this kind of stuff, it costs too much money!" Luo Ziling's interest was immediately teased by Danman, but he still pretended not to be interested.

"If you make a move, I only charge you half the price, five billion dollars."

"You sold me, and you couldn't get so much money!" Luo Ziling was still a little surprised at the price. A medium-sized oil field was not worth the price.

This is the price of an oil field, not an oil well!

"It can be paid in ten years without interest. If this is the case, it will definitely not cause pressure on Mr. Luo, right?" Danman seemed to know that Luo Ziling was playing a game of jealousy, and said calmly: "If Mr. Luo is interested , I’ll ask someone to send in the oilfield information. After you understand it, tell me to make a decision. However, I have a time limit, one week for consideration."

"Okay!" Luo Ziling immediately agreed, "You send the information first, let me see it first!"

Although calm, Luo Ziling still scolded Danman for showing off his wealth.

An oil field, just like selling Chinese cabbage, is brought out to yell, and the price is bargained casually, which is really annoying.

The world of the rich Ziling doesn't quite understand it.

He couldn't even imagine such a style and boldness.

If you tell ordinary people that an oil field worth tens of billions can be sold like ordinary commodities, who can believe it?

Poverty restricts imagination, and this is very reasonable.

Lin Lan, the translator, was also surprised by Danman's great handwork.

Luo Ziling has decided to buy this oil field unless there are many problems with this oil field.

But he believed that Danman would not sell him a problematic oil field.

"Why does His Royal Highness sell oil fields? I think you are not short of money!" Luo Ziling couldn't help asking his doubts.

"In the words of your Huaxia people, it's called the introduction of foreign capital." Danman said with a mysterious face: "We need to cooperate with other countries, we need more friends, so, when we are not short of money, we are not I hope that investors will invest in our country, including oil fields and wells."

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