The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 3370: Self-confidence and doubts

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If it is said that when Luo Ziling arrived in the palace, Andro, Feliston, and Wilson were not very convinced of his medical skills, then after Luo Ziling gave his judgment, their doubts disappeared.

When Luo Ziling consulted them and asked if they could accept his treatment, their doubts were less.

However, it was Lisa herself who made the final decision.

She has an exotic feeling for Luo Ziling, a confident and calm young man with no formality in front of her.

Before Luo Ziling checked her, she also heard some things related to Luo Ziling.

Since the French have changed their attitude towards traditional Chinese medicine because of Luo Ziling's performance, it means that the young man with superb medical skills in front of him must have a few brushes. Moreover, Ling Jinhua, whom she had dealt with several times, the top dignitaries in China had been treated by Luo Ziling to recover health, so her recognition of Luo Ziling was a little bit more.

Her disease was treated in the famous hospitals in Britain with little effect. Under the threat of her life, she saw another way to save her life. She would definitely like to try it.

Lisa herself did not refuse Luo Ziling's treatment, and Andro, Feliston, and Wilson would not object.

Luo Ziling first talked to them about his treatment method and the concept of treatment.

He still intends to use acupuncture to treat Lisa. After all, the improved Taiyi Shen Needle—Roche Needle is his special skill, supplemented by medication. In the process of treating people, he has hardly encountered any major problems. problem.

Lisa's illness is similar to Ling Jinhua's situation last year, but her symptoms are milder than Ling Jinhua's.

Luo Ziling is still very confident that Lisa's illness can be cured.

Lisa herself agreed, and Andro, Feliston, and Wilson had no objections, and Luo Ziling immediately prepared for treatment.

He sterilized the sterilized silver needle again, and then asked Andro and Feliston to help, untie Lisa's clothes, revealing some necessary acupuncture points.

Lisa herself was willing to accept Luo Ziling's treatment. Of course, Andro, Feliston, and Wilson could not object. After hearing Luo Ziling's instructions, Andro and Feliston immediately stepped forward to help.

In the eyes of a large group of people, Luo Ziling plunged the first needle into the Baihui acupoint on Lisa's head.

When Luo Ziling plunged a long needle into Lisa's head without any hesitation, Feliston couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, and then whispered. Lin Lan did not translate for Luo Ziling, but answered her on her own terms.

Luo Ziling didn't pay attention to this, he had concentrated all his energy and devoted himself to the treatment.

Feliston asked Luo Ziling, wouldn't it cause problems if such a long needle was inserted into Lisa's head?

Lin Lan answered her directly, there will be no problems, so she can rest assured.

Andro and Wilson saw Luo Ziling getting the needles "randomly", and they were a little bit up and down, but they didn't say anything, they just watched Luo Ziling apply the needles nervously.

Lisa didn't feel anything at all. She lay peacefully, and closed her eyes, leaving Luo Ziling toss.

In the eyes of Andro, Feliston, Wilson and others, Luo Ziling began to spin the needle. Seeing the slight heat coming out of the needle, Andro, Feliston and Wilson opened their eyes. The vice looks completely unbelievable.

Feliston also said softly: "Oh, mygod!"

Even Luo Ziling understood these words, but he ignored them and concentrated on treating Lisa.

The treatment took nearly an hour, and when it was over, Luo Ziling and Lisa's faces were all sweaty.

Luo Ziling's face became a little pale, while Lisa's face became very rosy.

"Let her take a break and sleep for an hour or two!" Yang Qingyin stepped forward to help Luo Ziling wipe the sweat. Luo Ziling did not refuse. When Yang Qingyin wiped the sweat for him, he ordered Andro and Feliston. , Wilson, don't disturb Lisa, let her have a good rest.

Andro, Philiston and Wilson didn't know what to say, so they had to obey Luo Ziling's instructions.

Throughout the course of treatment, Lisa had no discomfort, no painful vocalizations, no struggling, and her face was getting better and better, which made them believe that Luo Ziling's treatment was effective.

However, Lisa fell asleep after receiving the treatment, which still worried them a little bit.

However, their worries disappeared after an hour.

After Luo Ziling packed up his things, Andro, Feliston, and Wilson invited him, Yang Qingyin, and Lin Lan to drink tea below.

Through Lin Lan and a full-time translator in the palace, the two sides had a conversation.

Andro, Philiston and Wilson asked Luo Ziling some questions, and Luo Ziling also answered them one by one.

He directly told Andro, Feliston, and Wilson that if Lisa could receive his treatment for two to three months, it would basically be cured. Today's treatment effect is pretty good. After Lisa wakes up, her condition will definitely be completely different from before treatment.

Luo Ziling also talked to them about the treatment principle, saying that when he used the Qixuan needle, he injected part of his spirit, energy and spirit into the patient's body through acupuncture points to stimulate their body's immune function and keep the patient's body in its best condition. After the body's potential is mobilized, the complexion looks very good. Mobilizing the potential for a period of time, coupled with the aid of drugs, the body's resistance will be able to overcome the disease, repair the function of the damaged organs, and ultimately restore health.

After listening to Andro, Feliston and Wilson, they all looked dubious.

Luo Ziling didn't say and didn't force them to believe.

Because the communication requires an interpreter, the communication between the two parties cannot be considered very smooth. While waiting for Lisa to wake up, the two parties did not exchange a lot of things. Before Lisa woke up, they just had a conversation about the treatment.

After hearing the waiter's report that Lisa had woken up, Andro, Feliston, and Wilson all stood up, ready to go up and take a look.

Luo Ziling, Yang Qingyin, and Lin Lan also went up with them.

"God, I haven't slept for a long time and felt such a good night's sleep. After waking up, my whole person was full of energy, as if I was a teenager!" Lisa's face was glowing with health, and she looked with a smile on her face. Looking at Luo Ziling in front of him, thanked him, "I really appreciate the changes Mr. Luo has brought to me. The acupuncture technique from the East is really amazing and it opened my eyes!"

"This is expected, nothing strange!" Luo Ziling said with a faint smile on his face, with a slight pride: "This is the result that will definitely appear after receiving my acupuncture treatment!"

When he said this, Luo Ziling saw unconcealed surprise from the faces of Andro, Feliston and Wilson.

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