The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 34: These people are so unqualified





   The other trouble-seekers who were frightened dumb jumped into the pool one by one under Luo Ziling's murderous threat.

   In a blink of an eye, a large group of very embarrassed men stood in the pool.

   The movement here has attracted the attention of people passing by, and many male and female students passing by in this direction have come together to watch the excitement.

   Some people took out their mobile phones to take photos or videos. Some people threw Luo Ziling into the pool with excitement, and then forced others to jump into the pool and send the photos or videos to the circle of friends.

   "Let's go, ignore them, and go to dinner." In the chaos just now, Cao Jianhui had already called his brother Cao Jianguang and asked his brother to settle today's matter.

   After threatening Cao Jianguang a few words last time, Cao Jianguang promised to help him resolve the conflict with others. But what happened last time didn't stop. Now that there is another conflict today, Cao Jianhui will certainly fight for what Cao Jianguang promised.

On the phone, Cao Jianguang learned that his younger brother had a conflict with others at school, he scolded him severely and threatened that this was the last time he wiped his butt. If there is anything to do in the future, don't find him, let him Go to your parents.

   Since Cao Jianguang agreed to intervene in this matter, Cao Jianhui no longer worried about trouble.

   But just when they wanted to leave, the school security staff who received the call came over.

   Seeing a bunch of big students from the martial arts team and the physical education department, standing in a panic in the pool and not daring to come up, the security guards were shocked.

"The weather is too hot, they go to take a bath together. This kind of uncivilized behavior should be exposed and dealt with by the school." Before the security guard could ask, Cao Jianhui complained about "the wicked person first", "They are also a student of Yan University. I really blush for having such alumni. I think it is necessary to advise the school to strengthen quality education."

   After Li Fuming and Wu Longjiang heard what Cao Jianhui said, they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. They almost suffered internal injuries.

"We didn't want to take a bath, but he threw it down," Jin Qicai, who was depressed and wanted to choke himself to death, after listening to Cao Jianhui's words, yelled at the security guard very sadly: "They not only beat us, they also threw us down." Pool, ask the school to deal with them."

"Do you believe it?" Cao Jianhui smiled and said to the strong security leader: "There are more than a dozen of them. They are so big. We only have four weak students. They beat us easily. Could we beat them? ?"

   Last time I had a fight with Jin Qicai and others, there was this strong security guard who came to deal with it. Cao Jianhui knew that he was the captain of the security team, so he only spoke to him.

   The security chief looked at the big guys who were still standing pitifully in the pool, and then at Luo Ziling, Cao Jianhui and the other two, he felt depressed. What Jin Qicai said, they knew it should be true, but it was very difficult to convince them.

  As people in the school security department, they know the character of these people standing in the pool, and they know their skills.

   If you want to knock these people on the ground, it's not that simple. With Luo Ziling and Cao Jianhui, they can't believe it.

   But the facts are in front of them, so they have to believe that these people who have been accustomed to school have planted today.

   There are martial arts talents among the freshmen, otherwise things like today would not happen.

   One or two people can knock over a dozen big guys. This force value is beyond imagination.

   Luo Ziling thought for a while, walked over and lifted a student standing by the pool volley, and then asked the other person in front of the security guard: "Did you just jump down by yourself or were kicked by us?"

"Yes... I jumped down myself." The student who weighed at least one hundred and sixty jins was easily picked up by Luo Ziling, and his heartbeat in fright increased instantly. He was afraid that Luo Ziling would throw it down or be beaten again. Follow Luo Ziling's question and answer.

   Luo Ziling satisfactorily put the student back into the pool, and then greeted another person to come over.

   After the student walked over tremblingly, Luo Ziling volleyed him ashore again and asked the questions he believed earlier.

   The student also admitted "honestly" that he jumped, not that Luo Ziling kicked them down.

   Indeed, they just jumped down by themselves, not Luo Ziling kicked them down.

   However, they had to jump under the threat of Luo Ziling.

   If you don’t jump down, you will definitely get beaten.

   Luo Ziling's behavior resulted in some students' laughter, but more people were stunned.

   Especially a few security guards, they almost looked straight.

   Luo Ziling effortlessly lifted one hundred and fifty sixty catties from the pool with one hand. They couldn't imagine such power.

   All the security guards have believed that these martial arts team and physical education students were beaten into the pool by Luo Ziling alone.

  Understanding this, they naturally feared Luo Ziling and did not dare to make things difficult for them.

"Did you really jump down by yourself?" The head of the security guard held back a smile and asked the students in the pool. After asking, he said: "If you jumped down by yourself, then come up. Since there is no fight, then It's all gone."

   Today’s matter should be reported and decided later, and let the people above it handle it.

   Anyway, they are all school students, so they can't escape.

  The background of these people is definitely not Let them fight on their own.

   The little security guard who takes thousands of dollars a month cannot afford them.

"Let’s go, let’s have dinner," hearing the security chief said, the students standing in the pool did not dare to say anything. Cao Jianhui felt refreshed and refreshed. The exhaustion of military training today has already disappeared. Without a trace, there was a kind of indulgence in my heart that I had never experienced before, and he patted Luo Ziling's chest, "I treat you, do whatever you want to eat, don't be afraid to eat me."

   said, and ignored the group of martial arts team students who had already started to go ashore, the onlookers and the security guards who came to deal with the matter, greeted Li Fuming and Wu Longjiang, and walked away with Luo Ziling's shoulders.

   Someone who has something good posted what happened just now on the school forum, saying that the martial arts team's stupid guys finally planted a caterpillar today. After being beaten up, they were thrown into the pool. The security guards did not dare to let go. And the silly team of Beat Wushu team is a freshman. Luo Ziling volleyed the photo of the person picked up from the pool, but he didn't take a clear picture of Luo Ziling.

   There are countless posts at a time. Too many people expressed their amazement, but more people expressed their disbelief.

   After the group of students from the martial arts team came up, a few security guards rushed up to understand the situation.

   But these people were unwilling to communicate too much with the security guards and ran away griefly.

   "Oh, you don't want us to take care of it, so you can handle it yourself." The security leader is also happy to save trouble, and doesn't even plan to report the situation.

   Luo Ziling, who was hugged by Cao Jianhui for dinner, didn't know that he had become a celebrity in campus network forums again, let alone that he became the most famous figure among freshmen from today.

   Of course, good things and good things follow one after another with his reputation.

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