The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 347: Let me see where I get hurt

After being pulled by Ouyang Huihui to the entrance of the hotel, Luo Ziling was still reluctant to go in, but Ouyang Huihui was very domineering and pulled Luo Ziling directly into the lobby, and took his ID card to open the room.

In front of the service staff in the lobby, Luo Ziling was too embarrassed to say anything, and could only stand aside depressed.

When she came to the hotel, Ouyang Huihui put on her glasses naturally. She ignored the waiter's curious look. After opening the room, she pulled Luo Ziling into the elevator.

"What is this?" Luo Ziling smiled awkwardly at Ouyang Huihui after entering the elevator.

Since the two have known each other during this period of time, they have actually opened rooms at the hotel twice.

Last time, Ouyang Huihui fell into the water and went to the hotel to take a bath and change clothes; this time he was injured and was forced by Ouyang Huihui to open a room in the hotel. Although it had no other purpose, a man and a woman came out to open a room, and it was still strange.

Ouyang Huihui also felt weird in his heart, but he was always turbulent. After forcing Luo Ziling to open the room, he could only bite the bullet and express his calmness: "We are not doing anything, just come here to help you deal with the injury. .Why don’t you want to go to the hospital?

When Ouyang Huihui said that, Luo Ziling felt that he was narrow-minded, and he could only smile, "It's a little hurt, if I go to the hospital, it won't be a shame? I was stabbed twice and never went to the hospital. Isn’t it recovering well? My grandfather is a famous doctor, and so are I."

"Whenever you don't forget to boast, give me back," Ouyang Huihui looked contemptuous, and after burying Luo Ziling, he asked curiously: "Why do you take medicine with you?"

"For emergencies," Luo Ziling smiled embarrassedly, "After being stabbed last time, there is a shadow in my heart. There are several medicines in my pocket, which can save my life at a critical time."

"Well," Ouyang Huihui curled his lips in dissatisfaction, "It seems that you are still going to risk your life to continue dating that woman from the Yang family. You will regret it when you are beaten to death."

"If you die, you won't regret it."

During the conversation, the elevator reached their floor.

"Your mother is going to cry to death," Ouyang Huihui said again when she walked out of the elevator, not forgetting to roll her eyes.

Her expression is quite cute, full of playful taste.

In fact, today's Ouyang Huihui wears very tasteful. A slightly tight-fitting sweater, plus straight-leg jeans, shows her almost perfect figure. Long hair is casually scattered, very feminine.

Her figure is already quite plump, her bulging eyes are very attractive under the slightly tight sweater, and she has two long legs.

It's just that Luo Ziling didn't pay attention as he walked all the way. He only paid attention when Ouyang Huihui walked to the front to open the door.

When he entered the room, he subconsciously glanced at Ouyang Huihui's chest.

After everyone saw Ouyang Huihui, they would definitely not be able to help but look at the bulging on her chest. It was too tempting. Luo Ziling was also a mortal, and there were some subconscious movements.

But his action was accidentally noticed by Ouyang Huihui.

She couldn't help but blushed, and angrily cursed something that Luo Ziling didn't hear clearly, but when she walked, she raised her chest even more.

"Where is the injury?" After Luo Ziling entered the room, Ouyang Huihui walked over, looked at him up and down, and then ordered: "Take off your clothes and let me see."

"I will look in the mirror myself," Luo Ziling was about to hide in the bathroom to check his injury.

But Ouyang Huihui unceremoniously refused.

"Take off your clothes and let me see your wounds," she ordered fiercely, "Don't be so mother-in-law. You have seen me so many times, and you feel it, and I have to look back and feel it. "

When she said something like this, she was very confident, making Luo Ziling dumbfounded.

"You said it yourself, if you want revenge, just let me touch it back," Ouyang Huihui said bitterly, and then gruffly shouted: "Get off quickly."

"Okay," Luo Ziling thought for a while, just taking off his upper body clothes, it's nothing too big, aren't men often naked?

When swimming on the beach, the man's back is for everyone to see.

Thinking of this, he didn't twitch.

So in front of Ouyang Huihui, he took off his jacket, and then took off the shirt underneath.

When the coat was taken off, Ouyang Huihui saw the blood on Luo Ziling's shirt and couldn't help but exclaimed. "So much blood, it seems that the injury is serious."

"It should be okay," Luo Ziling knew from the pain in his shoulders, arms and back, that his injuries were not very serious.

It wouldn't be too heavy to think about it. When catching the child, his arm also fell, offsetting part of the force of the fall.

If it weren't for the original injury, he would not be injured at all, and the child would not be injured.

After Luo Ziling took off the blood-stained shirt, Ouyang Huihui also saw his wound clearly, but after seeing the wound, she breathed a sigh of relief, not as horrible as she imagined.

"A big piece of skin has been scratched, and there are still bruises here," she yelled in a fuss, standing behind Luo Ziling, "Ah, your scars are a little cracked and bleeding."

Luo Ziling couldn't see the injury clearly behind him, and suddenly became a little anxious.

But he immediately thought of a way to let Ouyang Huihui use his mobile phone to take a video of his injuries.

Ouyang Huihui obediently took out his mobile phone and took a video of the injury and showed it to Luo Ziling.

After taking a look, Luo Ziling couldn't help smiling wryly: "Oh, I can be cured in a few It seems that it will take a few more days."

He took out two medicine bottles from his pocket, and then told Ouyang Huihui: "Or, you can wipe the medicine for me!"

"Okay," Ouyang Huihui agreed without thinking, and then hesitated to ask: "Do you want to disinfect it?"

"It's okay, there are disinfecting ingredients in the medicine." Luo Ziling also explained the usage of the two different medicines and the application of different wounds to him.

Ouyang Huihui was not stupid, so he immediately went to wash his hands, and then came to rub the medicine for Luo Ziling.

I was patronizing Luo Ziling's injury just now, but didn't pay attention to his figure. When he walked back, he also saw Luo Ziling's figure clearly.

She didn't think that this little boy had such a strong body, very strong muscles, and bulging, very lined, very well-proportioned.

Somehow, after seeing Luo Ziling's good figure, Ouyang Huihui's heartbeat accelerated instantly.

"This bastard, he's really in good shape and strong muscles," she wanted to touch it.

She really took advantage of Luo Ziling's opportunity to administer medicine and sneaked twice.

The feeling of touching his muscles is really good, this is Ouyang Huihui's blushing face after sneaking a few times with the opportunity of rubbing medicine.

As a result, because of distraction, he accidentally scratched Luo Ziling's fingernails. Luo Ziling cried out in pain, and the person turned around.

Ouyang Huihui was startled, his body leaned forward subconsciously, and both hands stretched forward instinctively.

As a result, he was so immortal that he just hugged Luo Ziling.

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