The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 353: How can a woman's mind be so complicated

(Thanks to Mo? Ji Nie☆Book friends for their rewards, third more)

"Another assistant by my side," Ling Ruonan also smiled and introduced Li Jing's identity to Luo Ziling, but did not explain the other.

Luo Ziling had guessed that it was her arrangement for Li Jing to come to Yanjing with him, so she didn't need to say anything.

Ouyang Feifei didn't know what was going on, but she didn't ask anything interestingly, just stood quietly.

She knew Li Jing and knew the status of this important confidant next to Ling Ruonan.

Ling Ruonan has many confidants with outstanding ability, including men and women.

The most trusted person is Wu Yue, a personal assistant and personal bodyguard, and the other is Li Jing.

Ling Ruonan did a lot of private things, which were left to these two women.

Today, Ling Ruonan asked these two cronies to meet Luo Ziling at his residence, which is actually quite figurative.

What Ouyang Feifei thought was that Ling Ruonan was going to hand over the Northern Group that he controlled to Luo Ziling.

At least there are such plans.

It is a matter of course for him to pass on his family property to his son, not to mention that Ling Ruonan is still guilty and wants to give Luo Ziling enough compensation to make up for the lack of maternal love for so many years.

If there is no such idea, Ling Ruonan will not let Luo Ziling meet these two assistants in his private house.

"Aunt Ling, I'll send Ziling back," Ouyang Feifei took the initiative to explain, and then said: "I also wish Aunt Ling a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. This Mid-Autumn Festival, Aunt Ling can enjoy the moon with Ziling. It's gratifying."

With that, she greeted a bodyguard and took the gift she prepared from the car.

Ling Ruonan didn't refuse Ouyang Feifei's initiative to show her favor, and smiled and accepted the gift from Ouyang Feifei, and welcomed her into the house.

"Xiaojie, Master, I'm going back first," Li Jing said goodbye, "The two people in the family are still waiting for me to go back to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival!"

Li Jing is married and has a five-year-old son.

"Go," Ling Ruonan didn't hold back, and let Li Jing go.

"Master, you can call me next time if you have anything to do. If Xiaojie goes out, you can also find me if something happens." Li Jing whispered to Luo Ziling when he was leaving.

"Thank you Sister Li," Luo Ziling thanked sincerely.

Although it was said that the last time he flew by plane was arranged by Ling Ruonan, Luo Ziling was very grateful to this enthusiastic and beautiful young woman.

Because he lacked the love of his parents since he was a child, Luo Ziling is very grateful to his good people and will give double rewards.

After Wu Yue prepared tea for the three of them, he became invisible automatically.

"Ling'er, was injured again yesterday? Let mom see how the injury is?" Regardless of Ouyang Feifei's presence here, Ling Ruonan stood up to look at the injury for Luo Ziling.

"Mom, I fell a bit, the wound was a bit cracked, a few pieces of skin were rubbed, and there were no other injuries," Luo Ziling was embarrassed to take off his clothes to check the injury, whether it was facing Ling Ruonan or Ouyang Feifei. Not to mention that they are all around.

But Ling Ruonan ignored Luo Ziling's resistance and forced him to take off his clothes.

Seeing that the injuries on his body were not terrifying, what Luo Ziling said was quite true, and Ling Ruonan was a little relieved.

Ouyang Feifei sat aside and looked a little bit embarrassed by the look of mother and son, but Ling Ruonan didn't avoid her to check Luo Ziling's injury, she felt a little "honoured" again. It seemed that Ling Ruonan didn't dislike her as he did at the beginning, and his image of her was changing.

Although this was a very embarrassing thing for the arrogant Ouyang Feifei, she endured it for the pride of the woman and the plan of revenge that had not disappeared.

After Ling Ruonan checked his injury, Luo Ziling put on his clothes again in embarrassment.

Because Ouyang Feifei was sitting while seeing Luo Ziling's back light, he blushed slightly.

After Ling Ruonan sat down again, he looked at the very elegant Ouyang Feifei who was sitting still, "Your grandfather also told him?"

Ouyang Feifei nodded: "Yes."

"What do you think?" Ling Ruonan asked Luo Ziling in a low voice.

Luo Ziling never thought that Ling Ruonan would ask him this question before exchanging opinions with him. After thinking about it, he shook his head: "I think I need to ask my grandfather's opinion about this matter. Most of the prescriptions and secret medicines are his masterpieces. I have developed very few by myself."

"Then you can use the drugs or prescriptions you developed to try to promote them." After Ouyang Feifei and Luo Ziling said this, they said to Ling Ruonan: "Aunt Ling, I think so. You can use it to become a shareholder of our Lingyun Group. The cooperation of several subordinate pharmaceutical companies can allow Ziling to buy shares with prescriptions or secret pharmaceutical formulas, or allow your Northern Group to increase its shareholding in the pharmaceutical companies under Lingyun Group. Or, establish a new company separately Pharmaceutical subsidiary."

"Let me discuss this with Ziling again," Ling Ruonan did not reply to Ouyang Feifei. She also understood Luo Ziling's hesitation, so she was not in a hurry to make a decision.

After saying this, he smiled and said, "President Ouyang, or else, eat here tonight."

Ouyang Feifei was heartbroken at that moment, but she still shook her head: "I'm still going back and spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with my family. I have promised Grandpa to drink some wine with him at night."

"Well, then," Ling Ruonan was just polite, and didn't really want to stay with Ouyang Feifei for dinner.

"Aunt Ling, then I'll leave first," Ouyang Feifei also immediately got up and left She actually just wanted to send Luo Ziling over, and it didn't matter to say to Ling Ruonan.

It's been a bit presumptuous since, so I am embarrassed to stay longer.

"Well, then you go slowly," Ling Ruonan stood up, ready to send Ouyang Feifei out. "President Ouyang is welcome to visit again next time.

"I'll call me Feifei from now on," Ouyang Feifei said with a smile as she walked out, "otherwise it's too strange."

Ling Ruonan smiled and nodded.

After sending Ouyang Feifei away with Luo Ziling, Ling Ruonan took Luo Ziling's hand and walked back to the living room.

After sitting down, Ling Ruonan looked at Luo Ziling lovingly, and then asked in a low voice, "I don't see it, Ouyang Feifei meant to do this?"

Luo Ziling didn't fully understand the meaning of Ling Ruonan's question, and was stunned.

Ling Ruonan put away her smile and solemnly said: "She is not willing to be divorced by you."

"I know this," Luo Ziling said awkwardly, "this has slapped her face."

"Now you are playing with Yang Qingyin again, she feels even more scandalous." Ling Ruonan said, with a little playfulness at the corner of her mouth, "So, she approached you calmly, trying to make you change your opinion of her. Eventually she fell in love with her. She couldn't accept being dismissed by you, she couldn't accept being rejected by us, and she didn't want to lose to Yang Qingyin, so she did so."

Luo Ziling couldn't help being stunned after hearing what Ling Ruonan said.

Things are so complicated, how can a woman's mind be so complicated?

(End of this chapter)

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