The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 3620: I am not the emperor

Luo Ziling knew that Monica must have a purpose, so he cooperated with her in acting and did not evade or escape.

   I didn't expect her purpose to be so simple and rude, she wanted to be strong against him.

   Luo Ziling couldn't imagine what would happen to this woman if she succeeded in strength.

   He feels very sad, why are there so many women who want to occupy his body and want to dominate her bow?

   After a short pause, Luo Ziling still broke free, and then ran to turn on the light.

   "You hurt me!" Under the light, Monica touched his mouth and looked at Luo Ziling with a grimace.

   "What the **** do you mean?" Luo Ziling stood at the door, frowning and asked Monica, "Want to be strong against me?"

"You got the first kiss, but I didn't taste the taste of kissing someone alone, and I was not reconciled." Monica said, stood up and walked to Luo Ziling, "I just want to taste it, but I have no other ideas. "

"I'll squeeze it for you and leave!" Of course, Luo Ziling would not succumb to Monica's "threat". Without waiting for her to react, he picked her up and threw her on the bed to stop her from resisting. The acupuncture points on her waist.

   After Monica struggled twice, he still couldn't break free of Luo Ziling's control and had to lie down obediently.

   Luo Ziling squeezed the position of her back and then checked other places for her.

   "Uh, there is really something wrong, I'll just help you adjust it!" Luo Ziling said, and then pressed some acupuncture points in other places for Monica.

   Press the acupuncture points, not to separate clothes, the two have a lot of skin-to-skin blind dates, Monica's panting and heartbeat can't help speeding up.

   And Luo Ziling was also quite surprised. The foreign woman's skin was not rough, but rather delicate, she didn't have any peculiar smell, and she didn't have a strong perfume smell. Squeeze it up and feel comfortable.

   After Luo Ziling squeezed for a while, Monica was already groaning too lazy to move.

Luo Ziling squeezed to end, patted her buttocks smoothly, and smiled: "Well, I will definitely get a good night's sleep later, and I will get refreshed tomorrow. I'm leaving, don't thank me, don't use it to me anymore. Violence, just don’t try to force it on me."

   Monica was embarrassed and wanted to stand up and fight Luo Ziling, but he didn't have any strength.

Luo Ziling didn't leave immediately, but sat down by the bed, squeezed Monica’s face, and smiled: "I really didn’t expect that the majestic princess would be so anxious. If I lie down and won’t move, It is estimated that you will succeed. If you want to make big things, you can't lose yourself in these things. Whether you want me or for other purposes, things about men and women will ruin a person's reputation."

   After speaking, he ignored Monica and turned and left.

   Monica was embarrassed and annoyed, buried his entire face in the quilt, and cursed Luo Ziling with a blood spray.

   Actually, she didn't lie to Luo Ziling, she just wanted to taste the taste of being kissed by a man, or being kissed alone.

   I did impulsive things under impulse a few times, but I didn't feel the special taste and I was very unwilling.

   She thought that as long as she took the initiative, Luo Ziling would definitely follow her.

   If he still wants to do something to her, she must push away firmly, not let him succeed, in order to appetite him.

   Unexpectedly, Luo Ziling was not recruited, resolutely rejected her, did not half-push her initiative at all, which made her feel a strong sense of frustration. Of course, she was also very unwilling, thinking in her heart how to make Luo Ziling do as she thought, and finally surrender to her.

  Monica also knew that it was not so easy for Luo Ziling to submit to her.

   This guy is very proud, and there is no shortage of women.

   But the more this happens, the more Monica's eagerness is aroused. She doesn't want to lose when she competes with Luo Ziling, she wants to overpower Luo Ziling.

   Anyway, she has decided to conquer Luo Ziling no matter what means.

   Otherwise, it's a shame.

   Luo Ziling left the hotel immediately after leaving Monica’s room.

   At noon today, Li Lanqing contacted him and said that he wanted to meet him.

   Luo Ziling and Li Lanqing made an appointment to meet at a tea house at six o'clock in the evening.

   Luo Ziling still has things in the afternoon.

   It's been a few days since he came back, and he hasn't visited the North Group headquarters.

   It's not that he has no time to go, but that the North Group headquarters is now in a stable condition and everything is running perfectly. He just asks, nothing will happen. Of course, the most important reason is that he wants to do something that surprises the management.

   The management, including Li Jing, must think that he will visit Yanjing as soon as he returns.

   But he didn't go there, and those people might feel uneasy.

   If you don’t say hello today, you can just go over, maybe you can see something that you can’t normally see.

   After leaving the hotel where Monica was staying, Luo Ziling took Shi Yidan and Zhu Yijun directly to the headquarters of the North Group.

   Luo Ziling did not directly enter the elevator from the underground garage, but passed through the lobby.

   He wore a baseball cap and a pair of big glasses. Dressed up like this, he couldn't really recognize him at first glance.

   But to Luo Ziling's surprise, the receptionist recognized him for the first time and stood up respectfully to greet him.

   This makes Luo Ziling feel very boring.

   He didn't stay in the lobby too much, after a brief look, he walked into the elevator with everyone's surprised eyes.

   The situation in the lobby is still quite satisfactory to him.

Luo Ziling still did not go directly to the floor where the president’s office is located, but went to visit other is working hard, everyone is in a hurry, and even some people who pass by don’t pay attention. he.

   It may be that the front desk notified the management, and Ye Qinqing soon came to Luo Ziling.

   "Master Luo, why don't you tell us when you come over?" Ye Qinqing said with some worry, "Are you not satisfied with our work?"

"No, I just happened to be free, so I stopped by and took a look at the working status of the company's employees." Luo Ziling and Ye Qinqing said their feelings, "The management performed well, everything was in order, and it was better than I expected. Even better. I thought that under the private visit of WeChat, I could see some areas that needed rectification, but I didn't expect to find anything."

   Hearing Luo Ziling's words, Ye Qinqing suddenly opened her eyes and smiled: "Thank you for the praise, we still need to continue to work hard to do better."

"As long as you work hard and perform well, you will definitely have a brighter future. At that time, you will be the golden-collar class in the eyes of others, and the golden phoenix in the eyes of many men," Luo Ziling said, and laughed, "If you meet To a very good suitor, and your heart is moved again, you should thank me for my credit."

   "Young Master, after contacting you, I don't like other men, what should I do?" Ye Qinqing whispered.

   "Uh, I can't solve this, I'm not the emperor, it's impossible to marry so many people!"

   Ye Qinqing glanced at Luo Ziling with complicated eyes, and finally just sighed.

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