The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 3695: Threat

Luo Ziling remembered the names of these people: Yu Na, Zhang Xiaoting, Zhang Manyin, Wang Xiaolu, Wang Wujian, Wu Jianming, Wang Jinnan.

There are three lieutenants and four captains among them.

Among them, Yu Na and Zhang Xiaoting look the best and have good figures.

Wang Guoguo reminded Luo Ziling in a low voice that the two of them were almost caught by the unspoken rules of the people above. In the end, they did not submit, but they also lost the opportunity.

Both of them were in a good position, but they were later thrown into an unimportant department to do unimportant things. In other words, if there is no one to support them, who are very capable, they will lose the opportunity since then. Maybe it will not be long before they will take off their olive green uniforms.

After introducing them to each other, Wang Guoguo made a serious joke: "If Luo Dashao wants the unspoken beauties around him, I think no woman will refuse. Many beautiful women want the unspoken law for Luo Dashao, after all. He is too handsome and has a great body. I can tell you that if he helps you, you must not think of repaying in a way that is not visible, because that is not repaying, it is your advantage."

Wang Guoguo's words made several women a little bit shy, and they had indeed thought of this approach.

After all, Luo Ziling is too handsome, and if he is submerged by him, they will not feel disadvantaged.

Don't say that, sometimes the value of beauty is the best pass.

But after hearing what Wang Guoguo said, no one dared to think so.

After Wang Guoguo introduced everyone, let everyone continue the show just now and order any song they want.

As a result, Luo Ziling's friends who kept changing their speeches, everyone sat next to him, introduced themselves individually, explained their work situation, and still had expectations for the future.

After Shuang finished speaking, she stood up and sang, and the other person sat in the vacant position.

This way everyone doesn't feel abrupt, at least on the surface, everyone just went close to Luo Ziling in the past.

After communicating with them alone, Luo Ziling's perception of these seven people has become better.

The people Wang Guoguo chooses are not bad, and they have the potential to cultivate.

Luo Ziling didn't stay with them much, and left first after sitting for more than an hour.

Wang Guoguo sent him out.

"How about, these people who helped you choose are good?" Wang Guoguo looked proud.

Luo Ziling replied with a serious face: "The initial impression is pretty good, but it needs to be reviewed again. I will give you your opinion then."

If you want to train them, Luo Ziling must of course figure out the details of these people, so as to save the opponent's undercover arrangements to his side.

Investigating these people is not that difficult. If Lin Lan or Wang Zhenjun are responsible, it can be done in a few hours.

"That's good!" Wang Guoguo smiled, "If these people are of great use, you have to thank me."

"That's something for the future." Luo Ziling told Wang Guoguo that she should temporarily contact these people to let them do things with peace of mind and wait for the opportunity to come.

"If you want to taste the taste of civilian girls, you can choose them. The military girl's taste is different from other girls!" Wang Guoguo had a playful look.

"If you are only pimping for them, then there is nothing to discuss." Luo Ziling's face became ugly, "I use a person, especially a woman, and I never do this because I need her to repay it physically. I do. I need a lot of people who can help me with things, but I have no shortage of women who can share the same bed and pillow. Do you understand? Otherwise, you have long since turned from a girl to a woman!"

Luo Ziling's words in front of Wang Guoguo made Wang Guoguo feel weak.

The latter words made her angry again.

"Don't think about being so beautiful, this girl is still a girl, so I look down on a man like you who doesn't know how many women." She hummed at Luo Ziling proudly, "I'm a person who wants to be a royal palace. Little three and four have never been interested, and never even thought about being someone else’s lover."

"So I can rest assured!" Luo Ziling breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Guoguo again became angry and wanted to kick Luo Ziling.

Luo Ziling ignored Wang Guoguo and Gu Zi left.

After Luo Ziling left, he sent a message to Monica, asking her to have supper together, and told her that he might come with Yang Qingyin.

Monica returned a few grimace expressions, and added the word boring.

Then she sent a message asking Luo Ziling to find a place where she can eat delicious food with Yanjing flavor, and she will come by herself.

Luo Ziling also agreed.

He sent a message to Yang Qingyin, asking her what she was up to and if she had time to come out for supper.

Yang Qingyin immediately called back and asked Luo Ziling if he was done with things.

Luo Ziling did not hide it, and honestly confessed: "I asked Monica to have a supper together. This afternoon, she and David Smith came to visit the Northern Group. After they return, they must have discussed something. I want to talk to her."

"Forget it, you can eat with her by yourself. I am not comfortable with everyone around me." Yang Qingyin was not interested in coming over to see Monica. She was afraid of Luo Ziling's misunderstanding, and explained two sentences: "Since you want to be with her If you’re talking about business, then just ask her alone. Anyway, I believe you too, and you won’t want to think about her."

"With your sentence, I don't want to be embarrassed anymore!" Luo Ziling smiled, and did not force it.

When Luo Ziling was about to hang up, Yang Qingyin said again: "Qingye came to see me today."

"What's the matter?" Luo Ziling's heart stunned.

"I think his performance is a bit abnormal." But Yang Qingyin didn't say anything abnormal about Yang Qingye on the phone, but just told Luo Ziling, and waited for him to come over.

"Then wait for me, I'll come over after Monica's supper."

"If I fall asleep, don't wake me up!" Yang Qingyin said with a grunt: "If you haven't come over at half past ten, then you can go home and sleep by yourself. If you have something to talk about tomorrow, you will not be in a hurry anyway."

"Anyway, you can wash it and wait for me. I will definitely come over to listen to you at night and give you some rewards."

"Disgusting!" When Luo Ziling said this, he smiled trivially, and Yang Qing took a bite and hung up the phone.

Luo Ziling came to accompany her to eat supper alone, but Yang Qingyin did not come, and Monica was surprised.

"Where's your fiancée? Didn't you come to supervise your dating with a beautiful woman?"

"I said I was a beautiful woman, so I felt a bit thick-skinned."

"Do I look ugly?"

"Not very ugly!" Luo Ziling shook his head, "It's just ugly in general, at least from the Chinese aesthetic point of view. The hair is yellow, the eyes are blue like monsters, the pores are large, and the smell of the body must be covered by perfume... ...."

Before Luo Ziling's words were Monica rushed over to fight Luo Ziling.

Luo Ziling hurriedly avoided, made another pause gesture, and said angrily: "You can't make a joke? Your Royal Highness won't be so petty, right?"

"Do you know what women hate most?"


"The most annoying thing is that the person I like says how bad she is, you are too much!" Monica grunted: "I tell you, if you hit me again, I won't like you anymore. One. The destructive power of women due to love and hatred is definitely more serious than you think!"


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