The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 376: Feel the danger

Ouyang Feifei has been paying attention to the changes in Luo Ziling's expression, and all his expressions are captured by her when he gets along with her.

The change of Luo Ziling's expression made Ouyang Feifei quite proud.

Don't say it, Ouyang Feifei is still talented in acting, and her appearance in front of Luo Ziling has indeed changed Luo Ziling's impression of her. After talking to Ouyang Feifei while having dinner, and then treated her, Luo Ziling didn't even ask to leave as before.

Ouyang Feifei took a bath before letting Luo Ziling treat him. After the bath, she only wore pajamas. The fragrance of the body after the bath and the slightly exposed body constituted a great yòuhuò for such an energetic little boy as Luo Ziling. Coupled with Ouyang Feifei's slightly shy expression, Luo Ziling even gave birth to the idea that it was really a stupid decision to come to the door to divorce.

Fortunately, Ling Ruonan's call promptly awakened Luo Ziling from the confusion.

Ling Ruonan called to inquire about Luo Ziling's recovery, and said that someone had brought her some tropical fruits. She and Wu Yue couldn't eat them, so they brought some for Luo Ziling.

Hearing that Ling Ruonan was going to deliver the fruit to the school gate, Luo Ziling immediately said goodbye to Ouyang Feifei.

Ouyang Feifei, who was proud of the results of his efforts to make changes, was a little disappointed when Luo Ziling was anxious to return, but she still ordered Wang Qing to send Luo Ziling back. Luo Ziling resolutely rejected Ouyang Feifei's arrangement for Wang Qing to send him back. He said that he could just get a taxi outside, and then turned and ran away before Ouyang Feifei insisted.

Luo Ziling's appearance made Ouyang Feifei puzzled and looked at Wang Qing unkindly.

Logically, this shouldn't happen. Did Luo Ziling and Wang Qing have conflicts?

But instead of asking questions, she turned upstairs.

After Luo Ziling's treatment, she felt very sleepy and wanted to sleep very much.

It was still early, just after eight o'clock, but she decided to sleep first before talking.

When she lay on the bed, Ouyang Feifei did not fall asleep immediately. She was still thinking about what happened today, and how Luo Ziling felt when she was treated and pinched.

She admitted that Luo Ziling's treatment was very effective, and her health improved a lot after the treatment during this period.

Luo Ziling also felt very good when she pinched her. His fingers were long and slender, similar to those of a girl, not rough at all, and very gentle. Press it on the body, there is an indescribable comfort.

In the past, Ouyang Feifei had never thought about men and women, nor had any desires. But after Luo Ziling's hand pinched, there was unexpected agitation in the body, and even some special parts of the body gave birth to the impulse to be pinched.

"What's wrong with me?" Ouyang Feifei, who never thought that she would have such changes, felt dangerous.

She knew that although she had successfully changed Luo Ziling's impression of her, she had also plunged herself into a dangerous state.

Lonely men and widows continue to get along in this way, maybe something uncontrolled will happen.

Sober, Ouyang Feifei felt that she could face anything calmly, and no man would dare to molest her.

But in the course of Luo Ziling's treatment, this precaution disappeared.

She did not resist Luo Ziling's pinch, and even expected him to make bold moves.

Ouyang Feifei is very aware of the dangers brought about by this change.

She deliberately approached Luo Ziling and wanted to retaliate against him, but she didn't want to put herself in a difficult situation.

But before she could come up with a solution, the unstoppable sleepiness struck, and she soon fell asleep.

After Luo Ziling quickly ran out of the villa area where Ouyang Feifei lived, he just happened to see a taxi arriving outside the complex with passengers.

After the rider got out of the car, he immediately jumped up and asked the driver to take him to the gate of Yanmen.

On the way, Luo Ziling received a call from Ling Ruonan, saying that she would arrive at the school gate in a few minutes and let Luo Ziling wait for her in the school parking lot.

Luo Ziling naturally agreed.

But he still got to the parking lot nearly ten minutes later than Ling Ruonan.

Ling Ruonan didn't urge him, but sat in the car and waited.

Seeing Luo Ziling appear, Ling Ruonan asked him to get in the car first.

"Mom, I was outside just now. I took a taxi to come back. I didn't wait to be anxious?" Luo Ziling still took the initiative to say something, and then said with a smile: "What good food can you bring to me?"

"Some fresh tropical fruits are hard to see this season. I thought you should rarely eat these fruits, so I brought them here for you." Ling Ruonan pointed to several fruit bags in the back seat and exhorted Luo Ziling took it back for a while, and then brought a few other bags over: "These are the clothes and shoes that Mom bought for you. You can take them back and try to see if they fit."

Luo Ziling is naturally very grateful for Ling Ruonan's care, but she is also embarrassed, "Mom, I have enough clothes, and the boxes and cabinets are about to fit, so don't buy me so many clothes."

"It's okay, next time I will buy you some in the closet at home. You can wear it when you come back. Mom bought two sets of pajamas and some home furnishings, but I didn't bring them. You can wear them when you come to sleep. Also, the clothes you usually change and wash can also be packed and brought back and thrown in the washing machine." When these words were said, Ling Ruonan's eyes were full of love and pity.

"Mom, it's okay, I know how to wash it myself," Luo Ziling felt warm, but he declined Ling Ruonan's kindness with a smile, "I started washing my clothes at the age of five, and I have washed my own clothes for so many years. Sometimes I wash Grandpa's clothes. It's okay, I can do all these housework!"

Luo Ziling's words made Ling Ruonan feel guilty. The son who was supposed to lead a very superior life can actually do all the housework, which makes the mother who is also a mother very uncomfortable.

After feeling sad, the eye circles were a little red. Fortunately, she controlled her emotions in time and didn't show her sadness. After asking about Luo Ziling's injuries, and forcing him to untie his clothes for personal inspection, Ling Ruonan was relieved when he found that there was no problem.

But when she bid farewell to Luo Ziling, she solemnly reminded a few more words: "Ling'er, one thing is basically certain, the street ànshā that targeted you last time was instigated by the Ling family. As for who instigated, Mom hasn’t checked it out yet. Maybe they didn’t want to kill you, but they can’t let you be. So, you must be careful in the future, the Ling family may be even more hateful than the Yang family!"

Luo Ziling was shocked by Ling Ruonan's words, but in the end he didn't ask anything. He just nodded solemnly to show that he remembered.

Ling Ruonan stroked Luo Ziling's face and whispered: "I will travel as little as possible in the next six months. If you have anything, you should call me and you must tell me, you know?"


Ling Ruonan reminded one more thing: "One more thing, in a dozen days, it will be your grandfather's ninetieth birthday. When your mother takes you to celebrate your birthday, you should be prepared. Your grandfather is not in good health. It may make you heal."

"I must be prepared to never shame mom!"

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