The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 3821: Scared to death

Of course Fang Zhongning couldn't last for two hours, even if he didn't last ten minutes, he collapsed.

He repeatedly begged for mercy, saying that he was willing to tell Luo Ziling everything he knew.

Luo Ziling asked his people to inject a one-fifth dose of the antidote into Fang Zhongning and told Fang Zhongning that this antidote could only relieve symptoms for half an hour. If the injection of the antidote is not continued within half an hour, the symptoms will become more intense.

Fang Zhongning, sweating profusely, started to talk about things after asking for a glass of water.

He admitted that they wanted to buy Ouyang Zhengang and wanted to use Ouyang Zhengang's hand to remove Ouyang Lingyun.

But progress is not smooth.

During this period of time, Ouyang Zhen just came into contact with the Yang family the most, not the Yang family.

Ouyang Zhengang has had contact with Yang Yunlin and Yang Yuanshan in addition to the Fang family.

Yang Yuanshan and Yang Yunlin gave him a promise that he would help him gain control of the Ouyang family.

As long as Ouyang Lingyun is dead, then Ouyang Feifei will be dead.

All evidence points to the brothers Ouyang Zhenhua and Ouyang Zhenning.

Ouyang Zhengang once bargained with the Fang family on this point.

However, after Ouyang Zhen just contacted the Yang family and the Fang family, he felt that things were a bit unreliable.

Moreover, he was unwilling to bear the charge of father killing, so he was unwilling to do it himself.

Ouyang Zhengang hopes to gain control of the family through other means. He would rather kill Ouyang Feifei than take action against Ouyang Lingyun.

As a result, the Fang family tried a way to buy off a low-status person next to Ouyang Lingyun.

In the end, this person was poisoned.

The poison in Ouyang Lingyun is indeed a mixed poison. It is not very strong, but it is difficult to save. It is similar to the toxicity of paraquat.

It's just that Luo Ziling and Luo Liansheng asked each other for the first time, and Ouyang Lingyun got his life back.

What Fang Zhongning said was a bit messy, but Luo Ziling probably understood the meaning.

It was the Fang family who shot Ouyang Lingyun, not the Yang family.

After listening to what Fang Zhongning said, Luo Ziling combed it briefly and found that the situation was more terrifying than he expected.

The Fang family and the Yang family attacked the Ouyang family at the same time. If the two families attacked the Ouyang family, the Ouyang family might not be able to resist.

Ouyang Lingyun and Ouyang Feifei's strategy was quite correct, and they asked for help.

The Yang family and the Fang family did not cooperate as closely as they had imagined, and the two each made their own calculations.

This also led to the inconsistency of the two steps when dealing with the Ouyang family, and there were mistakes.

But after carefully sorting it out, Luo Ziling felt that something was a bit wrong again.

The two wanted to point the suspicions to Ouyang Zhenhua and Ouyang Zhenning. How come all the unfavorable evidence available points to Ouyang Zhengang?

So Luo Ziling asked Fang Zhongning again what was going on.

"We want the Yang family's plan to be unsuccessful." Fang Zhongning said with a wry smile: "Because the Yang family has always been in contact with Ouyang Zhengang and his wife, their daughter should have been a middleman. Ouyang Zhengang is unwilling to start. They want to start through his wife and daughter."

After hearing Fang Zhongning's explanation, Luo Ziling felt a little more reasonable.

He asked Fang Zhongning to confess other things and Fang's general plan.

Fang Zhongning was reluctant to say more. He just told Luo Ziling that he didn't know the Fang family's plans. All the plans were planned by Fang Zhonghua. Even the second brother Fang Zhongxiu knew more than him.

"Then you can taste this again!" Of course Luo Ziling didn't believe what Fang Zhongning said, hehe smiled and left him.

When Luo Ziling inquired about Fang Zhongning, he was far away.

Fang Zhongning confessed the matter, and all the videos were recorded.

When recording the video, Luo Ziling's questioning voice was technically processed, and if you listen to it, you won't know that he is talking.

After a while, Fang Zhongning couldn't resist again, and was willing to explain something more.

Afterwards, Fang Zhongning talked about some other things he knew, including Fang’s plan to use Fang Qianqian and Yang Qingye’s marriage to promote a better relationship between the two, preparing to deal with Ling Ruonan’s plan and how to put Luo Ziling to death. How to crippling Luo Xusheng.

Anyway, Luo Ziling was dumbfounded.

Dong Xiaowan and Wang Feiyang who were in the audience were even more out of breath.

It was terrible, the conspiracy in the middle was so huge, it was so big that it scared people to death.

After Luo Ziling listened, he didn't say anything, just his face was indifferent.

These things were originally expected, but now I know some detailed plans.

I believe that the Fang family will change their plans at any time. As soon as Fang Zhongning’s loss of freedom is exposed, they will suspend all plans and make other responses.

Luo Ziling took a closer look, and found that Fang Zhongning hadn't said how to cooperate with the Yang family, so he asked again.

Fang Zhongning said something, but he was not in detail.

He said helplessly: "I am not responsible for the contact with the Yang family, so I am not very clear."

When Luo Ziling tried again, Fang Zhongning still said so, and he believed it.

Luo Ziling asked about Fang Dongxun again, but Fang Zhongning was still unclear about Fang Dongxun's movements.

He only knew that Fang Dongxun had gone abroad, and other things were unclear.

After listening to Luo Ziling, he was a little bit regretful, but didn't ask the answers to the few things he wanted to know the most.

Later, Luo Ziling also detoxified Fang Zhongning, and then said with a smile to the other Zhongning: "It's okay, you won't commit the crime again after the poison is detoxified, and you won't have any sequelae in the next days. If you don't want others Knowing this, I am willing to cooperate with Not waiting for Fang Zhongning’s answer, Luo Ziling said again: "But I know you must not dare not tell your father, and I will also give me the video of your question. Grandpa, let the two old men negotiate by themselves. "

Fang Zhongning? His face was pale, he knew very well how his father would be furious when he knew it, and his status in the direction of heart would also plummet.

But, everything he can do nothing.

The only blame is that I am not sufficiently vigilant, and that Luo Ziling's people took the opportunity.

He also had a new understanding of the special operations capabilities of these people under Luo Ziling.

Next, he never dared to go out privately. Even if he wants to go out, he must bring enough guards to give no one a chance.

After tossing these things, it is already one o'clock in the morning.

"Do you still want to eat supper?" Luo Ziling asked Dong Xiaowan and Wang Feiyang.

"Yes!" Dong Xiaowan nodded.

Wang Feiyang shook her head, saying that she wanted to go back to sleep.

But after seeing that Dong Xiaowan still wanted to eat supper, she immediately changed her mind and was willing to accompany Luo Ziling to eat something.

Lin Lan and her men wanted to clean up the mess, and Luo Ziling took the two women to eat supper.

While eating supper, Luo Ziling asked Wang Feiyang: "You have seen what happened tonight, what do you think?"

"I will go home to sleep later, and get up early tomorrow to chat with my dad."

Wang Feiyang's answer made Luo Ziling quite satisfied.

He asked Dong Xiaowan again: "How about you?"

"I'm scared to death!"

"Look more and you will be bolder." Luo Ziling said meaningfully: "If you want to do more for me, you must see more!"

Dong Xiaowan looked at Luo Ziling weirdly, and finally shook her head: "I'm afraid, I still don't touch these things."

"Good too!"

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