The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 401: Give you 1 gift

At the gate of Yan University campus on Sunday morning, not many students came in and out.

Most of the students are sleeping there, especially the boys, who rarely get up before eight o'clock on weekends.

The world is drizzling, this kind of weather is best for sleeping.

The other three guys in Luo Ziling's bedroom were sleeping soundly like dead pigs when he got up, and Cao Jianhui also snored shamefully.

Last night, Luo Ziling received a message from Lin Lan, saying that at 8 o'clock on Sunday morning, she would pick him up and let Luo Ziling wait for her at the school gate.

Luo Ziling got up early, and after buying Xiaolongbao at the school gate, he stood there and waited.

Lin Lan still arrived at the school gate on time at eight o'clock. After Luo Ziling got into the co-pilot position, he picked up the Xiaolongbao in his hand and said with a smile: "Have you had breakfast? I'll feed you if you haven't eaten."

"I've eaten," Lin Lan replied grimly, "Don't hinder me from driving."

When Lin Lan put on the accelerator and left the school, Luo Ziling used chopsticks to hold a small dumpling and fed it to Lin Lan.

Lin Lan hesitated, opened her small mouth and ate the xiaolongbao in her mouth.

After a while, Luo Ziling fed another one, and Lin Lan opened her mouth to eat.

"How does it taste? Haven't eaten it for a long time?" Luo Ziling laughed.

"Don't feed me," Lin Lan's pretty face was slightly pink, and after a light cough, she took the initiative to talk about the matter: "I am investigating the last time you were assassinated."

"My mother is also investigating this matter, but there is no progress. The planners did something very concealed. The police investigated for many days, but there was no progress." Luo Ziling said, smiled bitterly, and asked Lin Lan. Have you investigated anything useful?"

"Yes!" Lin Lan answered very simply.


"I can't tell you!" Luo Ziling, who was eating Xiaolongbao, was almost choked. After he swallowed the Xiaolongbao in his mouth, he looked at Lin Lan with a grievance, "You can't tell me. ?"

"I said, no!" Seeing that Luo Ziling was a little disappointed, Lin Lan finally said again: "Not for the time being!"

"Okay, then I won't ask," Luo Ziling just softened, and asked Lin Lan, "How is your injury?"

"Okay," Lin Lan replied briefly, and then immediately said about the Falcon's injury, "Falcon's injury has recovered well and should not leave."

Although Lin Lan answered that she was a little impatient, she was used to her appearance like Luo Ziling and didn't care much: "That's good, I'll go over and take a look for him later."

Then asked Lin Lan: "Is your injury really all right?"

"Originally it was a minor injury. After a few days, I have almost recovered," Lin Lan was a little embarrassed as Luo Ziling looked at her sideways. "If you don't worry, it's okay to see."

"Forget it, don't watch it, it's a bit embarrassing." Luo Ziling smiled.

Lin Lan opened her mouth, but in the end she said nothing.

When he arrived at Longteng Base, Luo Ziling saw Li Haiyang basking in the sun and hurried forward to greet him.

"Senior, the complexion is very good," Luo Ziling pulled a chair, sat next to Li Haiyang, and checked him.

After checking the condition of the joints of the hands and feet, and after taking the pulse, Luo Ziling smiled and said to Li Haiyang: "The situation is getting better and better. If I had only 20% confidence in the success of the treatment when I was first treated, then at least now Seventy."

Hearing what Luo Ziling said, Li Haiyang was immediately happy: "It seems that there is a day when I can stand up. Thank you very much."

Luo Ziling smiled: "It's okay. Senior has helped me so much. I will definitely try my best to cure your injury."

Luo Ziling's words also made Lin Lan on the side very happy.

During this period of time, they did see Li Haiyang's complexion getting better and better, now listening to Luo Ziling say this, thinking that one day Li Haiyang can really stand up, then everyone in Longteng will be very happy.

Li Haiyang is the **** of Longteng and the spiritual pillar of Longteng. As long as he is there, Longteng is the most elite special force, there is no one.

Because Luo Ziling's injuries have not yet healed, so today I just do some simple treatments for Li Haiyang, and luck acupuncture, which is too physical, was not used. The treatment lasted for more than an hour, and Luo Ziling was still sweating from exhaustion.

However, they were much better than usual. After the treatment, the two sat and talked for a while.

Li Haiyang took the initiative to talk about the assassination of Luo Ziling on the way back that day: "Unexpectedly, after you and the young granddaughter of the Yang family left, you would actually meet the killer. Fortunately, you were quick to react, but then it was really unimaginable. This matter, Lin Lan I've been investigating, and I have preliminary clues. I believe that after a while, the truth will be revealed."

"Thank you seniors for your concern, and Lin Lan for your help," Luo Ziling sincerely thanked him.

Unexpectedly, Luo Ziling thanked her in front of Li Haiyang, Lin Lan couldn't help but feel a little proud.

"You will have more and more troubles in the future, be careful," Li Haiyang pointed to Lin Lan after a reminder, "If you need our help, you can contact Lin Lan. As long as she doesn't go out to perform the task, and If things do not violate discipline, she will definitely come forward."

"Okay, I remembered it." Luo Ziling thought for a while and said a little bit of his own opinion. "She hasn't all recovered from her injuries. She should take a good rest and sharpen her knife and chop wood."

Unexpectedly, Luo Ziling would speak for her like this, Lin Lan was a bit twisted, and gave Luo Ziling a but Luo Ziling didn't care.

After chatting with Li Haiyang for a while, Luo Ziling followed Lin Lan out of the small building.

Luo Ziling asked Lin Lan to take him to see Falcon's injury, but Lin Lan took him directly into her room.

Seeing Luo Ziling's puzzled face, Lin Lan, who changed her shoes, turned back and said softly, "I will give you a gift."

When Lin Lan unexpectedly thought of giving him a gift, Luo Ziling was immediately very happy, "Wow, you actually thought of buying me a gift? Very happy. By the way, what gift is it?"

Luo Ziling feels that women buy gifts for men, either clothes or other wearables, so this is what he thought of.

He really guessed it, what Lin Lan wanted to give him was a vest-like dress.

But this vest is very different, much thicker, and the material is very special.

Seeing Luo Ziling's puzzled face, Lin Lan introduced blankly: "This is the latest bulletproof vest developed by the Americans. It looks similar to ordinary clothes and weighs less than two kilograms. It can resist 7.6mm automatic bùqiāng. It’s bullets, but it’s not anti-sniper bùqiāng and jīqiāng, and the 12.7mm bùqiāng can’t protect you effectively. I’ll give it to you. You can keep warm when you wear it in winter.

Lin Lan actually gave him a body armor, and Luo Ziling was surprised and surprised.

"Okay, I'll accept it," Luo Ziling, who was surprised to see Lin Lan standing calmly, stretched out his hand and hugged her, "Thank you!"

Unexpectedly, Luo Ziling would do such a move, and Lin Lan froze there.

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