The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 4061: 1 everything is so familiar


There was no one in the room and it was quiet.

But the smell of sandalwood wafting out of it told Luo Ziling that there must be people living here.

Also, someone stayed here a while ago.

Luo Ziling did not go in immediately, but stood at the door and looked at the furnishings in the room.

Elegant and exquisite, the owner took a lot of thought and expense when constructing this house.

All the furniture inside is high-grade mahogany, and the design is very exquisite, luxurious and expensive.

Turning to look back at the yard, there are several corridors with small bridges, flowing water, and countless flowers and trees growing in them.

Some flowers are blooming, but the peaches and plums are blooming.

Everything is full of vitality and makes people feel better all at once.

This is a very Chinese yard with a simple and casual style.

Except for the furniture in the room, it doesn't give people a very precious feeling.

Luo Ziling knew that there must be many guards here.

But when he came in, no one was seen.

He knew that all the guards hid with knowledge, not to hinder him from finding someone, and not to spoil his interest.

After watching for a while, Luo Ziling walked into the room again after feeling his heart calmed slightly.

The main house is divided into three floors, the first floor is the meeting room, various function rooms and tea room.

The dust is not stained, all the furniture is very neat and tidy, just like this woman's temperament.

Luo Ziling walked around lightly, but no one was seen.

Everything is quiet, just like the owner is out.

After turning a few steps, Luo Ziling saw some delicate cakes in the tea room.

There is overheated tea on the side. It is simmering on a low fire and it is bubbling.

After thinking for a while, Luo Ziling became more playful.

He didn't rush to find any more, but walked over and sat down on the chair.

I made a cup of tea for myself, picked up a piece of pastry, and ate slowly.

He was eating while thinking, if the woman didn't show up here easily and saw him sitting here leisurely drinking tea and snacks, like the owner, would he be shocked?

If she is shocked and can't recover for a long time, the scene must be very interesting.

If this is the case, then he will quietly watch her stupid, and will not greet her or give her a hug. He will only greet her in a casual voice: "Wife, your pastries are pretty Yes, I haven’t seen it in a few years, but I know this craft now. It’s not easy!"

Luo Ziling was thinking very seriously, if he said that, how would she react?

Shedding tears is for sure.

From the fact that she has been hiding from him, it can be seen that she cares about him very much.

If you don't care, why hide?

Ignoring his existence is the most fearless expression.

She cared about him, and suddenly seeing him appear, there must be a wonderful performance.

However, Luo Ziling drank half a pot of tea and ate five snacks, but there was no movement in the house.

It's like no one.

Luo Ziling looked around, but didn't see the camera or anything.

When he first came in, he had seen multiple surveillance probes outside the yard.

At the thought of surveillance probes, Luo Ziling suddenly felt a little boring.

Perhaps, she had informed the surveillance probe that he had seen him, and deliberately hid from him!

"The host is not acting like this. The distinguished guests from afar shouldn't be treated like this!" After muttering this, Luo Ziling stood up, cleaned up the sundries on the tea table, and wandered around. ring.

There is no one downstairs, so I must go and see it upstairs.

If there is no one upstairs, you can only look for it in the yard or other buildings.

I just hope that this game of hide and seek, don't play so hard.

Luo Ziling found the stairs hidden in the corner and walked up the stairs, trying not to make any noise when climbing.

There were carpets on the stairs, and Luo Ziling's footsteps were handled gently, and there was almost no sound.

On the second floor, Luo Ziling saw several rooms beside a small rest room.

The second floor should be the main living area, sleeping and resting place, decorated very warmly.

This style is what Yang Qingyin likes.

In the past, the layout of her room was like this.

The doors of the two rooms were closed, and a hallway led to a large room with a balcony.

Luo Ziling walked along the entrance without hesitation.

This is an open study room with several shelves of books, piano and other instrumental music.

He was very familiar with the furnishings inside, and at the same time his heartbeat increased, he felt a strong sense of intimacy.

This woman, during the time she was separated from him, did she often read here?

But I didn't see anyone in the study. I took a closer look. It should have been a while since no one was here.

There was still a door hidden beside the study, Luo Ziling walked over and gently opened the door.

At a glance, his pupils suddenly contracted, and his heart seemed to jump out of his chest.

A woman with blue silks scattered randomly is sitting in front of the window painting.

Take a look at the situation in this room. It is a very professional studio. You have everything you need for painting.

Luo Ziling took two deep breaths and walked over slowly, trying to keep silent.

When I approached, I took a look at it, and on the spreading paper, what emerged was a very elegant pastoral painting.

Only halfway through the painting, the owner of the screen behind is still thinking about it seriously.

The long-haired woman concentrates on the painting, unaware of what is happening behind her.

When Luo Ziling approached, she found that she was on the flowing water of the small bridge and a few people on the side of the bridge.

Maybe it was a problem, or the picture that came out of the pen was not very satisfying, she stopped smiling, frowning and thinking about something.

"Drawing a man and a **** holding an umbrella," Luo Ziling looked at it for a while, and saw that she hadn't written anything for a while, didn't turn her head to look, could not help but reminded: "Walking in the bridge and flowing water is not very artistic. ?"

His voice scared the woman instantly.

With a shake of his hand, the paintbrush fell on the paper, and a huge black flower suddenly appeared.

However, the woman did not look back, still sitting in the original posture.

But the hand that originally held the pen trembling violently after the pen fell off, still betrayed her mood.

Luo Ziling took two steps, carefully looked at the contaminated picture for a while, and said regretfully: "It's a pity a good painting!"

Then the woman turned her head, but saw that she was already in tears.

Luo Ziling lowered herself short and faced her face to face. He smiled and joked: "Did you scare you to cry? I haven't seen you in a few years, and I'm getting more and more timid."

The delicate face, the feeling of incomparable closeness.

Luo Ziling's heart, which was originally held, suddenly calmed down when he saw Yang Qingyin's crying face.

Everything is so familiar, as if never separated, and as if time never passed by.


(An advance notice, the end of this book is over!)

(End of this chapter)

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