The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 4072: The most complicated is the feminine heart


Luo Ziling's last words touched Yang Qingyin.

After leaning quietly for a while, she said earnestly: "Let's do this, depending on your performance these days. If your performance is good, maybe I will consider going back with you."

"Don't be so pretentious, you have already decided, just tell the decision directly." Luo Ziling's hands are not honest again.

Where did Yang Qingyin suffer Luo Ziling's deliberate teasing, and suddenly softened her body.

In this case, willpower is the least determined.

Therefore, under Luo Ziling's repeated requests, she finally expressed her actual thoughts: "If you have performed well during this period, then I will not care about what happened before today. From today onwards, you must not be close behind my back. Women other than me, otherwise, I will take your son and leave again, and never see you."

These words, she said through gritted teeth.

"Meaning, if you allow me, I can still get close to other women?" Luo Ziling found the loopholes in Yang Qingyin's words with a look of surprise, "I secretly swear that from now on, I will only be good to you. Have a bunch of sons and daughters with you..."

"Don't talk nonsense," Yang Qingyin's face turned into anger, and then said bitterly: "Compensate me for what you owe me for the past three years. Don't be lazy!"

"Yes, my wife!" Luo Ziling smiled and rushed to Yang Qingyin, "I hope ten months later, you can again..."

Before he finished speaking, Yang Qingyin pinched again.

In the following, everything is horrible, and everything is expressed in actions.

Luo Ziling knew that Yang Qingyin was very satisfied with his performance today.

Some words spoken unscrupulously can indeed make Yang Qingyin's entanglement disappear.

Luo Ziling believes that in recent years, Yang Qingyin has thought about everything seriously while avoiding other people's lives.

It's not that she is unwilling to live with him, it's just that she can't get through the hurdle in her heart.

His sincerity can help her untie the knot.

If he was only cautiously pleased Yang Qingyin today, and not to mention that this was a bit unpleasant from another angle, perhaps he would not have the excitement of Xiaojie winning the newlyweds. Sometimes when a man is more aggressive, a woman will compromise-this is Luo Ziling's experience.

Ouyang Feifei, who was sleeping not far from them, unexpectedly heard the movements of the two people vaguely, and couldn't help yelling, saying they were too hateful.

As a result, this night, she tossed about but couldn't sleep well.

Ouyang Feifei also ridiculed herself, this time coming to South Africa, it is really boring to find herself.

However, some agreements were reached with Yang Qingyin in the evening, and she was slightly relieved.

After getting up the next day, Luo Ziling told Lin Lan, Wu Yue and others that Yang Qingyin had promised him and would follow him back to China in two days.

Yang Qingyin unexpectedly agreed easily, and after two days of arrangement, he returned to China with Luo Ziling, which surprised everyone.

Even Lin Lan and Wu Yue are incredible.

Only Ouyang Feifei was not surprised.

In her chat with Yang Qingyin, she already felt that Yang Qingyin had this idea.

Last night, the two spent half the night next to her, which illustrates this point.

In fact, Ouyang Feifei can come to South Africa with Luo Ziling because in Luo Ziling's eyes, she can stimulate Yang Qingyin.

Luo Ziling wanted Yang Qingyin to see that if she didn't return to China with him, then Ouyang Feifei might have taken advantage of it.

And Ouyang Feifei also knew that he could play this role.

She also knew that if Yang Qingyin did not return to China, Luo Ziling would not marry another person.

This man has a stubborn temper sometimes, so stubborn that you can't understand it.

Ouyang Feifei also knew that Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin had a marriage contract that the whole world knew.

For the sake of his reputation, Luo Ziling must do "benefit and justice" and take Yang Qingyin back.

Even if he doesn't love Yang Qingyin anymore.

Therefore, although she understood Luo Ziling's purpose for letting her come, she still did not evade.

When she took the initiative to make this request to Luo Ziling, both of them knew it well.

Of course Ouyang Feifei wanted to get her own benefit, and when she was talking with Yang Qingyin, she had already got a part of the benefit.

Next, she will fight for more.

Luo Ziling announced the news before Yang Qingyin got up, with the purpose of creating a fait accompli.

To his surprise, Yang Qingyin got up, and when someone asked about it, she confessed it openly.

"Yes, after I have handled things here, I will return to China with Luo Ziling."

Yang Qingyin's clear answer shocked everyone and was also very pleased.

Especially these people who are responsible for the safety work around Yang Qingyin, they have long wanted to return to China.

Ye Xiaoli wanted to go back to China more than anyone else, after all, she had a very good relationship with Wang Zhenjun.

After three years of separation, she has no idea whether everything can go back to the past.

Although Wang Zhenjun looked affectionate when he saw her again, Ye Xiaoli was still not at ease.

She knew Yang Qingyin's attitude, but her own lady planned not to see Luo Ziling for the rest of her life, and never live with him again.

Ye Xiaoli knew that if Yang Qingyin was with Luo Ziling, she would definitely be burdened with too many accusations and couldn't pass the hurdle in her heart.

But she didn't expect Yang Qingyin to change her mind so quickly.

Luo Ziling was convinced in only half a day.

I can only say that for many things, it is useless to make up your mind.

Everyone has a nemesis in their life.

Luo Ziling is the nemesis in Yang Qingyin's life.

When you meet this person, no matter what decision you make, you will change your mind because of his appearance or his idea, and your repeated determination will also change in an instant.

After listening to Yang Qingyin's words, Ye Xiaoli was relieved, but she was also a little melancholy.

She has spent countless efforts in the place where she now lives, and is very affectionate for everything here, and she doesn't want to give up so soon.

While helping Yang Qingyin to take care of Luo Chenhan, Ye Xiaoli asked her a few words in a low voice, and asked her all the doubts in her heart.

"I haven't slept so peacefully for many and I haven't felt this kind of complete peace of mind for many years." Yang Qingyin told Ye Xiaoli of her state last night, "A woman, to a man It feels like this, even after a few years of separation, it still feels like this, then, let's accept your fate!"

Seeing Yang Qingyin sighed when she said this, Ye Xiaoli also sighed.

But Yang Qingyin immediately said, "But I don't want to marry him."

"Why?" Ye Xiaoli was strange.

"If you don't marry him, you can accept many things; if you marry him, you will have a different mentality. Many things can't get around this hurdle in my heart." Yang Qingyin smiled bitterly, "Unless he can let me give birth. Hesitate to marry."

When Yang Qingyin said this, Ye Xiaoli couldn't say anything.

She knew very well that Yang Qingyin's purpose in doing this was to demonstrate to other women.

They would never win the opportunity she gave up on her own initiative!

(End of this chapter)

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