The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 412: Luo Ziling, I love you

(Seventh. At 8 o'clock in the morning, the update continues!)

When Luo Ziling walked to the backstage and waited, many people came to say hello, most of them were girls.

Those girls put on makeup, basically they can't recognize their original face, and they don't know their beauty or ugliness.

Others boldly asked Luo Ziling's mobile phone and WeChat ID, but Luo Ziling deliberately pretended not to hear them, and did not tell them his contact information. While waiting, he slipped near the stage, through the performances on the curtain stands, and used this to avoid those enthusiastic girls coming to get close. The next few shows were mostly solo or duet, which passed quickly.

About twenty minutes after Luo Ziling walked backstage, Dai Shulan, the hostess who had just spoken to him, came to remind him that the next show was his martial arts praise, and he was ready to play.

Luo Ziling actually didn't have much to prepare, he was wearing his usual leisurely clothes, he could play as long as he took off his clothes outside.

No makeup is needed, and he also declined the suggestion of the backstage staff who wanted to make up for him.

At the end of the dance, Dai Shulan, who had changed into a professional suit, stepped onto the stage with high heels.

"Thank you for the wonderful dance music brought to us by the younger brothers and sisters of the School of Humanities. From the dance music just now, we saw the youth flying and the vigorous vigor of the students. Here I really want to say, young That’s great. I hope that I will be young forever, and my age will always be fixed at 20, and I will always be vigorous and energetic. Do you have the same ideas as me?"

Dai Shulan's old-fashioned words immediately drew a full house of applause, and the "yes" response made her feel the eardrum tremor on the stage. Of course, this is also the host's favorite scene.

Without stopping, after allowing the audience to vent fiercely, Dai Shulan spoke again.

"Recently, there is often a story about a younger brother who is said to be the descendant of a certain hero in the campus of Yanda University. I heard that he is very handsome and very powerful. I want to ask about those present. Senior sister and younger sister, do you want to see how handsome and surviving the legendary male **** is? Do you want to see the style of the hero?"

"Yes!" Dai Shulan's words resulted in the screams and cheers of the girls in the audience, and the atmosphere was warm again.

"I think too," Dai Shulan smiled happily, and then said to the audience: "If the boys are not convinced or dissatisfied, then you can express your jealousy with applause and cheers."

Many people were amused by Dai Shulan's humor. Many people leaned forward and backward with laughter, and the applause and cheers immediately pierced the eardrums of people again.

The background music "Men should be self-improvement" rang, and in the expectation of the audience, as well as the screams of many female voices and the calls of "Luo Ziling", a man in a white shirt turned over and jumped out from the left side of the stage. Then there was another flying flip, which was at least two meters high, and the girls in the audience screamed and cheered again. Of course, there are also boys shouting and cheering, but they are not as excited as the female voice.

Luo Zi, who appeared on the stage, did not stop after two somersaults. Instead, he continued to move and jump. Without the power of his hands, he only used the strength of his waist and legs. After six consecutive jumps, his body burst again.

After three consecutive somersaults in the air, the body only fell after turning up to a height of at least three meters.

Even more straightforward than Ouyang Huihui's "one-character horse" slashed on the ground, barely pausing, using the power of his legs to slowly get up, stood up, and then greeted the audience.

The audience suddenly burst into applause. Of course, the most stimulating eardrums were the cheers and screams of the girls, and some girls screamed Luo Ziling's name crazily.

There was already a freshman class girl who couldn't hold back, rushed to offer flowers before Luo Ziling's formal performance began.

Luo Ziling took it with a smile, then let go on the stage, before the next batch of enthusiastic fans rushed to the stage, the performance began.

A set of fitness punches taught by his grandfather was used like flowing water, and the movements were fast and dazzling.

"Wow, the boss's kung fu is actually better than those martial arts masters on TV and movies. He has no fast forward mode!" Cao Jianhui, who held Luo Ziling's performance on the stand, couldn't help but yelled. "Oh my god, how could he have such a fast movement? Ah, ah, I must learn martial arts from him, I must, if I learn this, picking up girls is not a matter of grasping?"

Fortunately, his voice was obscured by cheers, and only a few boys around him heard his nonsense.

After Luo Ziling quickly finished a set of punches, he then performed a set of leg kung fu, forward kicking, side kicking, diagonal splitting, followed by continuous spinning kicks, and soon he became a top with alternating legs. Touching the ground, one after another oblique kicks into the air, dazzled everyone and screamed.

Then he finished his performance with a jump of nearly a thousand degrees and five consecutive spin kicks.

Everyone was stunned by his wonderful performance. The applause and cheers have never been cut off, and the exclamation and cheers of female voices have never been so enthusiastic. "Luo Ziling, I love you!" I don't know who yelled this first, and then the other girls also yelled.

When Luo Ziling's performance was over, it turned into a uniform shout from a girl. "Luo Ziling, I love you!"

This made Luo Ziling on the stage very embarrassed, so she had to greet her and hope everyone would stop. UU reading

"One more one, one more one," of course the boys would not call "Luo Ziling, I love you". They were shocked by Luo Ziling's wonderful performance, they could only call one more uniformly.

As a result, the shouts of boys and girls fought, but they quickly adjusted the rhythm. After the girls shouted "Luo Ziling, I love you", they shouted "One more."

There was an unprecedented excitement and excitement in the performance venue, and even if Luo Ziling repeatedly greeted him, there was no way to suppress these voices.

Many people ran up to the stage to offer him flowers, of course, most of them were girls in the same class, and some girls reached out and hugged Luo Ziling when they were offering flowers or giving gifts.

Luo Ziling knew that he couldn't run off the stage at this time. He also saw the hosts behind the curtain and repeatedly signaled to him to stay there. The warm atmosphere is what the host and staff want to see most.

The audience is so enthusiastic, they certainly hope that Luo Ziling will perform another or interact with the audience on the stage.

Someone rushed to the stage and handed a microphone into Luo Ziling's hands, hoping that he would speak with the audience.

Just after Luo Ziling greeted the audience and was about to leave the stage, a woman walked out from the side of the stage, holding a large bouquet of flowers in her hands. After seeing that person's appearance, Luo Ziling was stunned.

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