The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 433: Take you to a bar

(Fourth update, the next update at four o'clock in the afternoon, or two chapters in a row)

When Luo Ziling returned to the dormitory, he saw another group of people crowded in the dormitory, more than half of them were girls.

After bitterly saying hello to those people, Luo Ziling packed up his things and sat back on the bed helplessly, ready to talk to them. Just as the phone rang, Ling Ruonan called, and hurried out of the room to answer the phone.

Ling Ruonan told Luo Ziling that she would go out for a few more days from tomorrow, and it was estimated that she could be back before the weekend, so that Luo Ziling would come to her for dinner on the weekend. After talking about this, Ling Ruonan said some chores and some things of concern, asking Luo Ziling to rest early. If the injury is not fully recovered, he should pay attention to recuperating his body.

Ling Ruonan's words sounded very verbose, but Luo Ziling didn't bother at all.

No matter what Ling Ruonan said to him, he liked to listen, and he cherished it very much after returning from his mother's love that had been missing for nearly two decades.

Boys and girls of this age actually don't care about their parents. They want to have a life of their own. They want freedom and independence, they don't want to stay with their parents. But Luo Ziling is different from them. At this time, his yearning for the love of his parents is still the same as in normal childhood.

After meeting Ling Ruonan, Ling Ruonan gave him a lot of love. He was very touched and greedily wanted to have more. Therefore, every time I receive a call or message from Ling Ruonan, I am very happy.

The mother and son hung up after a dozen minutes of phone calls, but Luo Ziling, who hung up, did not go back to the bedroom right away, but walked out of the apartment building, thinking of walking outside. The depression caused by sisters Ouyang Feifei and Ouyang Huihui disappeared with the end of this call with Ling Ruonan, and his mood improved again.

Looking at the phone, there were messages from several people.

Seeing the news from Ouyang Feifei, Luo Ziling immediately clicked to see.

"Today I originally wanted to talk to you about some other important things. If you have left beforehand, then wait for the next time. There will be a cocktail party in the pharmaceutical industry in a few days. If you want to, come with me to participate. Hui Hui likes to fool around, don't be familiar with her."

After reading this message, Luo Ziling didn't know how to reply. After thinking for a few minutes, he returned a dry message: "Well, when I have a chance next time, let's talk about things together."

Ouyang Feifei did not reply to the news, and Luo Ziling did not care.

There was no news from Yang Qingyin, but I saw the news from Chen Xiaoyi.

"Little handsome guy, what about a good supper or a big meal? When will you invite me?" Chen Xiaoyi's message also had a few white-eyed expressions.

The message from Chen Xiaoyi only took less than fifteen minutes, and Luo Ziling immediately replied to her: "I'm sorry, there has been something in the past two days, so there is no time to invite you."

Unexpectedly, after the news was sent, Chen Xiaoyi called.

"Little handsome guy, where is it?" Chen Xiaoyi's voice was very cheerful, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

"At school," Luo Ziling answered honestly.

"Come out to play, I'll come to pick you up." Chen Xiaoyi said, giggling, "I just got off the show, and I am driving away from the unit. Let's come out to play. I don't want you to entertain you today, I invite you."

After Luo Ziling hesitated, she smiled and said: "Girls please, you can't help but give face, or you will be too stingy."

"It's too late, isn't it?" Luo Ziling looked at the time, it was already half past eight in the evening.

"It's only half past eight, and the average people's nightlife hasn't started yet." Chen Xiaoyi said with a fussed look: "Where can I go to bed so early? Okay, you can't refuse. I will be at your school in 20 minutes. You are at the east gate. Wait for me, see or leave!"

With that said, without waiting for Luo Ziling to reply, he hung up the phone.

Luo Ziling was a little bit dumbfounded, and finally walked towards the school gate.

While waiting for Chen Xiaoyi, Luo Ziling sent a message to Yang Qingyin, asking what she was doing.

But after waiting for several minutes, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed before Yang Qingyin's news.

Soon, Chen Xiaoyi's eye-catching Porsche Cayenne appeared in sight, and Luo Ziling hurried over.

"Where to go?" After getting in the car, Luo Ziling asked Chen Xiaoyi curiously, and then explained: "I am ready to wash and sleep."

"Where is it so early? The nightlife of ordinary people only starts at nine o'clock. Don't you know that many entertainment venues only open at nine o'clock?" Chen Xiaoyi giggled, "I took you to play today. I just got a reward. 20,000 yuan, please celebrate with me."

"Why don't you find other friends to celebrate?" Luo Ziling felt very strange.

"I just saw your message reply, so I came to you," Chen Xiaoyi did not want to discuss this issue with Luo Ziling too much, and immediately separated the topic, "Have you ever been to a bar?"

"No," Luo Ziling shook his head. He had only heard of the bar. He had passed by the door of the bar and didn't walk in.

"Then let's go to the bar today and drink with me," Chen Xiaoyi chuckled again, "Whenever you meet a happy event, you must drink some wine to celebrate. Don't refuse!"

Luo Ziling originally wanted to refuse, but she swallowed it back because of Chen Xiaoyi's special explanation.

Thinking about the amount of his alcohol and the anti-alcohol medicine he took, Luo Ziling was not afraid of being drunk by her.

But he was wondering if this woman wanted to take the opportunity of drinking to get her drunk, and after getting drunk, he would force him to do things between men and women.

If so, do you want to resist?

But he quickly despised himself, and thought Chen Xiaoyi too slutty, right?

"Well, then I will accompany you for a drink, but I have to come back early. I have to go to class tomorrow!"

"Are you still worried about being robbed by me?" Chen Xiaoyi turned her head, looked at Luo Ziling carefully, and then laughed again: "With such a handsome little meat, many women are really willing to put down their bodies to rob them~www But don’t worry, I will definitely protect you today. If any woman dares to rob her, I will kick them away!"

Chen Xiaoyi blushed all Luo Ziling's face without covering her mouth, but she was still a little bit happy.

Long Jun is praised by others as Xiao Xianrou, of course he is happy.

Chen Xiaoyi is very cheerful, and never worry about being cold when playing with such people.

Luo Ziling had no intentions against her, and there was no special relationship between the two, so Luo Ziling did not hesitate.

At this time, Chen Xiaoyi's mobile phone rang, and she picked up the call using the car's Bluetooth.

The caller was a woman, and Chen Xiaoyi called her "Xiao Qianqian", she seemed to be a very close friend.

Chen Xiaoyi told the other party that she took a small fresh meat to the bar and asked the other person if she would like to see the small fresh meat she brought out to play.

The woman who called, actually agreed immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xiaoyi side her head and explained to Luo Ziling: "A very good girlfriend, an older single woman, the favorite is to soak the tender meat like you, if you are interested in it, you can directly reply to her. Family."

As he said, he giggled again, flushing Luo Ziling's face with embarrassment.

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