The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 436: conflict

{Seventh more}

Luo Ziling knew that it was not that he hit the person behind, but that the person behind deliberately hit him.

I was able to bump him into a stagger, and in the end I had to hug Chen Xiaoyi to avoid falling. One can imagine how much manpower was involved in hitting him behind. Luo Ziling suddenly stepped forward and hugged Chen Xiaoyi. Chen Xiaoyi was stunned, but did not evade, but took the opportunity to hug Luo Ziling and dance together. Fang Qianqian and Chen Xiaoxiao yelled after them, as if they hadn't noticed that someone hit Luo Ziling.

In their feelings, it is normal for a body to collide when dancing in a bar dance hall. It is too common for men and men or men and women to collide with each other.

This kind of collision sometimes leads to disputes or even fights, and it may also lead to a romantic night. After apologizing to a woman, a man meets his eyes and does something unknown.

In order to seduce women, some men sometimes deliberately bump into the woman they like. If a woman likes that man, it doesn't count this matter. But if a woman is not interested, she will be angry.

When the three women were dancing, they were bumped by many men, but they all responded with anger or cursing, or kicked them directly.

Luo Ziling didn't think so. He knew that someone had hit him deliberately. During this period of time, he had been tricked. He was very vigilant. He immediately broke away from Chen Xiaoyi's pull and turned to look for the person who hit him.

But when I turned around, I didn't see the person who was looking for the trouble, only a group of men and women twisting their bodies behind him.

Fang Qianqian squeezed up, hugged Luo Ziling from behind, yelled something, but because the voice was too noisy, she could not hear what she was calling. Luo Ziling only felt a feeling of fullness behind him, and quickly broke free.

But when he broke free, he accidentally stepped on the foot of a person next to him and quickly apologized.

But to his surprise, the person he stepped on didn't care much and continued to dance.

At this time, several young men with thick builds and a little fancy dress gathered around, twisting their bodies with Chen Xiaoyi, Fang Qianqian, and Chen Xiaoxiao, and making various provocative movements.

The three women didn't care much and continued to dance, but they still danced around Luo Ziling. Fang Qianqian and Chen Xiaoxiao also deliberately put their bodies on Luo Ziling's body from time to time.

The two women were so bold that Luo Ziling could feel cìjī, and he might have been infected by the surrounding atmosphere.

But the accident happened soon. Fang Qianqian, who was twisting dancing, suddenly turned around, slapped the man behind him who was squeezing to dance together, and cursed loudly. Luo Ziling vaguely heard "Dare to take advantage of my old mother...".

Fang Qianqian's slap surprised Luo Ziling, and the other two women were also a little surprised.

Chen Xiaoyi and Chen Xiaoxiao stopped immediately and leaned towards Fang Qianqian.

Fang Qianqian slapped the man who touched her **** while dancing.

But his man became angry immediately, and after a loud curse, he rushed to argue with Fang Qianqian.

The other men who came and danced around the three women should be in the same group as this man. When they saw their companions being beaten, they came up unceremoniously, as if they were about to do something.

Luo Ziling couldn't help frowning, but the music was too noisy, and the shouts could not be heard by each other.

Fang Qianqian seemed to be irritated. She stretched out her feet off guard and kicked the man next to her. In the end, the men were furious. One of them stretched out to slap Fang Qianqian on the face, and the other men were also ready to pull Chen Xiaoyi and Chen Xiaoxiao.

Chen Xiaoyi yelled to Luo Ziling. Luo Ziling couldn't hear what she was yelling, but he could see that Fang Qianqian was in danger, so he immediately rescued Fang Qianqian. After pulling Fang Qianqian, he kicked and kicked that desire. Fang Qianqian slapped and flew over.

Fortunately, there are people behind the man, otherwise the whole person must have flew out. Although the man was not kicked into the air, he knocked down several people.

Two of them are his companions, and the others are dancers.

Fighting in bar dance halls is commonplace, and other people hurriedly hid to the side and gave them a place. The music continued, and those watching the excitement were still twisting their bodies and dancing, while twisting their bodies and curiously looking at the few people in the middle of the venue.

Luo Ziling's shot completely angered those people. A total of six men gathered around and prepared to fight Luo Ziling in a group.

Seeing this, Chen Xiaoyi pulled Chen Xiaoxiao over, and after yelling in Chen Xiaoxiao's ear, Chen Xiaoxiao escaped from the circle and squeezed into the dancing crowd and disappeared.

Luo Ziling was afraid that these men would be unfavorable to the two women around him, so he took the initiative to take the initiative. Before the opponent was gone, he quickly kicked the two men down.

And when the other people looked at him in surprise and didn't react, they kicked them all by themselves.

But in order to avoid trouble, he did not exert much effort, so none of those people were injured.

Those people didn't expect Luo Ziling to act so all of a sudden, he was completely dǎdǎo.

But their reaction was also very quick. They immediately got up from the ground and rushed towards Luo Ziling like swarms.

Seeing some situations, Chen Xiaoyi and Fang Qianqian couldn't help but screamed, afraid that Luo Ziling would suffer, and wanted to come up to help. Of course, the result naturally made them stunned. Only one of the six people who rushed up was caught by Luo Ziling and couldn't get up.

The music continued, the dancers did not stop, and everyone didn't take the conflict between the courts seriously.

But at this time the bar security was dispatched, and a group of security guards rushed up with police equipment. Perhaps these security guards knew the people who were dǎdǎo by Luo Ziling. After seeing the situation of the dǎdǎo, they immediately surrounded Luo Ziling and the three of them.

"Even if you fight to death, it's okay," Chen Xiaoyi attached to Luo Ziling's ear and shouted.

When she shouted, Luo Ziling could clearly feel the moistness in the earlobe, and the woman almost bit his ear and shouted.

Luo Ziling heard Chen Xiaoyi's words clearly, so he was less scrupulous. When the security guard rushed up to greet him with police equipment, he took the first shot again, punched and kicked, and immediately sent the surrounding security guard to the ground.

At this time, the music finally stopped, the dancing people scattered and avoided, and the lights in the middle of the venue were bright.

"Dare to kick our place, hit me fiercely, beat me half-dead and throw it out," Luo Ziling heard a vicious voice coming from behind the security guard, and then more security guards rushed over with police equipment.

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