The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 440: I look jealous, I am afraid

(The second update, the next update is 12 o'clock noon, still two consecutive updates)

After posting the location sharing, Luo Ziling stood by the side of the road and waited.

About fifteen minutes later, an Audi A4 slowly drove over and stopped beside Luo Ziling.

The rear car window lowered, revealing Yang Qingyin's head.

Luo Ziling immediately opened the door of the back seat and squeezed to Yang Qingyin's side.

After Luo Ziling got in the car, Ye Xiaoli started the car and drove towards the school.

"Hey, what about Fang Dashao, who was sitting in front of you just now?" After getting in the car, Luo Ziling looked surprised when he didn't see Fang Dongxun who was sitting in the passenger seat.

Yang Qingyin did not answer his question, but faintly asked: "Are you willing to leave three beautiful girls behind and leave alone?"

"Heh, are you jealous?" Ignoring Ye Xiaoli who was sitting in front, Luo Ziling joked.

"You think too much," Yang Qingyin replied irritably, turning his head aside and looking at the street scene outside.

"Well, you're not jealous, but I'm jealous," Luo Ziling said angrily: "Why is Fang Dongxun sitting in your car? He will run away without seeing me appear?"

"What do you want?" Yang Qingyin frowned slightly and replied.

"Fight," Luo Ziling said naturally: "He actually dared to look for you alone at night. I am very angry. He can't beat me anyway, so I want to fight with him. Do you know that, I'm jealous , Even I am afraid."

"Punch", Ye Xiaoli in the front row couldn't help laughing.

But she knew right away that she had committed a stupid, and immediately shut her mouth tightly, without saying a word.

Yang Qingyin was almost amused by Luo Ziling's exaggerated remarks, but in the end he just replied bitterly: "Who do I date with, what does it matter to you?"

After a pause, he said with a bit of resentment: "Aren't you having a happy life with so many beautiful women?"

"I see you and Fang Dongxun together, I'm jealous; you see me playing with other girls, are you jealous too? This is fair." Luo Ziling said, reaching out to grab Yang Qingyin's hand.

Yang Qingyin was immediately amused by Luo Ziling, but he didn't let Luo Ziling grab his hand, but threw it away: "What does your business have to do with me?"

"Xiaoli, pull over and stop," Luo Ziling suddenly drank to Ye Xiaoli in front.

Ye Xiaoli looked back and saw nothing from Yang Qingyin, but finally he obeyed Luo Ziling's instructions and stopped the car close.

"Get out of the car and walk," Luo Ziling held Yang Qingyin's hand again, preparing to pull her out of the car.

But Yang Qingyin was unwilling to get out of the car. He took a lot of effort before pulling Yang Qingyin out of the car.

After pulling Yang Qingyin out of the car, Luo Ziling then probed and told Ye Xiaoli: "Xiaoli, you should go back first. Let's go shopping for a while, stay in a car, and walk back later."

Ye Xiaoli looked back at Yang Qingyin, who was standing next to Luo Ziling. She still had no response, and finally stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

"I don't have the strength to go," Yang Qingyin slammed Luo Ziling's hand away, a little angry that Luo Ziling was so domineering.

"I'll walk with you behind my back." Luo Ziling showed his back to Yang Qingyin, "Being your loadman for free, no money."

"Who is rare?" Yang Qingyin bypassed Luo Ziling, and Gu Zi walked forward.

Seeing that Yang Qingyin had calmed down, Luo Ziling smiled, rushed forward, picked up Yang Qingyin in one hand, and ran forward quickly.

"You bastard, rascal, let me down quickly," Yang Qingyin was taken aback when she suddenly lifted off the ground, and struggling hard, she also squeezed her small fist and hit Luo Ziling.

But Luo Ziling completely ignored her anger and continued to hug her and ran forward in a princess' hug.

Soon he ran to a dark corner park in front of him.

After running under a big tree, Luo Ziling kissed him regardless.

Yang Qingyin, who continued to struggle, couldn't think that Luo Ziling would kiss her like this. He became even more angry and struggled again.

But in the end, he still couldn't get out of Luo Ziling's embrace, and slowly gave up resistance in Luo Ziling's domineering kiss.

In the end, Luo Ziling succeeded in a sneak attack and occupied her little mouth.

But Yang Qingyin quickly reacted. After a few seconds with Luo Ziling, he suddenly opened his mouth and bit Luo Ziling's tongue with his teeth.

Although this bite was not heavy, it also made Luo Ziling hurt, but he did not give in. In the end, Yang Qingyin gave up resistance and accepted the fate forced by Luo Ziling.

After a few kisses, Yang Qingyin became panting and her body softened.

When Luo Ziling stopped and put her down, she still leaned on him.

"This is what happened today," Luo Ziling took the initiative to explain the situation. Chen Xiaoyi took the initiative to contact him after the last interview, and took him to the bar today, and talked about a few close friends.

Of course, I also said about the fight in the bar just now, and I proudly said about the knocking down of more than 20 people to the ground.

After speaking, Luo Ziling assured Yang Qingyin that there was nothing shameful between him and Chen Xiaoyi. He did not refuse her invitation, simply because he was grateful for her interview and had no other meaning.

After Yang Qingyin listened, Yin and Yang said strangely: "People took the initiative to ask you, and today we have a hero to save the beauty. In the future, they will definitely take the initiative to find you. Congratulations, and won the affection of several women."

"Really angry? Are you jealous?" Luo Ziling said, standing, UU Reading stretched out his hand to embrace Yang Qingyin's shoulder, and walked slowly forward. "Hey, it doesn't matter, you are welcome to be jealous often!"

As a result, she received a pinch from Yang Qingyin, and she caught a piece of meat on her arm. The painful Luo Ziling couldn't help but scream.

After Luo Ziling struggled away, Yang Qingyin didn't do anything again, but asked softly, "Do you know Chen Xiaoyi's identity and family background?"

"I don't know! I only know that she is the head of Yanjing TV, a famous host," Luo Ziling shook his head, but the curiosity in his heart immediately rose, "Do you know her? Do you know her identity and family background? Quickly? Tell me!"

"It seems that you are really interested in her!" Yang Qingyin stood still and looked at Luo Ziling face to face: "But it's no wonder that men would be interested in such a beautiful, talented and well-built woman."

"No," Luo Ziling shook his head like a rattle, "I just think it's weird, how can those police officers treat them so respectfully today!"

"Chen Xiaoyi and Chen Xiaoxiao are cousins. Chen Xiaoyi's father is Chen Yining, and Chen Xiaoxiao's father is Chen Yijing. They are brothers, and their grandfather is Chen Ruchang. Chen Xiaoyi has an older brother named Chen Jiahai!" Yang Qingyin calmly Tell these things.

"Huh?!" Luo Ziling was stunned.

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