The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 472: The women here are a bit abnormal

Standing under the tree, Phoenix and Lin Lan, who were about to look for opportunities to go up the tree to attack, were stunned when they heard Luo Ziling's shout.

Lin Lan felt embarrassed for Luo Ziling. She yelled at Luo Ziling angrily to let him down and continue practicing.

But Luo Ziling refused to come up alive and dead. He even went up to a tree that was not very thick and lay there, letting his body rise and fall with the shaking of the branches.

"I won't fight you anymore. Two women bullied a man. It's too shameless. I won't fight you anymore." Luo Ziling continued to play rascals.

Phoenix Galinlan's attack power was stronger than the attack power of the two men, Shanying and Falcon, and Luo Ziling felt it out when the two of them worked together. He didn't dare to hit the two women hard, because he was afraid of being injured by them, so he could only take the opportunity of climbing the tree to escape.

"Luo Ziling, come down," Lin Lan didn't think that Luo Ziling would be such a rogue, and wanted to destroy him with a single shot.

"If I can't say I won't come down, I want to take a rest," Luo Ziling, who looked at the two women condescendingly, tilted Erlang's legs triumphantly, and swayed comfortably with the swaying of the branches, "Sit here and watch. The scenery on the side, the cool breeze, is so comfortable that you can have a rest. You are also tired, and the phoenix must be very painful with that foot just now. Let's take a rest!"

"Get down," Luo Ziling's frivolous appearance made Lin Lan even more angry. She drew out her gun suddenly and pointed at Luo Ziling: "If you don't get down, I will shoot!"

"If you can't come down, you won't come down," Luo Ziling ignored Lin Lan's threats. "Man, what he said will count."

"Boom!" Lin Lan really shot.

With a "chuck", a branch on the tree where Luo Ziling was sitting, was hit by Lin Lan, it split immediately, and could no longer support Luo Ziling's 158 jin body.

After hearing the gunshots, Luo Ziling was already shocked, and then found that the tree was broken and his body fell down, even more so frightened.

However, his reaction speed was still very fast. He immediately grabbed the intact branch and continued to hang it on the tree. Then he shouted angrily: "Dead lady, I dare to shoot. It’s so overwhelming? Fortunately, I even invited you to eat Xiaolongbao and Wontons in the morning. It was too much to shoot me with a gun. I won’t invite you to eat again next time!"

Luo Ziling unexpectedly said all about having breakfast in the morning in front of Phoenix. Lin Lan was even more angry and turned into anger, pulling the trigger and another shot. Lin Lan's marksmanship was really good, and the branch that Luo Ziling was holding was interrupted by her again, or while Luo Ziling was swaying.

Luo Ziling's body lost his center of gravity and fell down again, but he reacted quickly and immediately grabbed another branch and kept his body steady.

He didn't lazy on the tree anymore, but jumped down from the tree with a volley, and then rushed over and yelled at Lin Lan angrily: "What are you doing? Think he has great marksmanship?"

Lin Lan inserted the gun back into the holster and looked at Luo Ziling with an unfriendly look, but did not speak.

"Okay," Fenghuang stepped forward and pulled the angry Lin Lan aside, and told her to watch the battle on the side: "You stand there and watch."

Then he said to Luo Ziling: "Let's continue, I hope you will use all your strength to fight me, see if I can hold on for a few minutes, and see how much I improve."

This time, she did not rush to attack, but took a step back and prepared to let Luo Ziling attack first.

Luo Ziling was already angry, and he was no longer cautious, but immediately kicked Phoenix.

A whirl kick with the sound of the wind, the force was very strong, Phoenix did not dare to take it, but dodged, but when evading, he immediately prepared to fight back.

But Luo Ziling didn't give him a chance. His body was spinning like a spinning top, and connecting one foot to another didn't give Phoenix time to react.

Phoenix didn't dare to take it hard, so he could only dodge and avoid. But when she was avoiding, Luo Ziling suddenly changed his moves. While rotating, he flew up and kicked towards Phoenix.

Phoenix didn't expect that Luo Ziling could rise into the air during the rapid rotation, so he could only continue to dodge and dodge, and then rolled to the side to avoid Luo Ziling's very fierce kick.

She reacted very quickly. Although she was embarrassed when she turned to avoid it, she immediately jumped up and continued to avoid it. She was also ready to use the cover of the trees to counterattack.

Unexpectedly, Luo Ziling stopped and sat down on the rock again.

"Stop fighting, I'm exhausted, and I've used up everything I just ate."

Hearing what Luo Ziling said, Phoenix was stunned again, and Lin Lan was the same with relish.

"Well, that's all for today." Fenghuang glanced at Lin Lan, who was standing aside, and ordered: "You should go to the parking lot and wait. I will have a few words with Luo Ziling."

After Lin Lan agreed, she immediately turned and left.

Seeing Lin Lan's tall and straight posture disappeared from the field of vision, Luo Ziling turned his head and looked at Phoenix: "What do you want to tell me alone?"

"You won't see the peacock for a while."

"Why?" Luo Ziling felt surprised when she heard Phoenix say this.

"For her good," Phoenix sighed softly.

"What do you mean?" Luo Ziling looked confused, "Is it bad for her to let her see me?"

This is a bit bullying, as if treating him as a villain, Luo Ziling was a little angry.

"She feels the same way, so she proposed to stay at another sub-base for a period of time. Don't ask more, and I can't say more." Phoenix said, with a smile in her eyes, "Unless you are acting stupid, otherwise You can see something."

With that said, she strode away without waiting for Luo Ziling to react.

Luo Ziling thought for a while, but didn't understand what it meant. He couldn't help but shook his head with emotion: "The women here are a little Phoenix is ​​of course a very abnormal woman with a pretty face. , But afraid that people will see her true face.

Although Luo Ziling knew that Phoenix had her own reason for covering her face all day long, no matter how she thought about it, it would definitely feel uncomfortable for a person to live with a mask all day long.

And this woman seemed to be enjoying herself, and it was strange that she didn't reveal her true face in her base.

Of course Lin Lan was not normal. The woman's performance during this period of time made him feel very strange. Anyway, she felt abnormal, and some behaviors could not be understood.

He kind of missed that little female soldier who talked a lot about the tits. It was strange that he hadn't seen her for a long time, and he didn't know if the acne on her face was cured. Also, he wants to find her to learn makeup again, he thinks this skill is pretty good.

After staying for a few seconds, Luo Ziling didn't stop, and strode towards the parking lot.

(End of this chapter)


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