The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 480: Scared me

This beacon tower was built on a very high hill, outside is a cliff at least 100 meters high.

Yang Qingyin didn't even have the courage to look down, let alone stand on the crenellation.

She didn't expect that Luo Ziling, who was joking with her, actually jumped down. Even if she thought that Luo Ziling was good at it, she was scared to death.

She was not tall enough to look outside from the crenellation probe, but she still climbed up hard to see what happened.

But because she was not strong enough, she tried several times and didn't climb up, so she could only shout Luo Ziling's name there.

"Senior sister, where are you looking for?" Luo Ziling's voice rang from behind.

Yang Qingyin, who was in a hurry, was taken aback, and turned around quickly, but saw Luo Ziling standing on the crevice behind him, looking at her with a smile.

In a shock, he rushed over and grabbed his foot, "Luo Ziling, stop playing, hurry down and scare me to death!"

"Kiss me and come down," Luo Ziling squatted down with a smile, then pointed to his face, "You owe me."

"Come down first," Although Luo Ziling is safe and sound, Yang Qingyin still has lingering fears.

"Okay," Luo Ziling agreed, but instead of jumping off, he hooked the city wall with his feet and bent towards Yang Qingyin.

Yang Qingyin pecked a probe on his lips, then took a bite, threatening: "Hurry down, or I will ignore you!"

Seeing that Yang Qingyin was really angry, Luo Ziling quickly jumped off the city wall and said embarrassedly: "Really angry?"

"What if you fall?" Yang Qingyin pulled Luo Ziling's ear angrily, "You dare to jump down at such a high place, don't you think you are dead?"

"No, it's just teasing you." Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin pulled his ears and surrendered with both hands. "The walls are full of brick cracks, and there are broken places. I can easily grasp it. fall down."

"Then why did you come out from behind?" Yang Qingyin still couldn't understand the situation of Luo Ziling suddenly coming out from behind, and asked fiercely: "People are so nervous about you!"

"Do you want me to try again?" Yang Qingyin's worry made Luo Ziling very happy, and couldn't help laughing, "I can show you in slow motion."

"No," Yang Qingyin refused without hesitation, "I don't want to be surprised!"

"Then show it to you on my inner wall," Luo Ziling pointed to his ear, "Is it okay to let go of some people's little paws?"

"Humph," Yang Qingyin pulled Luo Ziling's ear hard and finally let go.

Therefore, Luo Ziling showed Yang Qingyin a quick movement with his hands clasping the seam of the city wall, and Yang Qingyin was stunned.

Seeing that Luo Ziling is so capable that he can actually buckle the wall tiles with his fingers, and only use the strength of his fingers to support his body and move, Yang Qingyin couldn't help but sighed: "It's a bit like Spiderman."

"There are still shooting holes on the city wall," Luo Ziling pointed to the hole on the wall, and said with a smile: "So, I just teased you just now, I will definitely not fall."

"But you still scared me to death," Yang Qingyin still looked angry.

At this time, Luo Ziling jumped up again, jumped directly onto the fortress, and waved to Yang Qingyin, "Senior Sister, do you want to come up and play?"

"No, it's scary," Yang Qingyin shook her head and refused. She didn't have the guts!

"With me, nothing will happen," Luo Ziling said with a smile: "Come up and take a look at the scenery under the cliff, it's spectacular."

As Luo Ziling spoke, he also made a golden rooster independent action on it.

Seeing Luo Ziling's relaxed look, Yang Qingyin couldn't help but feel a little moved. The tension and worry just now disappeared.

"Come on, let's take a selfie in a while to make sure you feel exciting," Luo Ziling bewitched Yang Qingyin again.

Yang Qingyin finally moved her heart and stretched out her hand to Luo Ziling.

Between the hands of the two, Yang Qingyin couldn't help but screamed, her body rose into the sky, and the feeling of flying in the clouds made her feel very exciting.

When she came back to her senses, she found that she was already standing on the crenellation with Luo Ziling, looking sideways, and seeing the cliff below the city wall behind her, she couldn't help screaming again, and her body couldn't help shaking.

Luo Ziling took her shoulders, took out the phone, held it above her head, and told Yang Qingyin to look up.

Therefore, the two took a special photo with the thrilling environment as the background.

Then came the second and third pictures. Luo Ziling took Yang Qingyin with one hand and his mobile phone in the other, and took many photos.

After taking a few photos, Yang Qingyin was asked to turn around with him and face outside the cliff.

This caused Yang Qingyin to scream again in surprise, but leaning against Luo Ziling's arms, he finally lost his legs.

She did not dare to go down or look ahead, and finally closed her eyes.

After Luo Ziling was in trouble for a while, seeing Yang Qingyin still scared, he jumped down holding her. Unexpectedly, Luo Ziling would jump down holding her, Yang Qingyin screamed again, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that he had landed, and he was relieved.

Luo Ziling showed her the photos she had just taken. Looking at those very thrilling photos, Yang Qingyin was surprised at her bravery, and she dared to stand and take photos in this position.

"The photos I came out to play with today are very special," Luo Ziling flipped through the photos and asked Yang Qingyin with a smile: "Would you like to post a circle of friends?"

"No posting!" Yang Qingyin rudely rejected Luo Ziling's suggestion.

"I mean you post one, I won't post it!"

"I won't send it either!" Yang Qingyin knew what Luo Ziling meant, but in the end she shook her head and refused.

"Okay, let's continue to move forward to the Fairy Building." Seeing a few tourists coming from behind, Yang Qingyin took Luo Ziling's hand and walked forward.

When playing along the way, Yang Qingyin was willing to stay with Luo Ziling for a while when there was no one around him, but if there were other visitors coming, she would leave with Luo Ziling.

Luo Ziling did not refuse, letting her walk forward with her arm in arm.

Coming from behind were five or six men who looked quite sturdy. They walked very fast, and after a while they passed Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin who were walking slowly forward. The two didn't care too much, because there were often more tourists than them. This section of the Great Wall that ordinary tourists may not come to, although there are not many tourists, there will always be people coming.

Soon, these people surpassed them and went to the front.

Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin followed behind hand in hand and walked to the beacon tower in front.

As they walked up the high steps, the group of strong men who had just walked into the beacon tower came down from the beacon tower.

They walked down very quickly, and two of them directly rammed Luo Ziling.

Thanks for your reward

(End of this chapter)


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