The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 483: I want to grab the little lover with your sister

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"What, six people were all seriously injured by him?" Fang Dongxun received the report from his subordinates, and almost threw away his mobile phone in shock, "How is this possible? That kid is able to fight like this?"

Because he had never seen Luo Ziling's true skill, Fang Dongxun had doubts about the fact that Luo Ziling severely injured two assassins last time. Therefore, he was a little unbelievable that Luo Ziling severely injured six strong men with one person.

Nima, is the boy named Luo a Superman?

In the end, he did not fully believe in the reports of his subordinates, but regarded the lost action today as an excuse for himself by the people hired by his subordinates. Therefore, after calling the bodyguard boss over, he swears severely. , Ignore it.

"Brother, what happened to you today?" Fang Qianqian saw Fang Dongxun roaring at his bodyguards there, and curiously went over and asked, "What happened?"

"It's okay," Fang Dongxun said, looking irritable, and walked to his car. "I've gone a bit beforehand. Let's play slowly."

When seeing Fang Dongxun driving his Land Rover Range Rover away, Fang Qianqian further confirmed that she was afraid that her brother would be in trouble, and it was related to Yang Qingyin.

It's just that she didn't pay much attention to this matter. She could imagine what the marriage pointed out by the elders in the family was like.

Fang Qianqian also knows that people like them will never escape the marriage of the family. For the benefit of the family, marry someone whom she doesn't necessarily like or even hate.

Therefore, before getting married, have fun and run wild with the man she likes, which is what she has always pursued.

Chen Xiaoxiao also had a similar mentality, except that she was not as crazy as Fang Qianqian.

Fang Dongxun left, and the others lost interest in continuing to play, and ordered to drive away.

Fang Qianqian and Chen Xiaoxiao suddenly felt bored.

"Xiao Xiao, shall we find a place to play by ourselves?" Fang Qianqian asked Chen Xiaoxiao who was riding her when she got on her BMW 5, "Or, let's go find a kid surnamed Luo to play?"

"Call and ask if he wants to come out." Chen Xiaoxiao did not refuse Fang Qianqian's invitation to Luo Ziling to come out and play together, so she did not object to her girlfriend's proposal.

"Or let your sister invite him out? After all, we are not familiar," Fang Qianqian is a face-saving person. Luo Ziling didn't take them seriously last time, or was worried about being rejected.

She and Chen Xiao laughed at Jia Luo Ziling's WeChat, but this guy did not respond.

You know, their WeChat avatars are all photos of themselves. Although the photos are beautiful, they can still be distinguished from them. The beautiful photos are even better than him and the others, this guy actually ignored them.

"My sister is on a business trip, otherwise she will also come to participate in the event today," Chen Xiao gave Fang Qianqian a smile, and said dissatisfiedly: "I said Qianqian, why are you so timid? You won't really like her. So, are you scrupulous? Hee hee, you read so many men, why are you still afraid of such little boys?"

"You hate it," Fang Qianqian gave a smile to Chen Xiao, "Dogs can't spit out ivory, what is meant by countless men? That is enjoying life, why only men can play?"

While talking, Fang Qianqian took out her mobile phone and began to call Luo Ziling's number.

Soon, the call was connected, and Luo Ziling’s magnetic voice came from the phone: "Hello, hello"

"Master Luo, can you tell me who I am?" Fang Qianqian smiled and teased Luo Ziling. Luo Ziling didn't ask her for her number that day. She also asked Chen Xiaoyi for Luo Ziling's number.

"You tell me, I will know."

"I'm Qianqian, you can't actually hear my voice?" Fang Qianqian's voice was a little bit ridiculous, and Chen Xiaoxiao who was listening was a bit creepy. It seems that this little Nizi really has a good impression of the little boy, otherwise she would not speak in this tone.

In the past, Fang Qianqian always yelled at men, with a very impatient look.

"Oh, it turned out to be Fang Qianqian, what's the matter? I'm in the car and I'm out of business."

"Huh?" Fang Qianqian felt a little depressed when she heard Luo Ziling say this, but she bluntly told the purpose of the call, "I want to ask you out to play, I am with Xiaoxiao."

"Let's play, I'm far from Yanjing," Luo Ziling lied slightly.

Ye Xiaoli, who was driving, seemed to have deliberately honked the horn a few times in order to cooperate with Luo Ziling's words. A large truck happened to be on the side, and the horn was honked continuously when turning. Fang Qianqian also believed that Luo Ziling was in the car, but finally didn't say much, and hung up the phone depressed.

"Xiao Xiao, you said, will Luo Ziling go on a business trip with your sister?" After hanging up the phone, Fang Qianqian asked Chen Xiaoxiao unhappily: "They eloped on the business trip?"

Chen Xiaoyi shook her head, "That's impossible. My sister is not on a business trip alone. Didn't she tell you?"

"Not really," Fang Qianqian shook her head, "She didn't tell me she was on a business trip."

"Didn't my sister have the best relationship with you, she didn't tell you about her business trip?" Chen Xiaoxiao looked strange.

"Really," Fang Qianqian suddenly realized, "Your sister wouldn't see me being so enthusiastic to her little lover that day, she was wary of me, afraid that I would steal her little lover?"


"Then she is really stingy"

"Okay, let's go, go back, and find other people to play," Chen Xiaoxiao didn't want to talk more about Chen Xiaoyi, and pulled Fang Qianqian to leave.

When Fang Qianqian and Chen Xiao got into the car with a smile, she said depressed: "It seems that this little boy is really good. If your sister treats me like this, what should I do if I am also interested? Go grab one? Let's go together and put two green hats on your sister? Hehe, I don't think your sister took him She is an old lady, but she didn't let go "

"For the sake of male sex, are you willing to give up the relationship with my sister?" Chen Xiao smiled and pinched Fang Qianqian's pink face, "Do you know that there is a knife on the head of the word"

"Hmph, don't persuade me, I've already decided, I'm going to grab the little lover with your sister, and see who can take him down first." Fang Qianqian giggled and started the car, stepped on the accelerator, and quickly left. While driving the car, she yelled at Chen Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, I'm going to take the initiative to attack. If you are interested, don't grab me first. Of course, we will play with him someday. can"

"Sao Ho Zi, I really can't stand you," Chen Xiao smiled and cursed naturally.

Of course Luo Ziling didn't know that these two women arranged him like this, and he continued to laugh at each other with Yang Qingyin.

But after Yang Qingyin heard Fang Qianqian take the initiative to call Luo Ziling, a bad feeling came into her heart.

She thought of two things: First, Fang Dongxun’s sister wanted to fight Luo Ziling. The other was Fang Qianqian wanted to help her brother fix Luo Ziling.

In either case, it is not a good thing.

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