The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 546: High standard treatment

When walking to the lobby with Ouyang Feifei, Luo Ziling saw a sign standing in the middle of the lobby.

"Cardiovascular Disease Advanced Seminar and Pharmaceutical Industry High-end Talent Forum", the organizer is the highest-level Health and Family Planning Commission, the organizer is the Yanjing Health Administration and the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as several major hospitals affiliated to Yanjing University.

Because he did not pay attention to these things, Luo Ziling did not know the level of medical seminars that these units participated in. Participants are all top talents and experts in various fields from the pharmaceutical industry across the country. Without the title of associate professor or above, they are not qualified to participate in such a conference.

Ouyang Feifei is very clear, but as a senior business executive, she doesn't care about these things.

She is one of the sponsors and a senior guest.

Under normal circumstances, such a meeting does not require her, the most important corporate group under the Ouyang family's name, the head of Lingyun Group to attend, as long as the person in charge of medicine participates. She is also not interested in participating, and after repeated invitations from the national health authorities and Yanjing administrative officials, she will not sell face.

It was because she wanted to bring Luo Ziling to this meeting, or she wanted to show her face in such a public place, she accepted the invitation of the health authorities and officials in charge of science, education, culture and health in Yanjing to attend this meeting and attended as a senior guest. Reception.

For the organizer, being able to invite people like Ouyang Feifei also raised the level of the seminar. More importantly, this is a legendary woman who combines beauty and wisdom. Too many people want to see her.

Although Ouyang Feifei has no administrative rank, her words and deeds have more influence than many officials in Yanjing and even ministries.

She is a star, and many officials are ecstatic about her presence. Knowing that Ouyang Feifei was coming, several officials stood in the lobby to greet him. Seeing Ouyang Feifei appeared, they hurriedly greeted him, but they were afraid to reach out.

Seeing a number of important leaders standing there to greet them, and welcoming them after seeing her, Ouyang Feifei took the initiative to extend a hand to them, and after gently shook hands with a few of the most important leaders and guests, she stood by her side Luo Ziling introduced: "This is my very good friend Luo Ziling, a very important partner, and a young talent with excellent medical skills."

Ouyang Feifei's introduction shocked many people.

Although Ouyang Feifei has always been cold and arrogant, and may not smile at high-level officials, her information is rarely known. Officials who deal with her, men who are interested in her, people with gossip, and people who want to cooperate with her, will try their best to inquire about her. Although Ouyang Feifei’s information is not well known, people who follow her know that no man can be cited as a friend by Ouyang Feifei. At least in public, she has never introduced people around her as her friends, let alone Say "good friend".

Today, it was the first time that she introduced her friends like this.

In an instant, everyone paid attention to Luo Ziling, a very handsome young man.

A deputy director of the Health and Family Planning Commission who presided over today's reception immediately reached out to Luo Ziling. After introducing himself, he smiled and asked where Luo Ziling was.

At this time, Wu Mingyun, the dean of the Yanda Medical College where Luo Ziling was located, came out of nowhere and took the initiative to introduce Luo Ziling.

When they heard that Luo Ziling was only a freshman in the medical school, everyone was stunned.

But when Wu Mingyun heard that Luo Ziling rescued a school teacher with a severe myocardial infarction that day, his simple treatment method achieved very good results, and the cardiologists were surprised. They were surprised again. To.

Li Mingxun also came to the meeting today, and he also participated in the evening reception, but his level is relatively low, and he doesn't like dealing with officials, so he stands far away.

He only came after seeing Luo Ziling coming in. He happened to hear Wu Mingyun introducing Luo Ziling, and he immediately talked about the situation that day.

The officials were even more surprised, and they felt that Luo Ziling was not easy.

The person whom Ouyang Feifei treats like this, and Wu Mingyun and Li Mingxun valued, can never be an ordinary person.

Many people became more interested in Luo Ziling and shook hands with him.

Ouyang Feifei couldn't think that things were more exciting than she expected, and she was very happy, she rarely smiled, and she looked at Luo Ziling a little more gentle.

Ouyang Feifei basically doesn't smile in public. Today, she actually had a smile. The eyes looking at Luo Ziling were also very gentle. Many people immediately understood that the relationship between this pair of handsome men and beautiful women is not simple. Some people even got into gossip, thinking that today Ouyang Feifei brought Luo Ziling over to the reception, and looked at him with such eyes, there must be an affair between the two, maybe a romantic relationship.

In terms of appearance and temperament, Luo Ziling and Ouyang Feifei are very good match, just like a golden girl.

In only a while, Luo Ziling, like Ouyang Feifei, became the most concerned object in the audience.

Luo Ziling doesn't like to associate with people who are unfamiliar. After he and the other officials only greeted them politely, he ignored them too much.

I said a few more words with Wu Mingyun and Li Mingxun.

Wu Mingyun couldn't suppress the gossip in her heart. After Luo Ziling said a few polite remarks, she whispered: "Classmate Ziling, are you friends with Miss Ouyang?"

Luo Ziling smiled and replied: "My ancestors are family friends, and the relationship has always been good."

"So that's it," Wu Mingyun seemed to understand something, and didn't ask much.

Li Mingxun has been in contact with Luo Ziling several times, and he is very interested in Luo Ziling's treatment techniques, and they are one of the hosts of this academic so I have a few words with Luo Ziling. .

He hoped that Luo Ziling would prepare well so that he could go to the academic conference and share his medical theory with his colleagues.

Luo Ziling did not refuse, saying that if he had the opportunity, he would share with everyone his own exploration experience in this area.

Ouyang Feifei was almost the latest guest to arrive. After she was greeted by a group of people into the banquet hall, the deputy director of the Health and Family Planning Commission who hosted the reception announced that the reception had officially started.

The reception was held in the name of the Health and Family Planning Commission, and no sponsorship by pharmaceutical companies was required.

Of course, if they allow pharmaceutical companies to sponsor, there are bound to be countless people who want to pay.

When Luo Ziling followed Ouyang Feifei into the reception, he saw someone he knew.

Actually met Chen Jiahai again.

(End of this chapter)


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