The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 548: Yan Fu is not shallow

Chen Jiahai also went up to give a speech, but he was obviously distracted by Ouyang Feifei's actions, only to say a few polite remarks, and hoped to have a good cooperation with this advanced medical seminar, and then left the chair. station.

The host also quickly announced that the evening buffet reception has officially started, allowing everyone to enjoy their meals and communicate with each other.

It is impossible for a general medical study class or seminar to have a self-service cocktail party, and everything depends on who attends the conference. There are many high-level officials, and the level of guests attending the meeting is high, and the overall grade is also higher. Naturally, the scale of reception also changes.

Without a high-end reception, guests like Ouyang Feifei and Chen Jiahai would certainly not come.

Even if they come, as the host, they will be ashamed of the reception.

When the buffet reception started, Ouyang Feifei whispered Luo Ziling: "Stand by my side, don't leave alone."

Luo Ziling, who originally wanted to hide and eat by herself, could only obey Ouyang Feifei's arrangements with a little dissatisfaction, and stayed with her without leaving her.

Ouyang Feifei was the most dazzling star at the reception. Her demeanor overwhelmed everyone present. The female guests were only ashamed in front of her, and the men looked at him with different eyes.

Many men naturally think, if they could have such a stunning beauty, it would be great.

Many people even feel that it is worthwhile to spend a night with such a beautiful woman and lose ten years of life.

Of course, Luo Ziling was also one of the people who received the most attention in the audience, and most women's eyes would linger on his face.

Because of his handsomeness, and because of Ouyang Feifei's contrast.

However, Luo Ziling didn't like this feeling.

Ouyang Feifei did not walk around the reception, she just stood there quietly holding a glass of red wine, waiting for others to toast or greet.

Chen Jiahai was the first to come over. He walked to Ouyang Feifei with a glass of red wine, smiled and said to Ouyang Feifei: "Feifei, I am very glad to meet you here today. I know you will come, so I came to participate first. I toast you a cup, I hope you get more and more beautiful."

"Thank you." Seeing Chen Jiahai's neck drank the wine, Ouyang Feifei only gently thanked him, took a sip, and said nothing.

Ouyang Feifei always did this, and Chen Jiahai didn't care. He poured another glass of red wine and toasted Luo Ziling.

"Young Master Luo, I dare not drink too much with you. If you want to get drunk, let's just make it happen," Chen Jiahai said, taking a sip like Ouyang Feifei.

"You're polite," Luo Ziling drank the wine in his glass happily, filled one more glass, and respected Ouyang Feifei: "Thank you for bringing me to this reception for allowing me to know so many medical authorities. Thank you for dressing up for me just now, flattered, and toasting you a glass."

"It's fine if you are happy," Ouyang Feifei said, drunk the wine in the glass boldly, and raised the empty glass to signal to Luo Ziling.

Seeing this, Chen Jiahai was so angry that he almost went crazy on the spot.

He came to toast Ouyang Feifei wine, Ouyang Feifei just took a sip, and Luo Ziling drank the whole glass of wine when she was toasting her.

What this means, even if his IQ is cut in half, he can think of it.

Ouyang Feifei treated him and Luo Ziling, that was a completely different attitude.

Through the little gesture of drinking, Ouyang Feifei also conveyed a message to him clearly and unmistakably, that is, she treats Luo Ziling differently and takes Luo Ziling very seriously; and when she treats him, she treats each other lightly. If he had a knife or a gun in his pocket, he was likely to stab Luo Ziling or shoot directly, shooting this little white face on the spot.

When did the dignified young master of the Chen family ever be so despised and insulted in person?

If you continue to stay with Ouyang Feifei, you can only humiliate yourself. She can't fight Luo Ziling or drink or drink. He doesn't seem to have a good appearance. Today Luo Ziling is more handsome than him, and his facial features are also better than him-although Chen Jiahai He was quite confident about his appearance, but compared with Luo Ziling, he knew there was a gap. Therefore, he finally left Luo Ziling and Ouyang Feifei after politely saying sorry.

Seeing Chen Jiahai leaving in a hurry, he almost collided with another woman holding a wine glass, and did not apologize, but after a rough roar, she left. The woman who caused the victim kept apologizing and was scared to death. Luo Ziling couldn't help but teased: "He seems to be jealous and very angry."

"Aren't you happy?" Ouyang Feifei glared at Luo Ziling. "You said twice that I dressed you up today. Of course he will be angry."

"Well, I admit that I am very happy today. Would you like to stop having a drink with you?"

Seeing Luo Ziling's ambition, Ouyang Feifei rolled her eyes again, "You want to get me drunk?"

"I don't want to," Luo Ziling shook his head, "Just don't drink it!"

But to Luo Ziling's surprise, Ouyang Feifei picked up the half-poured glass again, gestured to him, and drank the glass.

After Luo Ziling glanced dumbly, he had to drink the wine in the glass.

"I'm going to get something to eat. I'm hungry. I will fill my stomach first. Drinking on an empty stomach is not good for my health," she said, waiting for Ouyang Feifei to react, and ran away quickly to get something to eat.

Ouyang Feifei was still standing where she was. She knew that many people would come over to toast her. Someone was making preparations when Chen Jiahai was there just now.

Chen Jiahai and Luo Ziling left, Ouyang Feifei stood alone, and immediately there were officials coming to meet or toast with Ouyang Feifei. Ouyang Feifei simply responded, and did not drink too much, but took a sip elegantly and answered them politely.

Ouyang Feifei is the target of women's focus of men's attention, and Luo Ziling just the other way round, he is the focus of women's attention and the target of men's jealousy.

When leaving Ouyang Feifei to get food, many women came to say hello almost, and they were all women. These women were very enthusiastic, rushing to take a photo with him, and asking for his WeChat or mobile phone number, which made Luo Ziling a little bit dumbfounded.

He finally refused their request for contact information on the grounds that he didn't bring his mobile phone with him, but he did not refuse to take photos with them.

What made him dumbfounded was that when these women were taking photos with him, some people took advantage of him. There was a long, pretty young woman who took the opportunity to touch his face and squeeze her chest onto him. .

"Handsome guy, I live in room 506, come up to drink tea when I have time, and learn about traditional medicine from you." The woman who took advantage of Luo Ziling actually sent out such an invitation.

The scared Luo Ziling ran away from them and hid back to Ouyang Feifei.

(End of this chapter)


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