The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 591: That man


In just October, Tibet entered winter completely, and roads were blocked by heavy snow in many places, making it extremely difficult to do so.

But in the ice and snow, there are still a group of people in snow camouflage who continue to train hard.

They train and perform tasks at high altitudes all the year round, and they have adapted to the environment of this place long ago - those who have not adapted have already been eliminated.

The "Plateau Snow Wolf" is a special force that frightens the enemies they have been in contact with. It is also a special force that makes other special forces very unconvincing. It's just that, because the commander of this special force is too strong, the soldiers brought out are very powerful. In addition, the commanders of the special forces in the theater are not convinced, but they admire them from the bottom of their hearts.

The real designation of this kind of troop is "Xuehu". It sounds like a name, but its nature has nothing to do with the cunning fox. The whole team is famous for being fierce.

The chief officer of "Xuehu" is a super abnormal, this is the evaluation of him by his soldiers.

He acted fiercely and had excellent personal combat effectiveness. It seemed that he had never defeated single-handedly, and his marksmanship was extremely accurate. He closed his eyes twice and blindly hit a target 100 meters away, always ten rings. He can drive all kinds of chariots and all kinds of planes in military service. He has been to Mount Everest several times. In the coldest winter, he can live on the plateau for a month without food.

It can be said that he is an all-round abnormal special force.

Today, this perverted commander of special forces still takes his soldiers to train in the mountainous area near the station.

The average altitude of Tibet is 3,000 meters, the camp where they are stationed is 3,600 meters above sea level, and the training area is above 4,000 meters.

At this altitude, ordinary people would feel uneasy for breathlessness while standing still, not to mention strenuous exercise, but for this pervert and his soldiers, training at this altitude is like walking on the ground.

People who compete with natural selection and can persist without being eliminated are all adapters to the environment and strong on the plateau.

Because of the difference in longitude, the sunrise and sunset in Tibet are several hours later than in the interior, and the morning training ends at three o'clock in the afternoon. After training in the morning, the man with a beard and blue eyes, his eyes were firm, but his face was not as full of plateau red as the Tibetans. After calling the squadron leaders to report the morning training situation, Back to his residence, ready to eat lunch.

The weather is bad and the training intensity is high. Everyone has to take a break at noon, otherwise the quality of training in the afternoon cannot be guaranteed.

Over the years, the above has increased its investment in the infrastructure construction of the troops. The "Snow Fox" is one of the most elite special forces. The conditions in all aspects of their camp are still quite good. The captain and the chief officer of the deputy captain level all have a separate small suite. For ordinary soldiers, there is also a single room for two people. There are various bathroom equipment in the single room.

Although the training uniforms of the "Snow Fox" special brigade are specially made, they can withstand the cold wind and ice and snow to a large extent, but after half a day of training, they are still soaked in ice and snow. After returning to the room, he took off his clothes and took a cold shower in the bathroom.

Although hot water is provided in the camp, he still insists on bathing in cold water throughout the year.

After a quick shower, he came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

As he wiped his head with a bath towel, the phone on the table outside rang.

Not many people knew his cell phone number, and even fewer people would call his cell phone, so he immediately walked over when he heard the phone ring.

But after seeing the phone's caller ID number, his face changed drastically.

Under any circumstance, his hand holding a gun or a military thorn will not tremble, even in an environment of tens of degrees below zero.

He can easily pick up heavy objects of several hundred kilograms without shaking his hands.

But after seeing the caller ID number, his hand was trembling slightly, and he felt that the mobile phone was extremely heavy, and he felt a little unable to hold it.

After staying in high-altitude areas for a long time, his lung capacity is very large, at least twice that of a normal person. Under vigorous exercise, he will not breathe as fast as a normal person, and his heartbeat will be very fierce. But now, not only has his heart beat faster, his breathing is also very fast.

He never flustered or had difficulty making decisions when encountering things. With his fingers trembling, he didn't know how to make a decision, or whether to answer the phone. In the end, in his hesitation, the phone sound stopped abruptly.

When the phone's ringing stopped, his heart jumped violently, as if he had been stabbed by something, and he was immediately flustered, feeling that he had done something wrong.

He held the phone blankly and decided in his heart that if this number comes back, he will answer the phone without hesitation.

But to his surprise, the call did not come again, which made him feel heavy, and his heart felt like something had been taken away.

Just when he was depressed and hesitated to call back, the SMS ringtone rang, and he pressed it quickly.

"I have something very important to tell you. I will call you back when I see the text message."

Then came another one: "If there is no time to return within half an hour, then call me after ten o'clock in the evening."

Seeing the news, he didn't hesitate anymore and immediately called back.

Without hearing the phone ringing, the person at the other end picked it up, and then a soft woman's voice came: "Hey..."

Hearing this almost unchanged voice, the man who wouldn't change color even after Taishan collapsed, felt like he was hit hard by something in his heart, and almost shed tears. After so many years, he finally heard her voice for the first time.

Because he was so excited that he couldn't speak at once, the other party seemed to expect such a reaction, and didn't say anything immediately.

After a while, he gently answered "Hello".

After a thousand words of idiom, after a "hello", I don't know how to say it.

The same is true for the woman on the other end of the phone, she was silent after a "hello", not knowing what to say or how to say.

In the end, it was the man who spoke first. After taking at least five or six deep breaths, he cautiously asked: "Nan...Nan, of calling me... Yes? Just... was scared and didn't react."

If his soldiers heard him talking like this, he would be surprised to drop his jaw. When will their perverted chief officials stutter so much?

Who has seen him look so nervous?

"I thought it was inconvenient for you to answer the phone." The woman's voice came, "I have something to tell you... Well, Ling'er..."

"What's wrong with him?" The man frowned when he heard the woman talk about his son.

"He's okay, he just got into trouble." The woman was afraid that the man would be worried, so she explained quickly and explained the whole story.

Hearing that his son was not in an accident, the man stretched his brows, but after hearing the woman's words, he frowned again.

(End of this chapter)


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