The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 613: Goodbye Lin Lan

(Tomorrow and Sunday, there are a few chapters to add, so stay tuned)

Early the next morning, Luo Ziling left at six o'clock and ran to the nursing home where Li Haiyang was.

Last night, Luo Ziling directly contacted Li Haiyang and said that he would be treated for him earlier this morning.

Li Haiyang also had no objection, and accepted Luo Ziling's arrangement.

I haven't treated Li Haiyang for several days, but Luo Ziling believes that Li Haiyang understands the situation and doesn't make any calculations.

It's just that he doesn't know. On Ling Jinhua's birthday, after he went to treat the old man, Li Haiyang knew about the conflict with the children of the Ling family. If he knew, how would he react?

After arriving at the entrance of the nursing home, someone was already there waiting to pick him up, and Luo Ziling directly followed in.

Li Haiyang is walking in the yard in a wheelchair with the help of a special nurse.

Seeing Luo Ziling coming in, he took the initiative to say hello: "Ziling, I haven't seen you for several days."

"I've been busy these few days, so I don't have time to come over to treat seniors." Luo Ziling walked to Li Haiyang embarrassedly and took the wheelchair from the special guard. "No, I will come to treat you after getting up this morning. I originally wanted to noon. Or come here at night, but there should be things at noon and night, thinking that Senior must get up early, so I came here early."

"Thank you," Li Haiyang just chuckled and didn't ask much.

After walking around in the yard, Li Haiyang asked Luo Ziling to push him back to the small building where he lived.

With the help of special nurses, Li Haiyang asked them to wait outside after lying on the bed.

After the special nurse went out, Li Haiyang asked, "How is the treatment of the old man?"

"Not bad, better than I expected," Luo Ziling replied while preparing the treatment equipment. "He is actually not seriously ill. It is just a weak physique caused by natural aging of the body. Coupled with the weather changes, he was slightly cold. Help him treat. After that, let him take my grandfather’s homemade drugs intermittently. If nothing happens, he should get better soon. It’s just that I can’t guarantee how good a person of this age will be.”

"That's good," Li Haiyang said with a sigh of relief after listening, and then said with a smile: "I know you can definitely create miracles. Do you think it was too late for the treatment in the past? Would the effect be better if it was earlier? "

"That's for sure," Luo Ziling did not deny either. "Like the predecessor's disease, if you treat it early, it will definitely not have the current results."

"The things in the past can't be reversed," Li Haiyang gently moved his fingers. "Now my fingers are slightly movable, which has surprised me. I will be very happy if I can walk on the ground before the weather is warm next year. . I hope you can bring me miracles."

"Senior, it is the two of us who create miracles together. I believe that miracles will happen." Looking at Li Haiyang's reaction and what he said, Luo Ziling felt that when he beat up the younger generation of Ling's family in the old house of Ling's family that day, Li Haiyang agreed do not know.

Anyway, he made up his mind, unless Li Haiyang asked about it, otherwise he would not take the initiative to speak.

While Luo Ziling was treating him, Li Haiyang talked about the last time Luo Ziling and Ling Ruonan were shot by snipers when they went to the streets.

"That incident made your grandfather very angry. He personally asked me to check it out. He contacted me today, but he basically couldn't check it out," Li Haiyang said, sighing, "This kind of thing, even if After the gunman was captured, there was no way to find the instigator behind the scenes. Just like the last time you were stabbed in the street, the assailant can be found at most, but the instigators behind cannot be found."

Luo Ziling never thought that Li Haiyang would take the initiative to talk about the assassination of him and Ling Ruonan the last time he and Ling Ruonan were assassinated. But Li Haiyang's analysis is acceptable.

Because several people have already talked about similar situations, so Li Haiyang didn't have any surprises when he said this.

Luo Ziling didn't ask much, he knew that Li Haiyang would tell everything he could say, so he just focused on pressing for Li Haiyang.

Before each treatment, Luo Ziling would pinch Li Haiyang once to relax his muscles.

He would not talk to Li Haiyang when the needle was being administered, because at that time he had to be fully focused, and there could be no slips, otherwise there might be accidents, and he would have accidents himself.

"This time the sniper appeared, it should be aimed at your mother," Li Haiyang slightly lowered his voice and said, "In recent years, your mother has been assassinated a lot, so she is very careful. This time, it should be you, so she was willing. Show your face and go shopping. In the future, you still have to be careful. If you want to go out, you have to dress up carefully. You must make good use of the things that **** teach you."

"Thank you senior for your guidance."

"For you, for your mother's assassination and assault, even if we try our best to investigate, we still cannot find out who is behind the scenes. The people who did these actions are very experienced in planning such things and cannot expose themselves. Come out. So, don’t worry about it either. What you have to do is to act cautiously and carefully in everything to prevent accidents." Li Haiyang said, smiling again, "In the past, you were too high-profile. A little bit, so people hate it. From now on, try to keep a low profile."

"Thank you senior for reminding," Luo Ziling thanked again.

"It's really rare for you to be appreciated by your grandpa and grandpa. Your words can actually be collected by Grandpa Ling. This is not a treatment that ordinary people can enjoy. In the future, you should get close to Grandpa Ling and your grandpa and grandma. , Go over and chat with them more, you will have unexpected gains." After saying this, Li Haiyang laughed at himself again: "Look, when I get older, I have become verbose. My hands and feet are not swift, only my mouth can move, so now I also like to talk. When I have a chance, we will chat together again. When I can move my hands and feet freely, we will drink together. I heard that you drink well!"

Of course, Luo Ziling readily agreed to and gave Li Haiyang encouragement, "At that time, there will be a chance to drink with seniors, and I believe seniors will drink very well. We will stop when we are drunk."

Li Haiyang treated him more enthusiastically, and Luo Ziling was of course very happy.

When Luo Ziling was about to start administering the injection, Li Haiyang also closed his mouth and did not disturb Luo Ziling.

After Luo Ziling gave the injection, Li Haiyang fell asleep.

At the end of the treatment, Luo Ziling packed up his things, and after instructing the two special guards who were waiting outside, he was about to leave.

But when he left Li Haiyang's small building and walked to the entrance of the nursing home, he was surprised to see a person coming in from outside.

A tall woman wearing black clothes and black pants with a pair of sunglasses on her nose, looking very domineering.

Not Lin Lan, who else?

(End of this chapter)


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