The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 618: Luo Ziling's Theory

(Second more)

"It's really a god, it seems that the words of the master among the people are very reasonable," the middle-aged man was overjoyed and hurriedly shook hands with Luo Ziling, "I hope I can see you for treatment in the next few days, thank you very much."

"Actually, I'm not here to show off medical skills today," Luo Ziling nodded to the middle-aged man, and then said to the audience: "I just want everyone to see is believable. I want everyone to know that I don't understand. The doctor is stunned, otherwise I can't talk about the next thing. After showing off my medical post, I want to know if I can go on stage again and continue to talk about the following content?"

"Of course," Li Mingxun made a please gesture.

The audience burst into laughter again.

Most people think Luo Ziling is a very interesting person, and his medical skills are really remarkable.

Although most of the women attending the meeting are already a certain age, it may not make them feel irritated and their eyes become peach-eyed.

Luo Ziling is already handsome, his speech is so funny and humorous, coupled with his good medical skills, why would the older sisters and mothers dislike such excellent little fresh meat?

Some people are even wondering if they want to take the initiative to get close, pull the strings for their daughter, and turn him into their son-in-law. Of course, some women who are not too old, or even though they are old, but still have strong estrogen secretion, are still keen on men and women, thinking if they can spend a good night with this person’s sweet little meat, then It's a worthwhile trip.

Life is always full of romance. Who knows if romantic things will happen to you?

Of course Luo Ziling didn't know that his appearance had already made many women idiots. After he stepped onto the stage again, he picked up the microphone and continued to talk about what he wanted to say.

"I know that most people who study Western medicine look down on Chinese medicine and think that traditional medicine is dross. To a certain extent, I am not opposed to this statement."

Luo Ziling's words once again drew the audience's astonishment. They didn't expect that after showing a few hands, the guests at the meeting had already admired him, he would actually say so.

"The reason I say this is because there are too many so-called traditional medicine people who do not focus on studying medicine, but like to pretend to be fools and prescribe drugs in order to make money, regardless of the life or death of patients. Now, There are very few people who study traditional medicine, and most of them are sitting on the results of previous studies, regardless of whether the previous research results are wrong or not."

Seeing the eyes of the audience watching him became very surprised, especially Ouyang Feifei's eyes became sparkling, Luo Ziling was encouraged, and continued: "Now many people still quote "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" and "Treatise on Febrile Diseases." The content in medical treatises that have existed for one or two thousand years. You must know that medicine is a rapidly developing discipline. With the passage of time and people’s research, the understanding of pathophysiology has become more and more profound. Opinions and principles have also changed. This is true for both Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and changes must be made with the times. Outdated and outdated things must be discarded, and new and more scientific techniques must be summarized through continuous research. But unfortunately, most people engaged in traditional medicine still follow the research results of ancient people hundreds or even thousands of years ago, or say their theories, and they don’t think about introducing the old and bringing forth the new from the research results of the predecessors. Medicine is more developed and advanced."

"I'm not saying that ancient medical classics have no reference meaning. On the contrary, I think the ancients are really too smart. What they wrote hundreds of years ago has been quoted by posterity as the basis for diagnosis and treatment. The same is true in other aspects. There are too many things passed down in China for thousands of years, which is rarely seen in other countries. It is like ancient poetry, it is the peak of the development of China’s culture, and it is hard to beat now. As a Huaxia, I I am deeply proud of this."

Luo Ziling's words immediately drew fists from the audience, and some women even screamed despite their demeanor.

"But if the development of medicine is the same, it is not a good phenomenon. Unfortunately, things are really similar to what I just said. Most of the great works of traditional medicine were written hundreds of years ago, and few modern people have edited them. , At least there are few classic works. In fact, this is an important reason why traditional medicine is becoming less and less important and less and less important. Not many people are researching, no one is promoting progress, and there is no innovation. This technology How is it possible to develop? The people who sit in the hall are based on ancient medical classics, and the researchers are studying these books, and they did not intend to enrich the content of these books, remove their dross, and make up for their essence. How can they develop with the times? ?"

"I know that the relevant departments have been vigorously providing and promoting traditional medicine, and want traditional medicine to have stronger vitality to continue to improve people's livelihood and protect the health of the people. Why revitalize? It is because I am behind that I will rejuvenate. I I think, if one day, one of our researchers in traditional medicine compiles a masterpiece, this masterpiece can be cited by future generations like "Huangdi Neijing", "Qianjinfang", "Compendium of Materia Medica" and other medical classics. Hundreds of thousands of years can make these classic works lose their reference. If more famous doctors like Bian Que, Zhang Zhongjing, Sun Simiao, and Li Shizhen appear, then our traditional medicine will develop rapidly and bring more welfare to the people. ."

When Luo Ziling said this, a man sitting in the back stood up and said unceremoniously: "Unfortunately, most people now regard traditional medicine as pseudoscience. Now the so-called Chinese medicine practitioners are for others. When seeing a doctor, they would secretly add Western medicine in Chinese medicine, because they also know that Chinese medicine cannot cure diseases. Therefore, traditional medicine cannot have a future."

"Then I ask you, Ms. Tu, who just won the World Medical Achievement Award, does she mainly rely on traditional medical research or Western medicine from Borrowing?" Luo Ziling was a little angry when she heard that, and she dared to interrupt his speech. Replied politely, "Also, what do you think is the treatment I have given to the teacher and several ladies just now?"

"Maybe you are just acting. UU Reading is acting as a double acting. You want to disrupt this academic conference and achieve your purpose of advertising." The man in his forties snorted contemptuously. , Just sat down.

But what he didn't expect was that his contemptuous remarks completely agitated the few people who had been treated by Luo Ziling just now.

Especially the three women who no longer felt sore necks after Luo Ziling simply pinched them, immediately stood up and sneered.

The man who felt much better after Luo Ziling's acupuncture treatment unceremoniously stood up and reprimanded the troublemaker.

"Although I have always underestimated traditional medicine and thought it was in decline, today I did feel very comfortable after the child's treatment. I don't know if this is a temporary illusion or an effective treatment effect, but you say we are in Acting as a double agent is to humiliate our personality. Ask that friend to stand up and apologize."

Luo Ziling was still standing on the stage. He didn't have any stage fright, but watched the noisy scene off the court with a smile without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)


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