The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 622: Different attitudes towards marriage contracts

(Sixth more)

Ouyang Feifei calmed down quickly, and replied softly, "Please also ask Mr. Ling for advice."

"Mom, or else, I'll take a shower first." Luo Ziling didn't want to participate in this matter, and let Ling Ruonan and Ouyang Feifei two women talk about the matter themselves, so they planned to escape this matter by taking a bath, "I'm tired today. I was sweating a lot, and my body was full of odors, and I will faint you in a while. I'm going to take a bath!" As he said, I was ready to slip upstairs.

But Ling Ruonan didn't intend to let Luo Ziling avoid this question, "Sit down and talk about it. You are the party involved, and we need to listen to your opinions."

This made Luo Ziling very embarrassed. In the end, he still didn't escape and sat down obediently.

He also regretted that he had known that Ling Ruonan would not be here tonight, or he would not agree to bring Ouyang Feifei over to visit.

But he couldn't escape, he could only sit depressed.

"Ling always have any thoughts, just say it," Ouyang Feifei said calmly.

"At the beginning, his grandfather and your grandfather made a baby kiss for you. I am opposed to it," Ling Ruonan said blankly. "Because I am a victim of a family marriage, I suffer from it. Of course, I don't want my son. Following the same footsteps, therefore, I told his grandfather at the time that I did not agree with this marriage. His grandfather also accepted my request, so after Ziling came to Yanjing, the first thing he did was to come and tell you about it. Matter. I think that both of us can accept this matter because the matter is not clear and has not spread."

Ouyang Feifei did not interrupt, because she knew that Ling Ruonan had not finished speaking.

Luo Ziling wouldn't even interrupt.

"I know that the only person who strongly opposes this marriage contract is you," Ling Ruonan looked at Ouyang Feifei with a smile on his face: "I know you are definitely not willing to accept the marriage arranged by your family, like you Such a person with personality, the most hope is to hold his life in his own hands. I think if Ziling did not come to the door to dissolve the marriage contract, but came to propose a marriage, you would definitely not accept it. He came to retired and your self-esteem was affected. Because of the injury, I changed my attitude and want to keep this engagement, right? The reason is just not reconciled."

Ouyang Feifei was a little embarrassed now, she didn't know how to answer.

But after hesitating for a while, Ouyang Feifei finally nodded in recognition of Ling Ruonan's analysis. Because she thought of the two days ago, she and Luo Ziling directly said that she would not just stop like this about the marriage contract, and the self-esteem of a woman would not be trampled so easily.

"I do have such thoughts," Ouyang Feifei said with a wry smile: "I believe Ling can always understand that no woman is willing to be dismissed, especially a woman like me who has always been arrogant. If Ziling came to the door instead of asking to divorce, It’s a proposal, hoping to formally have a marriage contract with me, then I might refuse to accept it. I really don’t want to be turned into this."

After a pause, she said again: "Before Ziling came and retired, I really resisted grandpa's arrangement. The most important reason is that Mr. Ling just said that I want to dominate my own life instead of passively accepting the family's Arrangement. Another point is that I am about one and a half years older than Ziling. I don’t want to be both a wife and a mother in front of my future husband. After I knew that Ziling separated from you since childhood, I was thinking If I really stay with him, I may have to take on the roles of wife and mother, at least, to take care of him like a sister. There is another reason, that is, I hope that my future husband will be excellent in all aspects People can beat me, so that I won’t be dissatisfied. I think Ziling, who grew up in a small mountain village, has not gone to school and is lacking in many aspects."

After saying these psychological words, she smiled awkwardly at Luo Ziling, and then said her own conclusion: "Therefore, I have always rejected this marriage contract and do not intend to accept it. But after hearing that Quilt Ling had retired, my self-esteem I was extremely hurt, and I was very unwilling, and even wanted to have revenge. In addition, I later learned that Ziling was excellent in all aspects, so my mind changed."

"Well, since you are so straightforward, let's not hide it," Ling Ruonan was very satisfied with Ouyang Feifei's straightforwardness. Without waiting for Luo Ziling to say anything, she explained her meaning first: "I want to know what you are now Attitude, the purpose of your frequent contact with Ziling."

She looked at Luo Ziling again: "I also want to know your attitude and thoughts, because the situation is very complicated now, and it is better to explain some things."

Now that I have said the words, Ouyang Feifei has less scruples and directly explained her thoughts: "I don't force to continue the marriage contract. I know that there is no way to force this kind of thing, even if I am still unwilling to be rejected by others. I have thought about what to force. The relationship between men and women should happen naturally, rather than through the established marriage contract of the older generation. I now think that Ziling is good in all aspects, and I am willing to treat him as a friend. As for whether he can become a lover, That is not something I can control alone."

Unexpectedly, Ouyang Feifei would say this, Luo Ziling was surprised.

Isn't it clear that a woman can speak to this point?

When both women looked at him, he suddenly didn't know what to say.

"What do you think?" Ling Ruonan finally asked directly.

"I am dating Yang I feel very good with her," Luo Ziling could only bite the bullet and said: "I also know that it is very difficult to be with her, but I I don’t want to give up. Although there are often misunderstandings with Feifei, I... I think we can still become very good friends."

Luo Ziling actually said this, choosing Yang Qingyin and giving up her. Ouyang Feifei was very disappointed, and the eyes looking at Luo Ziling were a little angry. Luo Ziling didn't dare to look at her, turned his head and avoided his eyes.

"Well, I probably understand what you mean," Ling Ruonan breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Luo Ziling: "Your life requires your own choice. What you think is not necessarily your final choice, but no matter what This kind of choice, whoever you go with in the end, Mom will support you and try not to interfere with your decision. I just hope that you can think about everything clearly, feelings and reality must be considered. After all, two people want A lifetime. If there will be endless troubles after walking together, you still have to consider carefully. The tragedy lessons of your dad and I, I don't want to see it in you!"

Ling Ruonan's words surprised Ouyang Feifei and Luo Ziling again.

(End of this chapter)


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