The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 631: Another storm

After thinking about it, Luo Ziling felt that what Yang Qingyin said was really good.

If Ling Jinhua allowed them to be whetstones or catfish for long enough, then they might be able to accumulate enough power in the process of confronting the Ling family's heirs. Maybe when they finally tear their faces, no one can shake them. Mother and child.

Thinking of this, Luo Ziling's heart suddenly felt translucent, and she suddenly relaxed.

Although Yang Qingyin couldn't see the change in Luo Ziling's face, he could feel that he was moved by her, and he was immediately very happy.

"Brother, in the future, we will exchange these things a lot. We need mutual support to resolve the troubles and solve the difficulties. Three heads, are you the last Zhuge Liang? The two of us will add your mother, and the wisdom of the three will definitely be together. It's not simple, maybe it can crush all the people who cause us trouble." In the darkness, Yang Qingyin quietly looked at Luo Ziling, "Don't you have lofty ideals? If you don't have a last resort, don't talk lightly. Retreat. During this period of time your enemies have treated you like this, you have resisted, don't be afraid of anything. I will stand with you at all times."

All the encouragement in front of Yang Qingyin can't match the last sentence.

The return to Yang Qingyin was naturally a warm kiss.

"Senior sister, it's nice to know you."

"Humph," Yang Qingyin said with a bit of dissatisfaction after wiped off the saliva with Luo Ziling's clothes: "It's fine to know that I'm fine, don't treat me badly in the future, or I will be very angry. I'm very angry. Things are in trouble, do you remember?"

"Can I not remember?"


"Then you say it again, I will record it, so I won't forget it."

The result was a severe pinch by Yang Qingyin.

After lingering in the darkness for a while, the two of them checked that the time was late, and they also left the Weiming Lake hand in hand and went back to their bedroom to rest.

When Luo Ziling returned to the bedroom, the three guys in the bedroom were all there.

The door was closed tightly. When Luo Ziling opened the door and went in, he coughed repeatedly with the smell of smoke coming toward him.

"What are you doing? Smoke the mosquitoes or smoke people?" Seeing the smoke floating in the house and the three guys hiding in the bed swallowing the clouds and fog, Luo Ziling suddenly became angry. "You don't know that smoking is harmful to your health?"

"Boss, it's okay to smoke one occasionally?" Cao Jianhui sat up from the bed, picked up a box of Zhonghua brand cigarettes, and handed one to Luo Ziling: "Come on, smoke one, have fun. A cigarette after dinner, happy. Looks like a fairy. Take a few mouthfuls to make sure you are gone."

Luo Ziling slapped Cao Jianhui's hand back with a palm, and said angrily: "I don't smoke, and I don't want you to smoke. It's no good."

With that said, I used to open the window and then open the door to the maximum.

"Boss, if we are seen by someone, we will be dead," Cao Jianhui hurriedly put out the cigarette in his hand, "It must be a training if someone reports it to the teacher."

The other two guys quickly put out the smoke.

"Knowing that I have to smoke," Luo Ziling said, ignoring them, and hid in the bathroom to wash.

When he washed out, the smell of smoke faded slightly and he felt a little more comfortable.

"Boss, did you really go to the academic conference with Dean Wu today?" Cao Jianhui completely ignored Luo Ziling's reprimand, and changed the subject with a smile: "I saw a message from the Moments forwarded by someone, saying that you followed Dean Wu Isn’t it true that I went to an academic conference and still spoke on it?"

"What's weird?" Luo Ziling lay on the bed, "I have good medical skills. They invited me to participate in exchange activities. What a normal thing, what's all the fuss about."

"Have you taken photos?" Cao Jianhui looked very interested, "If so, let us see it?"

"Okay," Luo Ziling was in a good mood, so he didn't refuse Cao Jianhui's request, and showed them the video and a few photos sent to him.

After watching the video, Cao Jianhui, Li Fuming, and Wu Longjiang were immediately stunned.

"Wow, boss, you are not an ordinary cow. Hurry up and send us the video and photos. We have to enjoy it." Cao Jianhui gave Luo Ziling a thumbs up, "You dare to say such things in front of so many authorities. , I really admire you for giving such a speech. My admiration for you is like a surging river, endless..."

Seeing Cao Jianhui spread his hands, raised his head, and learning the manner of Zhou Xingxing on TV, Luo Ziling couldn't help but kicked him, and said angrily: "Is it disgusting? By the way, I want to tell you one. One thing, my original WeChat account is going to be discarded. There are too many people harassing it and I can’t bear it. You can add my new WeChat account. Remember, don’t tell others about my new WeChat account."

"Okay," the three of course agreed, and immediately took out their mobile phones and scanned Luo Ziling's QR code to add.

Cao Jianhui asked gossiping: "Boss, is it because there are too many beauties harassing, that's why I abandon the original WeChat account?"

"Definitely," Wu Longjiang replied on behalf of Luo Ziling. "The boss has too many fans, and most of them are female fans. They are very enthusiastic and active. I think if the boss is bothered, he can interact with female fans in bed every day and study physiology. Anatomy. Hee hee, boss, or else, send me your original WeChat ID to use, I will interact with the beauties, how about?"

What Wu Longjiang said was another kick from Luo Ziling, he didn't care, and hid aside with a smile.

Cao Jianhui didn’t have a word. He didn’t know what he was tossing about with his mobile phone. After a while, he yelled, "Haha, I finally posted the boss’s video and photos to the forum for the first time. It’s perfect, no more Fight with me. Our boss is the cow, the best school grass of Yan University. Who dares to compete with us? I can crush them by posting a video."

"What do you mean?" Luo Ziling You actually posted my video on the forum, and you posted it without my consent. Isn't it too much? "

"Boss, didn't you pay attention to the forums these days?" Cao Jianhui said with a gloomy expression: "In the past few days, a few mad dogs have kept derogating you on the forums. The three of us quarreled with them repeatedly. Or, Look at how they belittle you. They almost describe you as a wretched man who can only cheat women with his own beauty and is a super abnormal psychology. His nature is scum. It's too much. We will let everyone know that you They are outstanding in all aspects. They are our idol and the most popular and talented school grass in the school. Compared with you, other people are far behind."

"What's the matter?" Luo Ziling frowned.

"Boss, some people said that you were jealous of a man named Yang Qingye, and the woman you were fighting for got pregnant, but I don't know whose seed it was." Li Fuming also yelled, "I also uploaded the picture at the time. No, take a look, the post is gone."

With that, he handed over his cell phone.

(End of this chapter)


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