The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 649: Another outrageous thing

Luo Ziling broke up with Yang Qingyin in a very good mood.

He is already looking forward to a bright future, and even like many college students, he lives with Yang Qingyin.

For Luo Ziling, being able to live with Yang Qingyin, this great beauty, is the life he most yearns for and also feels the most beautiful, at least now he feels like this.

Therefore, after seeing Yang Qingyin secretly bought a house and it was ready to move in, he seemed very happy.

He didn’t think about other issues, such as whether he was living in Yang Qingyin’s house as eating soft food. If others knew about it, especially the Yang family knew what the consequences would be, the Ling family’s revenge would be How about it, wait.

These things will not be thought of when I am in a good mood with Yang Qingyin.

But after waiting for Wu Yue at the school gate and getting in Wu Yue's car, his good mood was immediately destroyed.

It wasn't that Wu Yue had a dispute with him and caused some discomfort, but Wu Yue told him something very annoying.

"Today, somebody used the company's internal mail system to circulate the email that Miss tried to transfer all the assets of the Northern Group to her personal account," Wu Yue said angrily to Luo Ziling after starting the car. "Someone wanted to push Miss to On the cusp of the storm, she became a target of public criticism, and the Ling family must have done so deliberately."

Luo Ziling didn't fully understand what happened, so he immediately asked Wu Yue what was going on.

Wu Yue hesitated for a moment, and then talked about the matter.

This morning, when many people went to work and opened the internal mail system, they saw an e-mail that they didn’t know who sent it. The sender claimed to be an old employee of the Northern Group. He denounced Ling Ruonan in a very angry tone. The big boss ignores the interests of the hundreds of thousands of employees in the Northern Group, puts his own interests first, and tries his best to put the assets of the group company into his own pockets, and realize the huge assets of the company into his own private property. Handed over to his son.

The email was sent to all employees in the headquarters in the form of mass mailing, which immediately caused an uproar.

Although Ling Ruonan has been in the Northern Group for so many years with high prestige and the existence of a queen, this email still pushed her to the forefront. Although the employees below dare not discuss it in public, they still have a lot of criticism in private. Many people are worried about whether their interests will be damaged, and whether Ling Ruonan will transfer the group company's assets abroad, and then run away and leave a mess behind.

"The young lady has repeatedly told me not to tell you this to save you from worrying." After saying these things, Wu Yue saw that Luo Ziling's face had become very ugly, and then carefully explained two sentences: "But I think, It’s better to let you know these things. Miss is under a lot of pressure during this time, and she is not sleeping well at night. I'm afraid she..."

Wu Yue didn't say anything about Ling Ruonan, but Luo Ziling understood what she meant.

"Sister Wu Yue, thank you for telling me this," Luo Ziling squeezed out a bitter smile, and then said seriously: "Since I know about this, then I must pay attention to it."

Luo Ziling said, took out his mobile phone and called Wang Zhenjun.

After the phone rang a few times, he was picked up, "Young Master, can you find me something?"

"How's the matter for you to investigate?" Luo Ziling didn't say anything right away, but first asked what Wang Zhenjun was investigating.

In the past two days, Wang Zhenjun was ordered by Luo Ziling to track down the slanderous Luo Ziling and Yang Qingye posts posted on the campus network forum last time. Luo Ziling asked Wang Zhenjun about this matter in order to know how Wang Zhenjun's investigation was. By the way, let me know about this. How about the ability of the self-proclaimed super hacker in this regard.

"Young son, I have collected all the information. I am analyzing it. I have probably targeted the target. It’s just that the other party is also a computer expert and has done some protective measures, but this is of no use to me. Give me another half day and I can Analyzing the final result," Wang Zhenjun still talked about a big call in one breath, as usual, and there was a sense of pride in his words when he spoke.

"Let's put that matter down temporarily, and there is a more important thing that you need to solve immediately," Luo Ziling decisively gave Wang Zhenjun an order, "You come to my mother right away. After you come, I will tell you the details. Happening."

"Okay, I'll be there in half an hour," Wang Zhenjun agreed without any hesitation or doubt.

When Luo Ziling called, Wu Yue listened attentively. She was still very surprised when Luo Ziling told Wang Zhenjun like this. After Luo Ziling hung up the phone, she whispered: "Master, what are you going to do?"

"Wang Zhenjun claims to be a super hacker, let him track down this matter," Luo Ziling breathed out slowly, "I hope to track down the black hand behind the scenes and find out the matter of someone deliberately ruining my mother's reputation."

Wu Yue nodded, and didn't ask much.

However, she was still very happy in her heart, and boldly told Luo Ziling about Ling Ruonan, it seemed that she might have unexpected gains.

Even if Ling Ruonan was blamed, Wu Yue didn't care.

The car quickly arrived at Ling Ruonan's villa, and when he walked into the living room, there was no one inside.

"Miss should still be taking a shower," Wu Yue asked Luo Ziling to sit down, and diligently made tea for him and got fruits.

Today's Wu Yue wears a very formal, cyan professional suit, with a suit with a small lapel on the top, a white shirt, and pencil pants underneath, making her figure more upright.

Originally, Wu Yue was a great Because she heard Luo Ziling's words on the road, her face stretched. No longer looks cold, a pretty face is even more pretty. A big beauty dangled in front of him, and Luo Ziling couldn't help but glance again.

"Master, what the young lady ordered, I have done almost everything," Wu Yue didn't notice Luo Ziling's peeking eyes, prepared tea and snacks for Luo Ziling and stood quietly beside him, and reported another item. The matter, "I have transferred some of the assets to the account opened with your ID card, and some have been transferred to my name. When it is appropriate, I will transfer all of them to you."

"Let's listen to my mother's instructions for these things. I have no idea." Luo Ziling smiled and shook his head. "You don't need to report to me. I don't understand these things at all, just listen to my mother."

"Well," Wu Yue nodded. She admires Luo Ziling completely indifferent to the temptation of huge wealth. There are really very few people who can do this.

At this time, Ling Ruonan, who had already taken a shower, came down from upstairs.

(End of this chapter)


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