The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 682: This is their bottom line


After Ling Haining left, there was a brief silence in the yard, and no one spoke.

After a while, Ling Ruonan said softly: "Ling'er, help your grandfather treat her."

"Grandpa, let me take a pulse for you first," Luo Ziling still asked Ling Jinhua's opinion first. After seeing Ling Jinhua nodded slightly, he stretched out his hand.

After squeezing Ling Jinhua’s thin arm, Luo Ziling took the pulse for the old man very seriously, and after careful examination of other things, he told Ling Jinhua with a smile: "Grandpa, your health is much better than the previous days. This winter, you There shouldn't be any troubles with tsutsugamushi."

"Actually, when a person gets old, there is always the day to go back. At this age, it doesn't matter if you are born, old or sick, everything doesn't matter," Ling Jinhua replied softly, without opening his eyes.

"My grandfather's words are a bit insincere," Luo Ziling pointed out the purpose of Ling Jinhua's words, "you still have a lot of unresolved things in your heart. You said this just now, just to warn me, don't take it for you. You are threatening to treat this matter, you will not buy it, right? Actually I never thought about using treatment to threaten you. I am a medical student, and it is my duty to save the dead and heal the wounded. If someone is beaten by me I am still willing to treat him when he is injured. Punishing him and curing him are two different things. I beat him because of my anger, and I saved him because I am a doctor."

At this point, Luo Ziling paused, and then solemnly said: "Practitioners should never forget their duty to save the dead and heal the wounded. This is the duty of the doctor."

"If the person you were treating killed you in the end, wouldn't you be wronged?" Ling Jinhua opened his eyes suddenly after hearing Luo Ziling's words, and there was still light in his eyes.

Ling Ruonan originally wanted to interrupt and say something, but after seeing the appearance of two men, one old and one young, he finally didn't speak, but sighed slightly in his heart.

She became more and more unfamiliar with her son, and she didn't know how to get along with him.

When Luo Ziling first came to Yanjing, she felt that he was a very pitiful child. After being abandoned by her, he was almost a child without parents. He was delicate and needed her protection at all times. After meeting with Luo Ziling, Ling Ruonan felt that her son values ​​family affection very much and desperately desires her maternal love. Of course, she also feels that he is very shy, restrained, and not very comfortable with this society.

Unexpectedly, what happened later made her shocked again and again, and only now did she realize that her son was a little fox, very cunning and difficult to deal with. Because he didn't play cards according to common sense and used conventional means to fight him, there was no way to defeat him.

Luo Ziling is better than she imagined, which made Ling Ruonan happy and worried, and her heart was filled with mixed feelings.

In the end, she chose silence wisely and stood aside, quietly listening to the conversation between the two men, the old and the young.

Nor can we talk about communication topics, but how to confront each other.

Ling Ruonan knew that now, Ling Jinhua and Luo Ziling were in a confrontation, and the two were in a face-to-face confrontation.

"When I treat people, I must ensure my safety. Without this prerequisite, I will not treat others." Luo Ziling answered Ling Jinhua with a smile: "The health of others is definitely not as important as your own life. Only when you are safe can you save the lives of others, otherwise everything is impossible to talk about."

"Ling Haining is not your opponent," Ling Jinhua showed a faint smile, "You are more cunning than I thought."

"Grandma, you can't belittle me like that, I'm just a little smarter than them, and more versatile than them," Luo Ziling said with a daunting expression: "I think if there are outstanding people like me in the Ling family , Grandpa will definitely cultivate it himself, right?"

Ling Jinhua's eyes widened suddenly and looked at Luo Ziling with a little disbelief, but in the end he still didn't deny it. He just smiled and asked, "You mean, I hope I can cultivate you vigorously?"

"No," Luo Ziling shook his head, "My grandpa has spent all his efforts on cultivating me, and his training is enough. What I lack now is only experience and experience. Others are not lacking, including resources and powerful people. The foundation of the house will be stable if the foundation is well laid, and the foundation will be stabilized. Otherwise, it may collapse if it is washed by the flood. Moreover, I am not the Ling family, my surname is Luo!"

"Okay, you can treat me," Ling Jinhua smiled, then smiled at Ling Ruonan, who was nervous, but didn't say anything.

Luo Ziling didn't say anything. He treated Ling Jinhua quickly with his hands and feet, but he didn't take any medicine.

At the end of the treatment, Luo Ziling felt a little tired, and Ling Jinhua felt similar.

Ling Jinhua, who was sweating, felt refreshed, but felt quite exhausted, so he prepared to take a nap.

Luo Ziling called Huang Chen and two special guards who were waiting outside, and asked them to send the old man back to the room.

After Huang Chen and two special escorts returned to the room, Luo Ziling and Ling Ruonan also said goodbye.

After leaving the old house and getting in the car, Ling Ruonan raised the soundproof board.

"Ling'er, grandpa is already a little jealous of you," Ling Ruonan said directly about his worry, "he won't allow you to bully other Ling family heirs, I hope you can understand this."

"Mom, I actually understood it a long time ago," Luo Ziling smiled at Ling Ruonan, "I told you Grandpa and Grandpa are the two people who don't want me to return to the Ling family. They I'm afraid I defeated the other Ling family heirs and seized control of the Ling family. They all have the surname Ling, and will never allow me to take the Ling family as my own and become the Luo family. Therefore, in their minds, I He is someone who can sacrifice at any time."

Luo Ziling's words changed Ling Ruonan's face, she had never thought of this, and she didn't believe it.

But she was still quite sensible, and didn't say anything to Luo Ziling on this topic, just shook her head gently.

"Mom, one day you will believe what I said," Luo Ziling did not force Ling Ruonan to believe it, and the smile on his face remained, "but their attitude towards you is definitely different from that of me, because your surname is Ling. And they have suffered a lot over the years. If what I expected is good, they are willing to accept that you take away part of the Northern Group’s assets, but not all. If you turn the entire Northern Group into your private property, it is offending Their bottom line, they might intervene personally."

Luo Ziling's words surprised Ling Ruonan again. She looked at her son like a stranger, with a completely unbelievable look.

(End of this chapter)


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