The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 684: your thoughts

(Twentieth more)

When Luo Ziling and Ling Ruonan arrived at the other courtyard where Ling Mingrui lived, Ling Mingrui had not returned.

When the mother and son passed the strict security check and entered the other hospital, it was already 5:30 in the afternoon. In late November, Yenching entered the real winter. At half past five, the dusk had fallen, and the cold and darkness made people feel uncomfortable.

Luo Ziling didn't think much, but when Ling Ruonan walked past the sentry's post and walked to the yard where his parents lived, there was a coldness that couldn't be expressed in words.

In the past, every time she came to her parents, she would feel at ease, and let go of everything easily, because there was a mother who loved her and loved her. But during this time Ling Ruonan clearly felt that the distance between him and his parents, especially his father, was increasing.

Although there was no trouble with her mother, as the estrangement between her father and her father deepened, the relationship between the mother and daughter could no longer be as harmonious as before, at least in her feelings. Maybe her mother Xie Enhua would still treat her as before, but how could the shame in Ling Ruonan's heart be eliminated. She also felt that her mother would definitely have resentment towards her and Luo Ziling, especially towards Luo Ziling.

The elders don't like that the juniors behave too arrogantly in front of their own watch. Luo Ziling's performance makes Ling Jinhua and Ling Mingrui angry. That's for sure. Xie Enhua can't be without prejudice. After all, Xie Enhua was the mistress of the Ling family, and she was forced to act to protect Luo Ziling, which is still very inappropriate. It is a very understandable thing to have resentment in her heart.

Therefore, when Ling Ruonan took Luo Ziling into the yard, she was still a little bored. But when he saw Xie Enhua greeted him warmly and took her hand into the room, Ling Ruonan's uncomfortable feeling disappeared.

"Your dad just called and said that he will be back soon. Let's not wait for him to eat. Let the three of us eat first." Xie Enhua said, letting go of Ling Ruonan's hand, and then smiled to Luo Ziling. Said: "Ling'er, are you hungry? Grandma prepared some dishes you like to eat for you today. It's cold, or else, drink some wine to warm your body?"

Luo Ziling did not refuse, and readily agreed: "If Grandma wants to drink, then I will accompany you for a drink."

The last time he had a meal together, he saw Xie Enhua drinking and drinking a glass of rice wine. Then Ling Ruonan said that her mother had a habit of drinking, not for drinking, but for maintaining the body.

At dinner, a glass of rice wine is about two or two per meal, and I don't drink much. This is the maintenance advice Luo Liansheng gave her before, and she has always followed it. Luo Ziling doesn't know why his grandfather gave Xie Enhua's advice, but this advice is good. Older people drink some alcohol, as long as it is not excessive, and moderate alcohol intake can promote metabolism and activate blood vessels, which is definitely good for the body. .

Hearing Xie Enhua said that Ling Mingrui would not come back for dinner and that there were business activities, Ling Ruonan did not ask much, and signaled Luo Ziling to wash her hands and prepare for dinner. She and Xie Enhua went to prepare tableware. Without Ling Mingrui, the atmosphere during dinner was obviously relaxed and more tender.

Xie Enhua and Ling Ruonan served Luo Ziling with vegetables from time to time, and there was almost no time in his bowl.

Looking at the small mountain-like dishes, Luo Ziling reluctantly joked: "Grandma and Mom, you can't hung your stomachs and let me break my stomach? The lobsters swam out of my throat after a while."

I don't know if it was Ling Ruonan, or other reasons. There were a lot of seafood for dinner today, which fits Luo Ziling's taste. Moreover, the two women put the most beautiful and freshest seafood in his bowl, and Luo Ziling felt that two-thirds of the food had fallen into his stomach. The feeling of being cared for is really good, Luo Ziling feels warm in her heart.

"Aren't you still growing? You just want to eat more," Xie Enhua put the last piece of lobster meat into Luo Ziling's bowl and urged him to eat it quickly. "Eat all these, don't leave it, I and you Mom is full. After eating, the three of us will talk to each other first, and grandma wants to tell you something."

Listening to Xie Enhua's words, Luo Ziling immediately ate up the food in the bowl at a very fast speed.

After eating, Ling Ruonan helped Xie Enhua clean up the dishes, but did not allow Luo Ziling to help, and asked him to sit aside and eat fruit.

I don't know what Ling Ruonan said to Xie Enhua when he was packing up the dishes. When the two of them packed up and walked to the sofa to sit down, Xie Enhua's expression deteriorated slightly.

"Ling'er, did you beat Lin Jiaming today?" After sitting next to Luo Ziling, Xie Enhua asked in a low voice, "Did you hurt anyone?"

"Slapped him on the face and kicked him against the wall," Luo Ziling replied honestly, "Who told him to scold me in front of my mother."

"Oh," Xie Enhua sighed heavily, "It seems that things are getting more and more troublesome."

"Mom, it's all my fault," Ling Ruonan leaned against Xie Enhua, took her mother's arm, and admitted her mistake seriously, "Don't worry, I have already figured out how to tell my father. Dad When I come back, I personally explain this to him."

Xie Enhua didn’t know how to answer Ling Ruonan’s words. At this time, Luo Ziling spoke: "Grandma, I just don’t want to see them bullying my mother. I have grown up and my dad is not by my side. I have to take responsibility for keeping my mother. Responsibility. No matter who bullies my mom, I will never give up with, I want to hear, how are you going to tell your dad about this matter, I think you mother and son understand it, you Dad is also unwilling to let you continue to control the Northern Group, and he is also afraid that you will turn the Northern Group into your own private domain, out of the control of the Ling Family."

Ling Ruonan didn't expect her mother to ask this question directly. It was a little surprised, but she didn't refuse to answer. After a little hesitation, she replied: "Mom, I just can't stand others calculating me. I don't lack money, nor did I think about it. After turning the Northern Group into his own privately owned. Ling Er said that he hopes to achieve success through his own efforts and does not want to lie on the achievements of his predecessors. Therefore, I never thought about competing with the Ling’s people for the control of the Northern Group. Right. But the Northern Group has grown through my hands. If I were to be driven out of the Northern Group due to some conflict of interest, then I would not agree. This time, what Lin Jiaming and Ling Haining did was too despicable , Let them get the lessons they deserve, that's what they should be. Therefore, when Ling Er took the initiative to teach them, I did not stop them."

When Ling Ruonan said so, Xie Enhua didn't know how to answer.

At this time, Ling Mingrui came back.

(End of this chapter)


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