The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 689: You are cute when you blush

(Third more)

"Forget it, it smells too strong there. I'm worried about being poisoned if I sleep all night." After thinking about it, Yang Qingyin still shook her head and refused. She originally wanted to say, if Luo Ziling wants to sleep with her, listen to her nagging. It's better to open a room in a hotel.

But it would be misleading to say such a thing, and in the end she still didn't say it.

Seeing that Yang Qingyin blushed, she was quite uncomfortable when she spoke, and the little depression in Luo Ziling's heart immediately disappeared: "Yes, the smell is heavy, it is really bad for the body. If it is poisoned, then I will be guilty of the crime. After time, go check in again."

Seeing Luo Ziling also said the same, without mentioning other thoughts, Yang Qingyin couldn't help being a little disappointed.

After thinking for a while, she said softly: "Oh, I didn't expect such a thing to happen on my mother's birthday today. I was very angry. It seems that I will not be able to sleep well tonight. I originally had a sore back and back pain. Knowing this, I don't recommend my mom to celebrate her birthday outside."

"Or, I'll squeeze it for you, and then go back to sleep?" Luo Ziling immediately raised a discussion, seeing that Yang Qingyin looked a little weird, and immediately thought of something, he hesitated, and boldly proposed, "Or, we Don't go back to the bedroom to sleep?"

Yang Qingyin's face disappeared, and she asked gently: "If you don't go back to the dormitory to sleep, where do you go to sleep? You will never let me sleep here, right?"

"Let's find a hotel and sleep there at night. I'll squeeze it for you to make sure you sleep comfortably," Luo Ziling said, approaching Yang Qingyin's ear again, and said softly: "Senior sister, If what I expected is good, you are here, right?"

Yang Qingyin's face turned into a piece of red cloth. She bitterly pinched Luo Ziling's face, and said angrily: "Say everything, it's so nasty."

Luo Ziling grabbed Yang Qingyin's hand and held it in his palm, with a smirk on his face.

In the end, Luo Ziling finally moved Yang Qingyin after a lot of talk and went to the hotel to open a room to sleep.

As a result, the two left the teahouse early. Yang Qingyin said that she would go back to get her pajamas. Last time she followed Luo Ziling to the hotel inexplicably, and she felt very uncomfortable without her pajamas wearing the hotel's nightgown. Luo Ziling understood the girl's cleanliness very well, so he sent Yang Qingyin directly to the girls' apartment building and waited there.

Fearing that Ye Xiaoli and Yang Xiaodong who followed him would misunderstand, Luo Ziling sent them away directly.

He asked Yang Xiaodong to contact Wang Zhenjun, and asked them to put an end to what happened to the Northern Group, and then fix the matter on the campus network forum. Those who wanted to arrest people would be arrested this evening. Listening to Luo Ziling's instructions, Yang Xiaodong left happily.

When Luo Ziling was drinking tea in the teahouse, he was idle and bored to death. Luo Ziling told him to do things, of course he was happy.

And he thought that Luo Ziling was going to go back to the dormitory to sleep, so he felt that his task had been completed today, so he felt relieved.

Ye Xiaoli was very easy to dismiss, and asked Yang Qingyin to tell her, and she would return to her residence.

After Luo Ziling waited for about fifteen minutes in the cold wind downstairs of the apartment, he finally saw Yang Qingyin come down.

"Let's go," Yang Qingyin, who used a hat, scarf and glasses to cover her original face at all, stepped forward and took Luo Ziling's arm and walked, "Is it cold to stand downstairs?"

"Of course it's cold. Fortunately, I have a good physique. Otherwise, I will be cold and sick." Luo Ziling answered Yang Qingyin's question with a smile, and asked curiously: "Sister, you take your pajamas and come down. Sister, aren't you curious about what you are doing?"

Yang Qingyin stretched out her hand and pinched Luo Ziling, and replied bitterly: "Why do you care about these things? Huh, the two of them went out on a date, and only one was in the bedroom. I took advantage of her to tidy up her pajamas when she was in the bathroom, and then Tell her to go home to sleep tonight. Annoying fellow, I just want you to squeeze it for me to help me eliminate backaches, don’t think about it."

"I didn't think about it, the senior sister specially reminded me that I might be thinking about it," Luo Ziling laughed and said regretfully: "I treat so many people, but the time to treat you is too short. Fortunately, you are only a minor illness, not serious, or I will die of guilt."

"It's good to know, treat other people so well, treat me so badly, I am a little angry." Yang Qingyin snorted, and tightened Luo Ziling's arms.

"Well, I will try my best to make up tonight, or else I will squeeze your whole body to save you from worrying about it anymore?"

Because of the darkness, although Luo Ziling's expression was not clear when he said this, Yang Qingyin could imagine how wretched Luo Ziling's face was, and could not help but pinch him in anger, "I will ignore you if I laugh again. . Annoying junior, don’t have any nasty thoughts."

"Well, I won't laugh," Luo Ziling looked serious, and asked Yang Qingyin again: "Would you like to bring some supper?"

"Forget it, I don't want to eat it, it saves indigestion. If you want to eat, then buy some and take it with you."

"Then talk about it later, if you're hungry, come and have supper again."

While talking, the two had already walked out of the school gate.

There are two four-star hotels not far from the school, and a five-star hotel farther away.

Yang Qingyin chose the five-star hotel a little further away, saying that it was cleaner and safer.

Luo Ziling naturally wouldn't have any comments, and took Yang Qingyin's hand and went to the hotel.

After walking for about 20 minutes, the two arrived at the five-star hotel. Luo Ziling went to the front desk to get his ID card and ask for a standard room.

When he opened the room, Yang Qingyin sat in the tea bar in the lobby and asked for tea, and asked Luo Ziling to go up first, and then she would come up later.

After thinking about it, Luo Ziling finally agreed, and went upstairs to open the door of the room.

About five minutes after he arrived in the room, Yang Qingyin came up. When he entered the room, Luo Ziling saw her blush.

"Senior sister, are you shy?" Luo Ziling couldn't help but joked, "I found that you are cute when you blush."

When Yang Qingyin came to the hotel with Luo Ziling, she had a strange thought in her heart. She felt completely different from when she came last time, so she couldn't help but blush. Hearing Luo Ziling teasing her like this, she felt even more Annoyed, he immediately rushed forward, punching and kicking at Luo Ziling, and while waving a small fist, he cursed bitterly: "If you know to make fun of me, you know to make fun of me and see if I don't kill you."

"Very violent senior sister," Luo Ziling grabbed Yang Qingyin's arm, then hugged her, and fell on the bed with a plop.

After struggling twice, Yang Qingyin finally stopped and Ren Luo Ziling pressed.

Seeing Yang Qingyin's face blushing, Luo Ziling couldn't help but speed up his heartbeat. After staring blankly, he naturally kissed.

Yang Qingyin pushed twice, and after unable to push Luo Ziling away, he had to let Luo Ziling take advantage of her.

But just as the two kissed, the door of the room was knocked hard, and a rough voice came from outside: "Open the door, open the door! Open the door!"

(End of this chapter)


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