The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 696: Don't be cold to me

(Tenth more)

After treating Li Haiyang, Luo Ziling went to Phoenix. Originally thought that Yang Xiaodong and Wang Zhenjun would be with Phoenix, but he did not expect that he saw these two guys in the yard, and Phoenix was not with them.

"Comrade Young Master, our business is over, or else, wait for you outside," Yang Xiaodong pointed to the outside of the nursing home, "When the personnel affairs are finished, we will call again."

"Where is the Phoenix?" Luo Ziling frowned slightly, looking at the two guys in front of him. He wanted to see if there were any traces of fights on them, and wanted to see from their faces whether the contest was won or lost, but to his regret, he could not see anything.

"We don't know where she went," Yang Xiaodong said, calling on Wang Zhenjun: "Let's go out, the dragons will come to us again for trouble."

Luo Ziling heard something strange from Yang Xiaodong's "you". It seemed that these two guys were really Longteng people who had a conflict, but they weren't beaten.

Yang Xiaodong and Wang Zhenjun couldn't tell the whereabouts of Phoenix, so Luo Ziling had to find it by himself. I don't know if it was discovered by Phoenix, or someone reported that when Luo Ziling was looking for him, Phoenix called and asked him to find him in a certain building.

When Luo Ziling found Phoenix, she found her facelessly standing by the window of a room on the first floor of that building, looking outside in a daze.

There is no furnishings in the room, only a few simple pieces of furniture. There is a cup of hot tea on the table. It looks like Phoenix just drank it.

"Let's talk about anything else," Phoenix didn't turn around, still standing in the original posture.

Phoenix is ​​very tall and well built. Just looking at his back can make a man feel an inexplicable impulse.

It's just that the invisibly radiating chill from her body can immediately dispel any thoughts.

Luo Ziling is not afraid of her. After entering the door, he looked at her back seriously and praised: "You are in good shape, and the ratio of upper and lower body is close to perfect."

Phoenix didn't expect Luo Ziling to say such a joke, turned around and gave him a little annoyed look.

Only then did Luo Ziling realize that the mask on Phoenix's face had actually been taken off, and he faced him with a beautiful face that had no emotional color, and that it was cold that would make people shiver.

Luo Ziling still completely ignored Phoenix’s cold face, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "I really don’t understand why you guys have to look cold all day long. Look at how good my two bodyguards are, talking and laughing all day. If you don’t know their identities, can you tell that they are super fighters when you first see them? Surely you can’t tell, and you, whoever sees you, can probably guess their identities."

"What do you mean?" Phoenix frowned, and asked unkindly.

"What I mean is, as a woman, you must laugh understandably and show your most beautiful side in front of others, so that everyone will find you attractive; as a special fighter, you must make people feel that you are no different from others, most of the time. Think of you as an ordinary person and not be vigilant against you, so that you will be more likely to succeed when you do things. Otherwise, as soon as you show up, others will be wary of you and beware, and your success rate in doing things will drop drastically. "Luo Ziling still speaks very directly, without any scruples.

Phoenix suddenly couldn't find a word to refute, and in the end he just snorted.

Luo Ziling ignored her unkindness, approached her, looked up and down, and then kindly reminded: "I think your body is sick, and your complexion is not very good. Or I will take your pulse for you. See if there are any problems. If there is a problem, I can treat it for you, or get a prescription for it, how about it?"

Seeing Luo Ziling stretched out his hand to her, the murderous aura on Phoenix's face suddenly became stronger, but Luo Ziling didn't care and still maintained this posture.

"No need," Fenghuang finally refused coldly, "I'm very busy, just tell me if you have anything!"

"Even your old leader believes in my medical skills so much. You actually despise me. If you have any problems in the future, I will ask me to treat you. I will not help you." Luo Ziling said these angry words stably, and then seriously I asked: "One more question, would you like to check it for you? If you don't need it, there will be no chance again."

Phoenix was even more annoyed, but didn't say no aloud to refuse, just looked at Luo Ziling coldly for a while.

In the end, she softened her tone: "Let’s talk about it next time. I have important things to do in a while. What do you want to say in advance!"

"Next time you want to ask me to do a diagnosis for you, I have to beg me, otherwise I'm not interested," Luo Ziling thought of the previous two contacts with Phoenix, feeling a little angry. But he didn’t entangle this question either. Instead, he started talking: “I asked the predecessors about the cooperation between medicine and pharmacy, but you are now the person in charge of Longteng, so I have to tell you. I promised to provide prescriptions. You produce drugs that can promote rapid wound healing and healing. I have obtained a complete formula from my grandfather. But I have now invested in Lingyun Pharmaceutical. If we want to cooperate, we must sign a cooperation agreement with Lingyun Pharmaceutical. If you have no comments, Send someone to sign a cooperation agreement with Ouyang Feifei!"

Luo Ziling actually took the initiative to say this, Phoenix's cold expression immediately eased a lot, after thinking about it, he immediately agreed: "Okay, I will send someone to contact you, or personally investigate this matter, and sign a cooperation agreement as soon as possible."

"It was in the face of you and Lin Lan that I promised to contribute this prescription to you. I will not pay me or how much I will pay. I just don’t want to see you face me. I owe you millions of cold looks. I am surprised. I have helped you a lot and saved several of your people. When you see me, the look of deep hatred is too much?"

What he doesn't like to see is the cold look of beautiful women to him, which is very uncomfortable and hurts his self-esteem.

Unexpectedly, Luo Ziling would talk about these things, Phoenix was a little In the end, he just spit out three words gently: "Get used to it."

Luo Ziling suddenly felt a little urge to vomit blood. Is there still a habit of saying this?

But he didn't give up his care, and continued: "Then I made this request. When I see me in the future, this is not allowed. At least you, the captain, can't look at me with such hatred."

"What else?" Phoenix's expression was no longer cold, but there was still no emotion when speaking.

"Give me an ID from a Dragon Member."

"Yes!" Phoenix agreed without hesitation.

"Also, tell me where Lin Lan is now, when she will be back, and why she is leaving."

"Do you really want to know?"

"of course!"

(End of this chapter)


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