The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 723: Really the wisest choice

According to the general surgical treatment plan, the bullet is taken out, the wound is cleaned, the injured tissue has been stitched, and the operation is almost complete. The next step is to wake up the patient and maintain the medication.

But for Luo Ziling, the treatment did not stop there, and there are still many methods to do.

He sat on the ground, took out a pen and paper from his pocket, wrote two prescriptions, and asked the **** to send someone to buy them overnight, and later he would decoct the medicine himself. After the titmouse took the prescription, he immediately opened the door and handed it to the other comrade who was waiting outside in the living room.

Luo Ziling opened a suite with a living room outside and a bedroom inside. There were two beds in the bedroom, one large and one small.

Lin Lan put on the big bed, and Luo Ziling's things were thrown on the small bed.

The male team member was rushed to the outside living room by Luo Ziling, and the **** asked him to wait outside.

After receiving the prescription from the tit, the male team member immediately went out and bought the medicine.

After a short rest, Luo Ziling began to give Lin Lan acupuncture again.

Today, when I was competing with Gu Jian'an and Gu Changwei, I gave injections many times. In addition, when I was treating Lin Lan just now, I had consumed a lot of physical strength. Therefore, Luo Ziling felt that his strength was a little insufficient when he gave the injections.

But he still exhausted all his energy to treat Lin Lan, using acupuncture techniques to treat the important acupoints near Lin Lan's injury with luck. After he felt the Qi and blood in her injured part run smoothly, he was relieved. . The luck treatment lasted for nearly an hour. During his treatment, the team members who went out to buy the medicine had returned, but they did not bother him. After the medicine was handed over to the tits, they were still on standby outside.

When Luo Ziling finished the treatment for Lin Lan, it was already one o'clock in the morning. When the last needle was pulled out, Luo Ziling couldn't control herself anymore. He skewed and fell to the ground. The needle that was pulled out also fell to the ground.

The **** was taken aback, but he knew right away that Luo Ziling fainted because he was exhausted and couldn't support it.

But in order not to delay Lin Lan's treatment, the **** promptly fed Luo Ziling a high-energy drink they used.

After drinking the high-energy drink, Luo Ziling opened his eyes. He told her how to decoct the titmouse and asked her to give Lin Lan some antibiotics. After that, he couldn't support it and fell to the ground.

This time the **** didn't wake Luo Ziling again, but picked him up from the ground, put him on the small bed over there, and carefully took off his shoes and coat for him, covered the quilt, and let her sleep well.

Luo Ziling brought the decocting tools, the titmouse went to the outside living room and started the decocting according to Luo Ziling's instructions, and after decoction, Lin Lan took it.

Lin Lan's complexion turned slightly ruddy here, and after sweat came out of her face, her whole person looked less miserable.

She was still asleep. With the help of the male team member, the **** put her body well and let her sleep quietly on the bed.

After doing this, the tits, who also felt very tired, fell asleep on the carpet with their clothes.

The male team member did not leave either. He and another male team member who came later stood guard outside, always following orders.

The team member who came later bought a lot of food.

It's just that they are not interested in eating, they are worried about Lin Lan's safety.

Lin Lan is their squadron captain, it can be said that they are their chief officer. The captain was injured. As a subordinate, they must be anxious.

It's just that they didn't dare to inquire about the situation of the two people inside, so they could only wait outside.

The **** are also very sleepy. She fell asleep very quickly, but they all sleep in common, that is, the quality of sleep is very high, and if there are abnormalities in their sleep, they can react quickly.

The **** was awakened by the strange movement. She opened her eyes and saw that Luo Ziling got up from the bed lightly.

Seeing her waking up, Luo Ziling said with a little embarrassment: "I was awakened by the urine. I will go and make it easier. You continue to sleep. I will check her injury later."

The **** nodded, but said nothing.

She checked the time, and it was already past three in the morning.

She didn't sleep anymore, but went out and took a look. Seeing that the two people were still guarding outside, she told them to sleep for a while. There was no task to confess. The two team members outside were relieved and lay down on the sand in their clothes, ready to sleep.

Titmouse took the food bought by the two comrades into the room and prepared to feed Luo Ziling a little. She herself was hungry.

The drowsiness disappeared in an instant, and the **** were concerned about Lin Lan's injury.

Soon, Luo Ziling came out of the bathroom. He didn't check the wound, but took a pulse for Lin Lan.

After getting the pulse, Luo Ziling used acupuncture and moxibustion to check the circulation of Qi and blood for Lin Lan, and then treated her luck by the way.

Luo Ziling’s treatment is saturated, which means there is no need to treat Lin Lan for so long or so many times, but in order to save Lin Lan’s life and let her recover sooner, Luo Ziling still has enough strength. Healed her regardless of her physical exertion.

The **** can see this, so they are very moved. She heard Luo Ziling's stomach growl when she was checking and treating Lin Lan, and she knew that Luo Ziling's physical strength was very strong and she urgently needed nutrition.

After Luo Ziling's treatment was completed, Lin Lan handed a box of fried noodles, which was already a bit cold, to Luo Ziling and let him eat first.

When Luo Ziling took it, the **** asked about Lin Lan's injury.

In fact, Lin Lan is worried about her life, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com **** can be seen from Luo Ziling's actions.

If the danger is not eliminated, Luo Ziling would not think of eating, nor would he be so calm.

Now Luo Ziling is not very anxious. This is completely different from when he treated Lin Lan just now. From Luo Ziling's reaction, the **** guessed that Lin Lan's injury could be controlled, but she still wanted to hear Luo Ziling's own words.

"There is no life worry for the time being," Luo Ziling answered the titmouse's question while eating, "but I am still afraid of anything, so I have to check it at any time and can't be careless. Let her live here for now. I will move after I recover a little bit. I will stay by her side for these two days. If you have something to do, just do it yourself."

Listening to Luo Ziling's words, the **** finally sighed. She sincerely thanked Luo Ziling: "Thank you so much for sending her to you. It is really the wisest choice."

"Don't forget, I am now your non-staff member and your comrade-in-arms."

The **** smiled at Luo Ziling, his eyes full of worship, and of course gratitude.


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