The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 750: support me

Yang Qingyin saw the phoenix standing next to Luo Ziling. She immediately judged that this woman who was taller than her was very beautiful and had a very good temperament. Her smile froze immediately.

But Ye Xiaoli felt the great danger from Phoenix, and immediately took a few steps forward to protect Yang Qingyin, with one hand in her arms, ready to draw her spear at any time.

"Senior Sister, Xiaoli, did you have lunch?" Luo Ziling saw the embarrassment, and immediately smiled and greeted him: "We are going out for lunch. How about we eat together?"

"Okay," Yang Qingyin smiled at Luo Ziling Qiang, then looked at the Phoenix standing beside Luo Ziling.

But Phoenix didn't say hello or express anything else, just stood quietly.

Luo Ziling didn't say much, and quickly greeted them to enter the hotel together and asked for a box.

After entering the box, Luo Ziling introduced them.

"This is my friend, Yang Qingyin, you should know." After introducing Yang Qingyin to Phoenix, Luo Ziling pointed to the Phoenix and said to Yang Qingyin: "I don't know her name, everyone calls her Phoenix. Now it’s not her true face, her true face is much more beautiful than now."

When Luo Ziling said that the woman in front of her was a phoenix, Ye Xiaoli, who had not said a word, couldn't help but change her face. But Yang Qingyin didn't know who Phoenix was, and he looked confused, but after thinking about it, he probably understood what was going on, and his face eased slightly.

The four people sat down to eat together, but the atmosphere was still awkward. Phoenix and Ye Xiaoli didn't like to talk, they kept their faces cold, and it was impossible for Yang Qingyin and Luo Ziling to be affectionate in front of two cold-faced women.

"Senior sister, just went out, or are you going to go back to school?" As the only man, Luo Ziling felt that he had to break the embarrassment, so he provoked the topic.

"I bought some things with Xiaoli, anyway, it's okay today, so I just wandered around." Yang Qingyin said, glanced at the phoenix quietly drinking tea, without any indication, "What are you doing?"

"They are comrades-in-arms, come and have a look," Luo Ziling said vaguely: "I may take the injured person away in the afternoon, and I will have another treatment later."

Although Luo Ziling was vague, Yang Qingyin was so smart, he understood the matter immediately, didn't ask anything, and smiled at Phoenix.

Of course, this meal is not very tasty, and the time spent is very short.

After eating, Yang Qingyin offered to go back first. She wanted to go back to the bedroom for a nap and let Luo Zi volley before contacting her.

Phoenix has never said anything special, but when she returned to Lin Lan's place with Luo Ziling, she unexpectedly said: "Your girlfriend is very beautiful."

Luo Ziling glanced at Phoenix, and said with a smile: "Yes, she is really beautiful, of course, you are also beautiful, if you like to laugh, you will be even more beautiful."

Phoenix ignored Luo Ziling's words and walked into the room first.

When the two returned, they brought a bowl of wontons.

After Feng Feng helped Lin Lan feed the wontons, he took Lin Lan into the bathroom.

Luo Ziling breathed a sigh of relief without needing to do this by himself, but he was a bit regretful.

He treated Lin Lan again, but this time Luo Ziling fell to the ground without fatigue.

He said to Phoenix after the treatment, "It's better than I expected. You can pick her up and I will go with you."

"Okay," Phoenix simply agreed, and immediately ordered someone to come and carry Lin Lan away.

In just a few minutes, two men with cold faces came in, carrying a stretcher in their hands.

Luo Ziling knew one of them. It was Long Teng's military doctor. He didn't ask much. After he carried Lin Lan on the stretcher, they asked them to carry her away.

When Phoenix was cleaning Lin Lan, he personally put on clothes and pants for Lin Lan to avoid embarrassment.

Not far from the room where Lin Lan was staying, there was a military-licensed ambulance. After two men carried Lin Lan into the ambulance, Luo Ziling and Fenghuang also sat in. Soon, the ambulance drove out of the Yan University campus through a side door quietly.

Along the way, Luo Ziling did not speak, nor did other people say anything.

In the silence of everyone, the car came to the nursing home where Li Haiyang stayed.

To Luo Ziling's surprise, Li Haiyang was actually using crutches as support, practicing walking there.

Seeing Luo Ziling coming, Li Haiyang smiled and took the initiative to greet him: "Ziling, look, I have recovered a lot of mobility in my hands and feet, and I can walk with crutches."

"Senior, your recovery speed is much better than I thought. You should be able to walk like a normal person next spring." Luo Ziling stepped forward and after carefully watching Li Haiyang's walking situation, he said with a smile: "For a while. I will check again for you and do some treatment."

"Okay," Li Haiyang did not refuse, but readily agreed.

Lin Lan was sent to another small building by several other people. Luo Ziling went over to check the situation, and when he found that it was OK, he told Lin Lan to sleep well, and he would stay for a while. Before leaving, he will check on her again, and will come to treat her tomorrow.

Lin Lan didn't say much, nodded slightly and agreed.

When Luo Ziling went to Li Haiyang's place again, he was surprised to find that Phoenix was there.

"How is her condition? You report it to the chief truthfully," Phoenix gently told Luo Ziling: "What's the prognosis, you also tell us."

"Like the predecessor, I saw a miracle in Lin Lan," Luo Ziling smiled and looked at Li Haiyang and said: "When she was admitted, she was in danger of life. I used three family-renowned pills to replace her. The effect of her treatment was very good, and her vitality was very strong the next day. In the past few days, I frequently treated her, and every time I treated her with multiple acupoints, the tired person fainted several times. Fortunately, she finally got it. The effect has not only saved her, it may also preserve the function of all her organs. If I continue to be treated, I can basically guarantee that she will be able to recover as before."

Luo Ziling's words made Phoenix, who was a little worried, relieved, and Li Haiyang, who treated Lin Lan as a daughter, was also relieved.

"Really lucky," Li Haiyang nodded, showing a full smile: "It seems that you have been creating miracles. You have used your own efforts to explain the excellence of traditional medicine."

"I don't only know traditional medicine, I also know a lot of western medicine." Luo Ziling stated very seriously: "Some problems that need to be solved by western medicine cannot be solved by Chinese medicine, so I can only use western medicine. But. In my opinion, medicine is not divided in this way. As long as the treatment method can restore the patient's health as soon as possible, it is the best medical technique."

"Your grandpa has always wanted to revitalize traditional medicine, and it seems that you can see miracles in you." Li Haiyang said with emotion: "I also hope that you can create miracles. That is also the glory of our Longteng, because you are now a member of Longteng."

"I hope seniors can continue to support me, and I hope that the entire Longteng can help me." Luo Ziling took the opportunity to ask.


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