The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 766: Do you suspect that we are one family?

Early the next morning, Luo Ziling met Luo Yuqing again during morning exercises.

"School brother, early," Luo Yuqing ran in and greeted him enthusiastically when Luo Ziling was hiding in the grove to practice martial arts.

"Senior sister early," Although Luo Ziling felt a little bit worse for Luo Yuqing because of what happened last night, he greeted him so warmly and he smiled.

To Luo Ziling's surprise, Luo Yuqing actually took the initiative to talk about what happened last night.

"Guess who called me last night?"

"You didn't want to tell me last night, and I didn't want to know," Luo Ziling shook his head, "I don't have the habit of inquiring about other people's privacy."

"Ling Haining is your cousin," Luo Yuqing looked at Luo Ziling with a playful expression, "he asked me for tea last night, and I will go later."

"It turns out that senior sister's boyfriend is him," Luo Ziling smiled a little embarrassingly, "If he knows that you ask me for coffee, he might be angry."

"Don't talk nonsense," Luo Yuqing quickly denied, "I only met him in an event and didn't have a deep friendship."

"I really don't have the habit of inquiring about other people's privacy," Luo Ziling said, and was about to leave, "I want to go for a run, or else, senior sister continue to practice?"

"I know there is a discomfort between you and Ling Haining. You are upset when you hear me drinking tea with him, right?" Luo Yuqing stopped in front of Luo Ziling, "otherwise you won't be so impatient."

"Maybe one day you will become my cousin," Luo Ziling smiled again, "Ling Haining has a good family background and a handsome guy. Although he is a little bit sexual, he is also a good husband-in-law candidate."

"Luo Ziling," Luo Yuqing suddenly yelled, and then said very sternly: "I said, there is no special relationship with him, he didn't have an appointment with me before, and now he suddenly started asking me and telling you about your affairs. Don't you want to know why this is?"

Luo Ziling immediately asked stupidly: "Why?"

"I don't know," Luo Yuqing shook her head, then took out her mobile phone and showed Luo Ziling the message she and Ling Haining exchanged last night. "He told me that you are now officially accepted by the Ling family and belong to the Northern Group. Prince. The Ling family do not want you to associate with Yang Qingyin very much, and hope that we can get together. Don't you think there is something wrong with this?"

"What do you mean?" Luo Ziling didn't understand.

"You had a dispute with Ling Haining. I heard that your relationship is very bad. Since the relationship is very bad, why should he make suggestions for your relationship and be willing to help me and let me come together with you." Luo Yuqing looked at Luo Ziling very seriously, "If you don't argue, and he's doing this for us, then I won't doubt anything. If..."

Luo Yuqing originally wanted to tell Luo Ziling what she and her mother had said, but after thinking about it, she finally didn't say it.

What happened last night has made her a little doubtful of life.

Of course, she is also more interested in Luo Ziling.

The taste of this interest is very complicated, of course it has to do with feelings, but it's not just the feelings between men and women.

Originally, the relationship between her and Luo Ziling was purely classmates, because Luo Ziling had a girlfriend, so she had no further thoughts.

But after last night, she couldn't help but think about it.

Because there are so many unsolvable mysteries, she went to bed late last night and woke up very early today.

I came out for morning exercises today to find Luo Ziling to solve some mysteries.

Hearing what Luo Yuqing said, Luo Ziling frowned slightly, and asked Luo Yuqing suspiciously: "Could he buy you with a lot of money and let you harm me?"

"I don't know about this. He didn't say that he was very enthusiastic about making us boy and girl friends," Luo Yuqing said and laughed, "I was thinking, why are we all surnamed Luo?"

These words made Luo Ziling startled, and blurted out: "Do you suspect that we are a family?"

"I dare not completely deny this suspicion," Luo Yuqing said sullly, then smiled, and said: "I have learned some things from other aspects, so I am very suspicious."

Luo Yuqing said, changing her phone to the camera mode, and to the front camera, then pulled Luo Ziling into the lens together, and pointed at the two people in the mirror and said: "Don't you think we look a bit like this? I didn’t pay attention to the eyes and eyebrows at first, but yesterday after someone said that we really look alike, I compared your photos and found that they looked a bit like.”

"No?" Luo Ziling looked at Luo Yuqing seriously for a while. He really found that Luo Yuqing’s eyes were a bit like Luo Yuqing, except that Luo Yuqing’s eyes were a little bigger than him, and his eyebrows were also slightly shaped. Like, it's just his thicker.

But the nose, mouth and chin are not alike, so at first glance, they don't think they are very similar.

"Are you the daughter my mother abandoned?" Luo Ziling looked at Luo Yuqing suspiciously, "but I didn't listen to my mother, it seems that my mother only gave birth to me."

"My mother is not your mother," Luo Yuqing shook her head, "but I have never seen my father. I don't know who my father was. The father I've always called is not Luo, but Li. I still There is a younger brother, whose surname is Li, and my name is Li Yuqing at home. My surname was Li since I was a child, and it was not until I was in high school that my mother changed my surname to Luo."

Luo Ziling opened his mouth wide in surprise, with a very unbelievable look: "Then you didn't ask your mother? Didn't you ask your dad about these things?"

"My dad fell ill and passed away when I was in high That is when my mother changed my surname, saying that my surname was Luo, not Li." Luo Yuqing smiled embarrassedly He smiled, "In fact, I already knew at that time that I was not born of my dead father, and that my biological father was another person, but I asked my mother who my biological father was, but she refused to say anything."

Having said that, Luo Yuqing took a deep breath, and also said the content of the conversation with her mother yesterday.

"I sent your picture to her and asked her if this boy is handsome. My mother called immediately after seeing your picture and warned me severely, prohibiting me from interacting with you, and repeatedly telling her not to talk to you. Girlfriend." After saying these things, Luo Yuqing said solemnly: "Combining the above reasons, I think we are really likely to be half brothers and sisters."

Luo Ziling looked at Luo Yuqing with his mouth wide open in surprise, and finally shook his head, "I don't believe this statement. My mother and my dad have a very good relationship. Although they are like this now, neither my mother nor my dad Marrying or marrying other women, after my dad came to Yanjing, only my mother loved him. I haven't heard anyone say that he had a better time with other women."

Listening to Luo Ziling's words, Luo Yuqing didn't know what to say.


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