The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 828: Anxious

Because it was not the ticket for this high-speed rail, Luo Ziling had no place, but he didn't care, and stood in the aisle with his suitcase.

After the high-speed rail started, Luo Ziling called Wang Zhenjun again to inquire about Yang Qingyin's position.

"It's about 20 kilometers away from your position, and the distance is slowly increasing." After reporting the position, Wang Zhenjun asked questioningly, "Comrade Young Master, why are you going to Jincheng?"

"Don't ask this, just monitor the location of Yang Qingyin's mobile phone and me in real time. If the distance is farther, you must tell me, if the distance is close, you must also tell me."

"Okay," Wang Zhenjun's gossip was not satisfied, so he could only give up.

However, he couldn't get through the phone between Yang Qingyin and Ye Xiaoli, and Luo Ziling's anxious degree felt that something was not good.

Wang Zhenjun didn't know that Luo Ziling was going to meet Yang Qingyin to play in Jiangnan, let alone the current situation of the two of them, but he keenly felt that the relationship between Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin had cracked.

During the following journey, Wang Zhenjun frequently reported the location of Yang Qingyin's mobile phone to Luo Ziling.

When the mobile phone is turned off, it can still be located through special technology, but the positioning is relatively inaccurate.

Wang Zhenjun's skills in this area are quite good, and Luo Ziling probably knew Yang Qingyin's traces through his real-time broadcast.

To his surprise, as the train continued to move forward, the distance between the two was gradually shortening.

When Luo Ziling's train arrived at Lucheng West Station, Yang Qingyin was already less than five kilometers away from his location.

In addition, the train was about to enter Lucheng Station. Luo Ziling checked the train's running time and found that after passing Lucheng Station, the train he was taking could surpass the high-speed train Yang Qingyin took.

The next stop behind Lucheng could arrive earlier than Yang Qingyin's train.

However, the next stop is Zbo, and it takes forty minutes from Lucheng to Zbo.

Luo Ziling decided to get off the train at Zibo Station, then board the train Yang Qingyin was riding on, find her on the train, and ask about the situation.

It was already twelve o'clock at noon, two hours after leaving Yanjing, but Luo Ziling was not hungry at all.

Luo Ziling didn't get off the train when the train arrived at Lucheng Station, but when the high-speed rail started, Wang Zhenjun called.

"Comrade Young Master, Yang Qingyin's positioning is offset from the high-speed rail line, so he should get off at Lucheng Station."

"What?" Luo Ziling was dumbfounded when the train had just left Lucheng Station, forty minutes before the next stop.

"Master, your location is getting farther and farther away. She got off the train. You didn't get off the train, so you continue to take the high-speed rail southbound?" Wang Zhenjun's voice was also surprised. He immediately gave Luo Ziling advice: "You go to the front stop. Get off the train and take the high-speed rail back to Lucheng. Anyway, I'm fine in Yanjing, I will run to Lucheng to join in the fun."

"You can come, but can you give me her position at any time?"

"The high-speed rail is moving fast, and there is no way to achieve precise positioning," Wang Zhenjun replied: "But it only takes two hours from Yanjing to Lucheng. There are several stops in the middle. When I stop, I can find a way. Positioning. I think Yang Qingyin will never fly to the sky without a trace in two hours. If I come to Lucheng, it will be easier for you to find them."

After thinking about it, Luo Ziling also felt that what Wang Zhenjun said was reasonable, and agreed to let him come to Lucheng.

Forty minutes later, Luo Ziling arrived at Zibo Station.

Zibo is also a well-known city in Ru Province, but Luo Ziling is not interested in taking a glance at the city.

Before he left the high-speed rail station, he took the northbound high-speed rail to Lucheng.

The high-speed rail ticket is still paid by the flight attendant after boarding.

On the way Luo Ziling returned from Zbo North, Wang Zhenjun once again gave Luo Ziling the position of Yang Qingyin.

"Comrade Young Master, the mobile phones of Yang Qingyin and Ye Xiaoli are fixed at one point, and they haven't moved for at least five minutes. I took a look and found that there is a five-star hotel near that place called Qilu Hotel. If I expected If yes, they should live there."

"Okay!" Luo Ziling was very excited by the news that Wang Zhenjun gave. He immediately ordered Wang Zhenjun to find a way to get the list of guests of Qilu Hotel. Of course, just make sure that Yang Qingyin and Ye Xiaoli are staying there.

Wang Zhenjun naturally agreed.

When Luo Ziling just got off the train at Lucheng Station, Wang Zhenjun called again and excitedly reported the latest situation to Luo Ziling.

"Comrade Young Master, Yang Qingyin and Ye Xiaoli did indeed stay in Qilu Hotel. Their room number is 1516. At present, their mobile phone positioning has not moved and should be in the room."

"Great," Luo Ziling became even more excited, pulling his luggage and quickly heading towards the exit.

He even forgot that he didn't eat lunch.

Lucheng is the capital of Shandong Province and a very famous city. Famous scenic spots such as Daming Lake and Baotu Spring have been heard in Luo Ziling for a long time, but it is a pity that Luo Ziling is the first time to come to this famous city. He had no idea about the situation in this city, because he didn't plan to come here, so he didn't do any homework before leaving. After leaving the station, he couldn't tell the direction, so he could only call a taxi.

What makes him depressed is that the high-speed rail station is a long way from Qilu Hotel, and it takes at least 30 minutes by taxi.

Along the way, Luo Ziling was distraught and urged the driver to speed up, he was in a hurry.

The driver was a little impatient when he was destroyed. Looking at his handsomeness, he couldn't help being jealous and deliberately detoured for a while.

He drove for fifty minutes abruptly for the journey that could be reached in thirty minutes.

Luo Ziling originally didn't know the driver was detouring and then received a call from Wang Zhenjun, saying that the trajectory of his mobile phone seemed to be detouring, and asked him what was going on.

Only then did Luo Ziling learn that he had been fooled by the driver and was very angry at the moment, and scolded the taxi driver severely.

The taxi driver was a big and rough Qilu man. He was not afraid of Luo Ziling's curse. After the car stopped, he got out of the car and cursed Luo Ziling. As a result, Luo Ziling was shocked after grabbing him by the neck and lifting him directly, and he quickly begged for mercy.

Luo Ziling didn't care about it either. After throwing a fifty yuan bill, he broke into the lobby directly regardless of whether the fare was enough.

He did not go to the front desk to register, but directly took the elevator to Room 1516 where Yang Qingyin and Ye Xiaoli lived.

While waiting for the elevator, Luo Ziling called Wang Zhenjun and once again confirmed that Yang Qingyin and Ye Xiaoli were positioned at his current position. After he did not move any more, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After getting out of the elevator, I came to Room 1516 at the fastest speed, took two deep breaths, suppressed the excitement in my heart, and reached out and rang the doorbell.


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