The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 837: You are not so cheap

..Urban Junior Doctor

I don't know if it was because I didn't sleep well last night or was still in a bad mood, Yang Qingyin obviously had no appetite.

Luo Ziling ordered all the dishes she liked, but she ate very little.

She yawned a few times while eating.

Seeing this, Luo Ziling couldn't help feeling distressed, and his resentment towards Ouyang Huihui added another layer.

He decided that after returning to Yanjing, he would find Ouyang Huihui to settle the account.

He could only keep saying good things, coaxing Yang Qingyin, trying to coax her happy.

Yang Qingyin eats very little, and Luo Ziling has no appetite no matter how she persuades her. In the end, Luo Ziling can only decide to pack some dishes that Yang Qingyin likes to eat, and bring some food. When she goes back to sleep and wakes up, she feels better. , Give her something to eat again, or take her out for supper.

When checking out and leaving, Luo Ziling found angrily that Yang Xiaodong and Wang Zhenjun, the two guys, really put their dinner bills on him because they didn't bring any money.

"Comrade Young Master, we will definitely not bother you tonight, and Ye Xiaoli won't show up. You don't have a problem with what you want to do." When leaving, Yang Xiaodong still said something trivially with Luo Ziling. When he said these words , That expression is really awkward.

When Yang Qingyin left, his face was cold again, but that was only revealed after seeing Yang Xiaodong and Wang Zhenjun.

"Where to play?" Luo Ziling suggested in a low voice when he walked out of the hotel.

"No," Yang Qingyin refused categorically. "I'm going back to sleep, I'm so sleepy."

"Well," Luo Ziling did not insist, "I will accompany you back."

Yang Qingyin ignored it, and Gu Zi walked forward.

Luo Ziling hurriedly followed and took Yang Qingyin's shoulders.

The weather was very cold, Lucheng was wetter than Yanjing, so the feeling of cold was even worse, Yang Qingyin shrank subconsciously when she walked out of the hotel. When Luo Ziling hugged her on his generous chest, he buttoned the top button of the trench coat for her.

This little movement made Yang Qingyin feel a little more comfortable, so he didn't break his body away, Ren Luo Ziling hugged her.

As he walked back, Luo Ziling kept talking, but Yang Qingyin ignored it, and Luo Ziling didn't care.

Soon after returning to the hotel, Yang Qingyin pushed Luo Ziling out again when he opened the door with the room key.

"You go, go back to the hotel where you live, don't disturb my sleep."

Of course Luo Ziling ignored Yang Qingyin and walked into the room.

When the door slammed shut, he had already carried Yang Qingyin onto the bed.

Before Yang Qingyin got up, Luo Ziling's body was pressed down.

"Or, take a shower first, and I'll squeeze it for you," Luo Ziling looked at Yang Qingyin condescendingly and whispered.

"No, I don't want you by my side," Yang Qingyin pursed her mouth slightly, looking aggrieved.

But when she saw Luo Ziling's injured mouth, she still couldn't help but want to laugh, abruptly holding back.

At this time, Luo Ziling's cell phone rang, and when he saw that it was sent by Ouyang Feifei, he hesitated for a moment, and then picked it up.

"Ziling, where are you?" Ouyang Feifei's slightly gentle voice came from the phone.

Luo Ziling glanced at Yang Qingyin attentively, and asked Ouyang Feifei, "I'm not in school, what's the matter?"

"Hui Hui did a stupid thing last night, I asked her today, and she told the story. If you have time, come and talk together, she is here with me." Ouyang Feifei's tone of speech did not change. "I will let Wang Qing come to pick you up."

"I have something right now, you can tell me on the phone," Luo Ziling breathed a sigh of relief as Ouyang Feifei said so, the feeling of guilty conscience disappeared.

"Let’s say it in person, if you don’t have time today, then tomorrow." Ouyang Feifei’s tone softened a little, "She is just being cautious. After falling in love with you, she is angry that you and Yang Qingyin are so close, not only using your phone Sent a message and a photo to Yang Qingyin, and also sent me a message and photo. She has admitted that she was wrong, and I hope she can apologize to you and Yang Qingyin in person."

"I don't apologize to them," Ouyang Huihui's angry and angry voice came from the phone, "Sister, don't talk to him, then I will ask him to explain it myself, so leave it alone."

"Tell Ouyang Huihui, I'm waiting for her to take the initiative to explain." After Luo Ziling breathed a sigh of relief, he was unwilling to say anything to Ouyang Feifei in front of Yang Qingyin: "Yang Qingyin is missing, I am full now. The world looks for her, and after I find her, I will contact you again."

Ouyang Feifei on the other end of the phone was surprised and immediately asked, "Do you want me to help?"

"No," Luo Ziling refused directly, "Let's do this first, I'm busy, then talk."

After speaking, she hung up without waiting for Ouyang Feifei to respond.

Ouyang Feifei couldn't think that Luo Ziling would not accept her love, and felt a little wronged and angry.

Of course, she immediately spread her anger on Ouyang Huihui.

"If you do this, even if you succeed, what can you get?" Ouyang Feifei looked at Ouyang Huihui coldly, and said unceremoniously: "You think that after this matter, Luo Ziling will care about you and treat you as a friend. Did you destroy everything."

"Aren't you afraid that he will anger you?" Ouyang Huihui looked at Ouyang Feifei with disdain, "Unfortunately, I didn't have enough energy last night, otherwise, I had cooked the uncooked rice last night. I got him. For the first time, I was better than you. Humph!"

"I will tell Grandpa about this," Ouyang Feifei said with a cold face, "You can explain it to Grandpa by yourself then."

When I heard Ouyang Feifei wanted to tell her Ouyang Huihui suddenly panicked.

But after thinking about it, I got hardened and said, "Just tell, tell me, and I will be kicked out of the house. Humph, if that's the case, I will fall for myself, and fool around with different boys every day, which will tarnish the reputation of Ouyang's family. , See what you do."

"If you are willing to fall so self-contained, then I can't help it," Ouyang Feifei ignored Ouyang Huihui's threats, "When Luo Ziling comes back, I will explain to him with you. I hope this matter will not affect our Ouyang family. The relationship with the Luo family."

"I will explain to him myself, I don't need your company." Ouyang Huihui's stubborn temper also rose.

"No, I must be with me."

"You don't need it, you don't need it," Ouyang Huihui looked at Ouyang Feifei angrily, without giving way, "You can't compete with Yang Qingyin, so why throw your anger on me? You think I'm cheap, and you're not the same. ?"

Ouyang Huihui's words changed Ouyang Feifei's expression instantly.


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