The Zombie Emperor Of Doomsday

075 Zerg Army, Move Out! 【Today’S Third Update】

Originally, Yang Yi was in the hands of Lin An, which caused Lin Si to be a bit defensive. Now seeing that Lin An's strength is not at the same level as him, this excellent ace pilot didn't know what to do at this moment.

Lin An killed Pang Hai instantly with just one hand, which shows that his power is boundless.

The fact that he resisted Linsi's thunder fist showed that his defense was incredible.

Kicking away Zhao Qingyun, who was the fastest, it showed that Lin An's reaction and speed were far superior to them.

These analyzes appeared in Yang Yi's mind almost instantly, and she even remembered Wang Ke's analysis of Lin An, an all-around zombie who far surpasses her peers in every aspect!

How to kill such a monster? The nuclear bomb didn't kill him. He should have been at the center of the explosion!

Suddenly, Yang Yi felt that Wang Ke's exaggerated analysis might have underestimated Lin An. His father was probably killed by him because he underestimated Lin An. Such a 24 existence appeared on the opposite side of the Chinese human race. It is a disaster for China.

"What are you still doing? Come on together!" Zhao Qingyun, who was kicked away, was holding his abdomen, his expression was distorted by pain, and he was yelling at thousands of evolved people.

"Lins, leave me alone. We must kill him tonight at all costs!" Yang Yi suddenly came to her senses and issued an ironclad order to Lin An and the Evolutionary soldiers she brought.

"Captain Yang... I understand!" Lin Si glanced at Yang Yi with a complex expression, then nodded heavily and left.

"Compared to the total of 300,000 evolutionaries among you, who do you think is more powerful than a nuclear bomb?" Lin An sneered, looking at the thousands of evolutionaries around him [including fifth-level evolutionaries].

Even Li Qiu is among them. He has reached the level of a fifth-level evolver. To say that this Li Qiu is really low-key in the magic city. He refused Wang Qing's solicitation and joined Yang Yi instead.

With some benefits given to him by Yang Yi, he has grown the team he brought from Lan Jing a lot, and now the name Li Qiu is somewhat famous in the Magic City.

This guy also had a feud with Lin An. After all, his lover Liu Yiqi almost died in Lin An's hands, but without Lin An, Li Qiu wouldn't be where he is now.


Suddenly, Lin An took a hard step with his right foot, and the entire mountain top shook violently due to his huge force. Then, a field of white bones suddenly covered the ground within a range of nearly 100 meters, and there was no trace of it.

Huge bone spurs emerged from it.

Some of the weak evolutionaries who had no time to dodge were pierced by bone spurs in the blink of an eye and died on the spot.

Lin An grabbed the bone spurs on the ground, pulled them out one by one, and then threw them wildly at the crowd of thousands of evolvers.

Although he held Yang Yi with both arms broken in one hand, it did not affect the speed of his throwing at all. In just a few breaths, the sky was full of white bone spurs with sonic booms, like a violent storm, attacking thousands of evolved people. more than.


A sound similar to that of chopping a watermelon kept ringing. Anyone who was not a speed evolver below level five would not be able to resist Lin An's bone spurs.

In one encounter, nearly a thousand evolvers died, and the remaining evolvers such as Li Qiu were so frightened that they backed away.

To a certain extent, human beings have advantages over zombies, such as technological and military weapons, but they are not as good in some aspects. Human nature is inherently selfish. Being selfish means being afraid of death. If you are afraid of death, you cannot unite together.

Especially when facing the situation where he didn't know how to kill Lin An at the moment, he was so frightened by Lin An throwing bone spurs that he didn't dare to move forward at all. Even Zhao Qingyun was a little nervous.

Speed ​​evolvers are generally very confident in their ability to escape, but after Zhao Qingyun was kicked by Lin An, he had no such idea in his mind at the moment.

It is not that the evolvers in the Magic City have no escape route. The escape route is Yanjing.

If Lin An shows too much crushing force, it is impossible to guarantee that these evolved people will just leave the ordinary humans in the magic city and run to Yanjing. After all, there are still a minority who are not afraid of death. If they are afraid of death and have a way out, the evolvers in the magic city are somewhat discouraged.

Yang Yi didn't know this. She originally thought that the advantage in numbers would embolden her courage, but she didn't expect that Lin An would frighten the thousands of evolutionaries who dared not step forward as soon as they met Lin An.

The main reason is that Lin An's performance is so powerful that people are too desperate. How can anyone directly kill a sixth-level evolver in an instant? Now Pang Hai's blood is hot.

When other evolvers saw this scene, they felt that the sixth-level evolvers were instantly killed, so what could they do.

Even if the world gives them powerful evolutionary genes, the fear hidden deep in their bones will not be eliminated. "Song has people who are desperate and unconcerned about reality and will not be afraid of anything.

"Tsk, a bunch of trash." Lin An couldn't help but smacked his mouth when he saw this bunch of ridiculous evolvers.

If any level five evolvers dared to attack him just now, he would break 033's hands and feet and collect them into corpses.

There is also a sixth-level evolver in the magic city, but judging from the abilities of Lin Si and Zhao Qingyun, the last mysterious evolver is probably not much better.

Lin An also felt that there was no need to wait any longer. It was best not to give them time to gather together the morale of the army that had been shattered by the killing.

As a result, Lin An directly used her spirit to issue orders to Chongchong at the bottom of the mountain, asking her to dispatch the Zerg army to capture the magic city.

This order is mainly aimed at the evolvers within the steel city wall. Lin An, an ordinary human outside the city, will ask Chong Chong to divide a part of the blood beetles to surround them and prevent them from escaping. They will not kill ordinary humans for the time being, because killing them would be too difficult. It's useless. Letting about three million humans survive in this doomsday and serve as hostages can also prevent the Yanjing government from simply launching another nuclear bomb.

If Yanjing insists on launching nuclear bombs again, then Lin An can only praise Yanjing and praise them for being ruthless. Who knows that he has no way to deal with this aspect now.

As soon as the order was given, the entire ground began to buzz and tremble, and then large numbers of bloody beetles, each the size of a human head, emerged from the ground.

The sudden appearance of hundreds of millions of Zerg armies is simply despairing!

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