The Zombie Emperor Of Doomsday

0107 Genetic Modifiers From The United States [Second Update Today]

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, just now, invaders from China landed in Nagasaki. Nagasaki... fell within a few minutes! Once Nagasaki fell, Fukuoka, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki and other prefectures were relatively poorly defended. , it is estimated that they will fall one after another!”

In Tokyo, Japan, a middle-aged officer with a dignified appearance walked into the Prime Minister's Office of Shinzo Abe. He was dressed meticulously in military uniform and had a light beard. Although his tone was trying to be calm at the moment, there was a knot on his forehead. Sweating.

If the whole of Japan is divided into four sections, it would be Nagasaki to Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu to Fukui/Nagoya, Nagoya to Hirosaki, and Hirosaki to Wakkanai.

From Kitakyushu to Nagoya lies Osaka, where nearly two million ordinary humans currently live.

The section from Nagoya to Hirosaki contains Tokyo, the capital of Japan. Today, most Japanese humans and evolutionists live in this section. As for the section from Hirosaki to Wakkanai, there are almost only a few soldiers guarding it, and the country has not yet been fully guarded. The cleaned zombies are slowly removed.

The population density of zombies in Japan is extremely high, but because of this, it will be easier to eliminate them. Unlike China, which has a vast territory, many people, and various complex terrains, the creatures there are far more than those in Japan. If you want to eliminate the zombies in Huayuan, It's definitely not a simple matter.

However, it is worth mentioning that the high-level zombies in Japan do not seem to have reached level seven. Zombies that have not reached level seven actually pose a much smaller threat.

"Bastard!" After Prime Minister Anbei heard the report from the middle-aged officer Akao Hisae, his face was so gloomy that he could shed tears, and he couldn't restrain the rage in his heart and started to curse.

"He Huaxia is crazy! If he attacks our country at this time, aren't we afraid of international sanctions?" An Bei had veins popping up on his forehead and clenched his fists tightly, looking extremely excited.

"The Ministry of National Defense has begun urgently contacting the United States and other countries to prepare to issue a warning to China as soon as possible. If China insists on invading Japan, the other permanent members of the United Nations will never sit idly by and do nothing. What we have to do now is to try our best to stop them. The progress of the invasion. Akao Hisae put his feet together, stood at attention and performed a military salute, and took the initiative to ask for help with a solemn expression,

"I formally request Your Excellency the Prime Minister to allow me to lead the country's elite evolvers to stop the invaders from China. Judging from the intelligence just obtained, the enemies are not only the evolvers, but also a large number of bloody giant worms and marine creatures. It is initially estimated that some of the enemies may There will be evolvers with the same ability as Shiraishi-kun."

"No, you stay first. It's too late to move out now. We can only abandon the Kitakyushu area. Fortunately, there are not many people there. Shimonoseki is the key to our defense!"

Kitakyushu is separated from Shimonoseki by an inland sea. If you want to land at Shimonoseki, the second section of the invasion of Japanese territory from Kitakyushu to Nagoya, you must land at Shimonoseki.

This Anbei Jinsi must have immediately sent more manpower to strictly guard Xiaguan.

"In addition, let the air force dispatch fighter planes to fight back!"

"But they have a flying sea creature, and the air force's combat capability may be greatly reduced [or even worse, it will be destroyed if it fails to exert its combat power!" Akao Hisae reminded again at the moment.

It seems that Lin An still didn't take any action, otherwise it would be impossible for Akao Hisae not to know his existence.


At this moment, the office door was suddenly pushed open, and a short young man wearing glasses ran in in a panic.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, just now Cai Xia issued a statement internationally, saying that their magical city of China has been occupied by reactionary elements outside the government not long ago. Those who are now invading Japan are not under the instruction of China, saying that these people let us Japan will deal with it!" The little young man took a deep breath before speaking clearly.

"Not from the Chinese government?" An Bai heard this and sneered again and again.

"So far, no Chinese warships have been found, and not even thermal weapons have appeared, but the number of evolvers has reached one hundred thousand." The little young man scratched his hair nervously and said.

"What do the United States and other countries say?"

"Currently...there is no response yet!" The little young man lowered his head and said bravely, "Not a single country has responded."


Jingle bell bell~

Just when Anbei was about to get angry again, the phone on his desk rang at the right time.

When I picked up the phone, it was a transfer call from the American State Secretary.

"Your Excellency Anbei, although we really want to put pressure on China, but at present their rhetoric is all blamed on the reactionaries, and we have no way at the moment. But I can guarantee on behalf of the United States that if China deliberately lies, then the price of their comeback will be It will be extremely disastrous," Michelle said straight to the point.

"You don't have to explain!"


"It seems that Your Excellency Anbei is having quite a headache at the moment. They are just a group of reactionaries from China. They probably have national hatred for Japan and have taken the initiative to fight against them. Hiss~ this... Could it be that Your Excellency Anbei's country Now you can’t even deal with a group of reactionaries, right?”

"If you don't worry about it, we will naturally be able to solve it." An Bei replied with a cold face.

"That's good, that's good. Calculating the time, our people should arrive in Japan soon. There are a total of twenty fighter planes. I don't know how many will be left after arriving safely. This time we take the initiative to give it to Mr. Anbei. You must try the genetically modified medicine carefully."

"Your people? By the way, you seemed to have said that a genetically modified evolver would come to Japan?"

"Not one, there are five in total, led by Agent Denton. Oh, by the way, Mr. Anbei can definitely try their strength. I think after seeing their strength, you will be interested in our genetic medicine. of."

"It better be."

"Well, goodbye, Your Excellency Anbei."

After hanging up the phone, Anbei's face still looked extremely gloomy.

He looked at Akao Hisae, narrowed his eyes, and said: "Use missiles to conduct a large-scale bombing of the area south of Kitakyushu, and abandon that area!"


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