The Zombie Emperor Of Doomsday

0109 Agent Denton Will Not Disappoint The Prime Minister [Fourth Update]

The United States began to conduct genetic research shortly after the outbreak of the doomsday, and their genetic modification is mainly aimed at evolvers. The effect is naturally developed towards the development of the potential of evolvers, but at present, there are also defects.

That is, there are difficult problems in terms of emotions and life span. In other words, it is difficult for genetically modified evolvers to control their own rationality, and once they go berserk, it will be a big trouble.

In addition, due to the great stimulation of genetic modification drugs, the life span of evolvers is decreasing, and even weak and low-level evolvers may die of aging in a short period of time after taking them.

The helicopter in the United States is Louise, the right-hand woman assistant of Millie, a biological gene research expert in the United States. The goal of coming to the United States this time is to use Japanese evolvers to improve this genetic modification drug.

Of course, this will definitely not be the condition for the United States to help Japan. 24 It is estimated that there will be some agreements in it.

Even as Lin An thought, the country may not really be willing to treat Japan as a colony.

Looking at the entire modern world history, only the former Soviet Union, Japan, and the United States could not control their lower bodies after the war, and they were not good things.

Agent Denton is the most successful example in this genetic modification research. His success began by chance. The same research and the same gene dosage on other people can't achieve the effect that Agent Denton can achieve.

It can be said without hesitation that the source of Agent Denton's power is his own anger. He is a real American version of the Hulk.

The degree to which his anger can burn is the degree to which his power can reach.

At present, Denton is only a level 6 evolver, but the power he shows is estimated to be no weaker than that of an ordinary level 7 evolver. If this kind of genetic modification is really a result of American research, it is really possible that the United States will dominate the world.

Seeing Agent Denton running towards Lin An angrily, Louise in the helicopter popped her head out and shouted: "Oh no, Agent Denton, you can't act so rashly.

Denton seemed not to hear and continued to run away.

Louise looked anxious, and suddenly her expression changed. She shouted at Denton who was about to disappear: "Agent Denton, didn't you say you were going to see your daughter Aisha? Come back!"

"Ai... Aisha... Aisha ah ah!!!" Denton paused, muttered to himself, and then shouted wildly.

The rumbling sound of the earth gradually subsided, and Agent Denton regained some composure and walked back to the direction of the helicopter [calling his daughter's name.

This time Lin An did not chase after him. He was ready to move with the main force and would never leave the place easily. After all, he brought not only 100,000 evolvers this time, but also his women and 20 little lolita to be raised.

He did not need to be anxious, and he did not want to be away from the place for a long time. He would not like to see the little lolita get hurt again.

So, Lin An continued to command his army of evolvers to kill all the Japanese evolvers who had not been killed yet.

Looking at Louise, she had already understood the situation before landing in Tokyo, Japan. It turned out that the evolvers from China attacked.

Millie was very important to the United States, so it was impossible for her to come to Japan in person, so she only sent her right-hand assistant Louise to Japan to test the effect of the new gene drug.

The new gene modification drug is not a one-time drug. It is as easy to make evolvers addicted as drugs. If they take it for a long time, they will be completely dependent on the gene drug and it will be easier to control.

So It seems that the United States has a real ulterior motive this time. It is not targeting the entire border of Japan, but the domestic evolvers. After all, they also understand that the world will not be dominated by ordinary humans in the future, but by the evolvers who have already begun to evolve.

The children born by ordinary humans are still ordinary humans. According to the theory of species evolution, in a long period of time, it is very likely that there will be no ordinary humans on the earth!

An Bei urgently met with this group of people from China, but he directly proposed to let them show the effect of the genetic medicine. The test subjects are naturally Lin An.

Louise was extremely confident in Denton's strength, and she was so arrogant that she agreed directly.

When the American group set out, there were fifty people, including ten level six evolvers, but only thirty people arrived in Japan safely, and three level six evolvers died, and ten fighter planes were destroyed.

However, five of the evolvers who participated in genetic modification survived.

Louise's idea was very simple, just to show the effect of the genetic medicine, and she would not do her best to help Japan overcome the so-called Chinese evolver crisis.

He 680 just needed to let Denton show his true strength. "The other four genetically modified evolvers didn't even have to take action.

"Agent Denton, I'm very sorry to tell you that your daughter Aisha is now in the hands of a group of evil people and her life may be in danger at any time. "What else do you need to find a reason for Denton to take action? Louise directly brought up someone's daughter.

"Where is she! Where is she! Didn't you say my daughter is in Japan?" Denton seemed a little irritable when he heard the news about his daughter.

"There!" Louise pointed in the distance, pointing to the direction where Lin An was.

In fact, before arriving, the United States had asked Japan to prepare a little girl of similar age in advance, and plastic surgery to make her look like Denton's daughter, but deliberately made her a vegetable. As long as Denton wanted his daughter to wake up, he had to listen to the United States.

And Denton's daughter, Elsa, had already died.

Denton, who couldn't wait to rescue his daughter, immediately went to where Lin An was to "save" his daughter!

"Don't worry, Agent Denton will not let the Prime Minister down." Before getting on the helicopter, Louise said to An Bei Jinsi with confidence.

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