Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 692: Ginger is old and spicy

Chapter 692

Savage, his master may not take it seriously.

But the little girl Fu Bao, his master must be very caring.

"Master, don't you want to see Fubao?"

"Don't change the subject for me!"

Zhao Bingzhen directly gave Zhao Rui a blank eye, "You are all left over from my play."

"Longxi Mansion, let's wait a few days before going by, it's not too late."

"It's Jiannan Mansion, you say it's very peaceful, but I think it's the tranquility before the storm!"

Zhao Bingzhen has been studying the Road of Fortune from a very early age, mixing sand into the Road of Fortune, and stuffing the dead.

In his opinion, the Path of Fate may seem weak, but in fact, it is almost impossible to completely destroy the Path of Fate.

Because, I am afraid that it is the master of Jieyun Dao, and I don’t know how many disciples there are in Jieyun Dao.

Jieyundao has always been jealous by the court. Since the founding father of the Tang Dynasty, Jieyundao has become an underground rat. In order to survive, many people have hidden their identities. Even if they accept disciples, they are secretive.

This time, the path of calamity established the country, although many disciples of the clergy of the path of calamity rushed to Jiannan Mansion, but there are still many people who are still hiding in the dark.

After all, there are some people who are optimistic about the issue of the road to the establishment of a country, and some people are not optimistic about it.

Although Zhao Rui was following Zhao Bingxi, his understanding of the path of misfortune was much worse than that of Zhao Bingxi.

In the end, Zhao Rui, who could not persuade his master, could only temporarily live with Zhao Bingxuan in Bacheng.

And on the third day when the two were resting in Qingping Building, Bacheng, when Zhao Rui went to the front lobby to call for breakfast in the morning, he suddenly noticed that there were a lot of new faces in the inn.

"Fifth Lord, breakfast is ready, do you need to deliver it for you now?"

The little second of the running hall saw Zhao Rui come down and hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.


Zhao Rui didn't immediately ask what was going on, but it was clear that something was going to happen.

He quickly took the patron’s second child back to the back yard with food. He had to quickly tell his master about the abnormal situation.

Sure enough, **** is old and spicy.

Zhao Rui really admires his master at this time. With this vision and foresight, when can he develop it?

In the elegant courtyard behind the Qingping Building, Zhao Bingzhen is punching leisurely, seemingly slow to maintain health, but in the eyes of experts, Zhao Bingzhen’s moves, as long as the speed is a little faster, the strength is Bigger, these moves are murder moves.

"Master, it's time for breakfast!"

Zhao Rui greeted his master.

Hearing Zhao Rui's shouting, Zhao Bingzhen didn't immediately stop the action in his hand, but waited for the full set of action rehearsal to be completed, and then slowly closed his hand.

When Zhao Bingzhen arrived at the table, the breakfast temperature was just right.

"Master, there are a lot of new faces outside!"

"I listened, the accent is everywhere, not from the same place!"

After Zhao Bingzhen took his seat, Zhao Rui first informed Zhao Bingzhen of what he had seen outside, "Master, it seems that you are still great, Jiannan Mansion, something is really going to happen!"

"Knowing that something is about to happen, don't you hurry to eat?"

Zhao Bingzhen snorted, "Hurry up, go to Li Gan when you're full, tell him about the situation here, and let him be prepared."

"Master, if Li Gan takes action over there, what if he gets rid of the grass and scares the snake?"

"If you can stun the snake, that would be great!"

Zhao Bingzhen sighed, "Jie Yundao's move this time is definitely not a trivial trouble."

"You can find anomalies in this city, and Li Gan might have found something too."

"This also means that Jieyundao is not afraid to expose their purpose at all. In other words, Jieyundao must be thunderous in this time."

When Zhao Bingzhen said this, he didn't say much.

The next is the critical time.

As long as Li Gan's people are not crushed by touch, then he will be able to turn the tide.

The way to turn the tide is even simpler, and that is to capture the thieves and the king. As long as the person in charge of the Jieyun Road in Bacheng is resolved, no matter how many people come to the Jieyun Road, and what kind of conspiracy, it will be nothing.

It's just that Jie Yundao's attack will cause much trauma to Jiannan Mansion, but it is not known.

The chaos in Bacheng broke out abruptly.

From when Zhao Rui found out that there were a lot of outsiders in Bacheng, to the outbreak of chaos, there was not even time for a meal.

Even Qingping Building, which has many guards, was almost burned by these outsiders. But the various tables, chairs and benches in the lobby of Qingping Building were ruined.

Most of the shops on the street were destroyed, and countless goods were looted in the chaos.

Although Li Gan dispatched the army to suppress it immediately, there were too many people in the chaos, and there was no obvious way to distinguish it, so that these mobs could always get mixed with the fleeing crowd and then make chaos in other places.

"Women's benevolence!"

When Zhao Bingzhen came out of Qingping Tower and saw that the whole city of Bacheng was in chaos, he saw that the army's suppression method was too gentle, and he jumped with anger.

"Old man, wealthy Hou Zhao Bingzhen!"

"Wu Chenghou is the old man's nephew!"

"Listen to the old man's order, no one on the street is allowed to walk, warn those who don't follow the order three times, kill!"

Under the avalanche, no snowflake is innocent.

In the current chaos in Bacheng, how many of those seemingly innocent people are really innocent?

After all, the number of thugs is limited, and the people who looted those shops are more of the people who run hastily on the streets.

They, invisibly, became the accomplices of the mob.

And because they themselves more or less robbed something out of greed, they were naturally afraid of being caught by the officers and soldiers, so they had to flee in a hurry and became an excellent cover for the mob to hide their identity.

Zhao Bingzhen stood up, and this cruel instruction was quickly spread.

The chaotic Bacheng was stained with blood at this moment.

There were thugs who fell under the swords and guns of the soldiers, and there were also people who were thinking of the law and not blaming the people.

But because of this killing, the chaos in Bacheng was brought under control at an extremely fast speed.

Those thugs, because they have lost the cover of the fleeing people, can no longer create new turmoil in the flow, and can only stand honestly against the wall and wait for their identities.

For those who are in doubt, the only result is to be sent to dig pits.

As for those who might be wronged?

Master Zhao Er said, bad luck, this is fate, if you want to blame, blame God!

As for the people who participated in the looting of shops during the riots, they will all be sentenced to a certain period of labor.

Use heavy codes in troubled times!

Such a simple truth is understood by individuals.

(End of this chapter)

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