Therapy Planet No. 13

Vol 2 Chapter 166: I am here




In an instant, while Lui was pushed back by the huge shock wave, countless similar synonyms flashed through her mind.

But none of them could accurately describe the phenomenon she was judging with at the moment.

With a bang, some of the weapons that were the first to complete the adjustment had already smashed a big hole in the starship.

The self-destructing attack made the red-lighting automatic alarm hum like crazy.

At the same time as the first batch of artillery fire, with only a millisecond difference, Lu Yi finally recovered a little of his mental energy and roared out.

If this silent war were to be seen, countless psychic tentacles forcibly broke into the root system of the starship's manipulation in an instant.

Although the source of the other party is unknown, this is essentially the same as the common way in contemporary cosmic warfare.

In the final analysis, it is an act of seizing control.

After all, with the discovery of spiritual thresholds, contemporary warfare, life, work... Any situation that requires the use of Xingwang equipment is essentially to make the user's spiritual power strong enough to match the system - no matter what system, the higher the degree of matching , the greater the control.

Of course, ordinary life projectors or household robots do not need much mental power, the root system is enough to support their automatic operation, as long as a little mental power is input to connect to the star network, it is like connecting them to the Internet in the old earth era In the same way, they will become "intelligent".

Even if the StarNet is disconnected, such as a floor sweeping robot, some basic cleaning work can still be done through the control of the root system by pressing buttons or mental force - but, apart from the public system of the StarNet, if the user's own mental control ability Not so precise, and the robot would be more or less clumsy.

And if the phenomenon just now is compared with the system of the old earth era, it is somewhat similar to the infection behavior of a certain virus to all the machines using the star network.

They manipulate intelligent systems to make certain behaviors, but after all, they are fundamentally different from computers in the old earth.

If the mental threshold is strong enough and used properly, it can build a defense system in time, or simply "drive" it out of the root system, then it can take back control of it.

It's a struggle that tests spirit and will.

Fortunately, Lu Yi did not participate in the cracking of Sanxingdui, and the decision to use Armi as a transfer station gave her a little more time to recover.

The most important thing is that the military starship is a dual system mode of star net and military - which means that not only is she familiar enough with "old friends", but she can use another system as an entry point, which saves her A lot of effort.

The confrontation of power is only for a moment.

In almost a breath, Lui's mental net tightly clung to his root system, and drove the virus-like kill order out of this starship!

"Louis, are you alright?"

After regaining control of the starship, Angel's inquiry sounded from the communication channel and in his mind at the same time.

The former is a delay, and the automatically recorded message played just stepped on the latter's timeline.

Lu Yi shook his head, his lips were a little pale, but the overall look was not bad: "It's okay."

She looked at the hole that had just been punched in the cockpit. Fortunately, it didn't hit an important part, and the construction material of the military starship was a little more stable than ordinary materials, so the danger was not too big.

After the control was restored, the automatic repair device had begun to slowly piece together the holes.

"I'm close, let me in." Angel's voice sounded from the communicator.

Only then did Lu Yi notice that Angel had shortened the distance at some point - she guessed that she might have used a device such as a hyperdrive just now - otherwise, it would be impossible to sail to her in such a short period of time.

She hurriedly opened the hatch for Angel, and the other party was only on an ordinary civilian single-person starship. It was more appropriate to say that it was a private aircraft rather than a starship.

I don't know how the owner modified it and forcibly improved the performance of this small aircraft to barely supply space travel.

After closing the hatch, Lu Yi ran to the docking cabin to meet Angel without saying a word.

Lu Yi had just stepped down the last steps, and his mental power controlled the command system to precisely drag this aircraft, which seemed to be swept away by the high-energy particle storm at any time, into a fixed orbit.

The aircraft floats, snaps, and disintegrates.

The hatch is pushed open.

Angel fell into Lu Yi's arms like a whirlwind.

She rubbed against Lu Yi's neck like a kitten, almost greedily sniffing the scent of her body, and muttered, "I miss you so much! I finally see you! Did you miss me?"

Lui: "…"

She didn't let go, but Angel's rushing force made her hold her back two steps in a row, and she was even forced to turn twice before the inertia completely dissipated.

Angel slapped Lu Yi like an octopus.

After standing still, Lu Yi snorted lightly from his nose.

"Did you say an 'um' just now?" Angel was chasing after him.

Lui didn't answer.

"Isn't it?!"

Angel put his whole body on Lu Yi, leaning on her shoulders and approaching him, a series of criticisms made her tone seem aggressive, as if he would bite Lu Yi's neck into a circle of bright red teeth marks in the next second.

Lu Yi's throat moved, and as soon as Angel appeared, she clearly felt a paleness of excessive prostration all over her body, and her breath was so weak that she seemed to faint at any time.

Angel bit Lui's neck fiercely, raised his chin slightly, pulled a little distance, and the tip of his nose was facing each other.

The goblin's red eyes were full of desire that was about to erupt.


Lu Yi wrapped his hands around Angel's waist tightly, almost wanting to melt him into his body, and lightly moved forward.

She sealed her lips.

"I miss you."

Louie rarely speaks about feelings or even any emotion.

It was the first time that she showed her emotions so clearly, even if her voice was a little low, even if her timbre was still confined to the range of these unfamiliar emotions, and even if the syllables she spoke were only a few words, it made people feel so incredible.

Angel only felt that he almost died of suffocation due to lack of oxygen.

"You need rest."

For a long, long time, the volcano, which has only been active once in a thousand years, finally let her go.

Lu Yi stared at Angel's eyes with rough breathing, her eyes were full of aggression and possession without any modification, but her remaining rationality still kept her last string, "Your mental state is very unstable. Angel Er, I'm worried about you..." will go crazy.

Angel interrupted Lu Yi: "I've been crazy a long time ago."

Her nails were almost embedded in Lui's flesh.

Angel raised his head, his shining eyes looked at Lu Yi with that eagerness, and with a wicked smirk he reached into Lu Yi's somewhat messy clothes: "Why don't you drive me crazy more thoroughly? ."


The last string snapped.

Lost and found is a wonderful emotion.

Before leaving, he felt that he just didn't want the other party to die, but if he really lingered on the brink of death for a while, and reunited again, he wished that he wanted the other party to die in his arms.

And no matter life or death, they must be intertwined.

Before leaving the cockpit, Louie had re-set the course for the starship.

The rest of the road is easy to walk. Passing through a mature meteorite belt, successively jumping to several new jumping points announced by the dawn - it is said that it used to be a secret trade route of the Federation - and then flying on a peaceful section, you can safely reach the outside world.

The starship sails at a constant speed in the vast universe.

When they came back to their senses, they were already in a rest cabin with half of the walls transparent.

The rest cabin has no lights on, and the universe as a whole has nothing to do with brightness.

Angel is the only light in the darkness.

When Lui carried Angel into the cabin, he didn't know how many times this was the first time.

But each new scene gave her the first novelty.

Some of them are novelties of the scene, but in the final analysis, Lui felt, it was the novelty of feelings.

"Hmm..." Angel made a few vague sounds in his throat. He stepped on Lui's instep with his toes on his toes. He suddenly felt his body light up, and his whole body seemed to be thrown up heavily, and then fell gently again.

On the bed, on the clouds, on a hot heart.

Angel's legs were wrapped around Lui's neck, and her body suddenly arched backwards. She almost lost her voice, like a house cat with a stretched waist, muttering some vague syllables, her toes pushed and half stepped, Step on Lui's back.

The king finally tamed the reckless beast, but sacrificed it with his body.

Louie is the beast that stalks its prey.

Prying open with the tip of the tongue, biting the teeth lightly, the honey is collected bit by bit from the stamens, and the indescribable desire surges up from the bottom of the sea, setting off a stormy sea.

The people who were in it began to lose their minds.

Surrender to the boundless sea of ​​morning light and stars.

"...kill you, kill you, kill you, kill you, kill you..."

Occasionally obsessive words pop up in the whispered syllables.

Angel was trembling all over, and he couldn't tell whether he was knocked down by desire or collapsed due to the confusion in his mind.

Hearing these chaotic words, Lui just silently kissed her pubic bone, up, hip bone, up again, the tip of her tongue circling around her navel, kissing her chest and kissing the corner of her mouth.

Her hands firmly clasped Angel's, her fingers intertwined, her blood thinned with strength, and she pressed Angel, who was almost insane, on the bed.


"Don't be afraid," she whispered in her ear, "I'm here."

Angel suddenly sobbed lowly, as if the strong hatred was replaced by some kind of great sadness. She cried desperately and helplessly, but she didn't dare to make too much noise, so forbeared that people wanted to hold her in her arms.

The starship jolted suddenly.

They entered the meteorite belt.

Countless meteorites receding at a high speed crossed the window.

Or, a shooting star.

Countless meteors passed by in the corner of the eye, and Angel seemed to be excited.

Lu Yi's hand went all the way down the curve, and the crimson he raised was exactly the same as the flames collided with the meteors burning outside the window.

The tide rises and falls again.

In addition to the salty dampness poured into the senses, there are also dense honey and rich fragrance.

Lu Yi carefully guarded his lost and recovered treasure, and his cold eyes were always watching Angel's emotions, for fear that only the last trace of flames would become thinner in the whistling wind.

Lui whispered in her ear over and over again with the waves that went up and down:

"I am here."

"Do not be afraid."

I don't know how long it took, Angel suddenly gave a weak response: "Lu... Lu..."

"Ann." Lu Yi's voice had a kind of soothing magic, "I am, I am here."

"I love you."

Their voices gradually decreased until they disappeared into the denser and denser meteor flames.

The author has something to say: yes, this is the consequence of overusing mental power!

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